Faculty & Senior Academics

View profiles of faculty in the School of Integrative Plant Sciences, or view faculty Section by Section:

debbie aller
Deborah Aller

Senior Extension Associate, Soil Health Program

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Deborah Aller
  • da352 [at] cornell.edu
Daniel Anstett headshot
Daniel Anstett

Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Daniel Anstett
  • dna38 [at] cornell.edu
Landscape genomics
Rapid evolution to climate change
Herbivory and plant defenses
Terry Bates
Terry Bates

Senior Research Associate

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section


Cornell Lake Erie Research and Extension Lab

Cornell AgriTech

Terry Bates
Digital agriculture
Concord (juice grape) production
taryn bauerle
Taryn Bauerle

Professor, Director of Graduate Studies

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Taryn Bauerle
Woody plant root biology and physiological ecology
Water stress
Root herbivory
Adam Bogdanove
Adam Bogdanove


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Adam Bogdanove
Bacterial blight and bacterial leaf streak of rice
Transcription activator-like (TAL) effector proteins
Genome editing and custom gene regulation
Jean Bonhotal
Jean Bonhotal

Senior Extension Associate

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Graduate Student (Buckley Lab)

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Jean Bonhotal
Compost quality and use
Degradation of pharmaceuticals
Beneficial uses for organic residuals
Mark Bridgen
Mark Bridgen


School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Mark Bridgen
Ornamental plant breeding
Cell and tissue culture
Greenhouse floriculture
A smiling woman holds an apple next to more apples piled on a table
Susan Brown


School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Cornell AgriTech

Susan Brown
Plant breeding (apples)
Marker-assisted breeding
Carlyn Buckler
Carlyn Buckler

Associate Professor of Practice

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Carlyn Buckler
  • csb36 [at] cornell.edu
Science communication and digital technologies
Plant genetics
Diversity, equity and inclusion
ed buckler
Edward Buckler

Adjunct Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Edward Buckler
  • esb33 [at] cornell.edu
Quantitative and statistical genetics in maize, cassava, biofuel grasses, and grapes.
Daniel Buckley
Dan Buckley

Soil and Crop Sciences Section Head and Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section



Dan Buckley
Microbial diversity
Bacterial population structure in soils
A mans smiles in front of a brick wall
Lance Cadle-Davidson

Adjunct Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Cornell AgriTech

Lance Cadle-Davidson
Sustainable management of grapevine fungal and oomycete diseases
Host-pathogen co-evolution and disease resistance
Enhanced breeding using genomic tools
Clare Casteel
Clare Casteel

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Clare Casteel
  • clc269 [at] cornell.edu
Plant-virus-vector and plant-insect interactions
Molecular & chemical ecology and soil microbiomes
Healthy agroecosystems, climate resilience and organic farming
Carmen Catala
Carmen Catala

Senior Research Associate

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Carmen Catala
Fruit development
Cell wall modification
Lailiang Cheng
Lailiang Cheng


School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Lailiang Cheng
Sugar/malate metabolism, transport and accumulation and sugar (alcohol) signaling
Uptake, metabolism and transport of mineral nutrients and orchard nutrient management
Jerome Cherney
Jerome Cherney

E.V. Baker Professor of Agriculture

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Jerome Cherney
Profitable management of forage crops
Environmental sustainability
Grass bioenergy
A man stands smiling in a fruit orchard
Kerik Cox

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Cornell AgriTech

Kerik Cox
Orchard fungal ecology
Fungicide resistance
Pesticide stewardship, fruit pathology
William Crepet
William Crepet


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

William Crepet
Plant systematics and phylogeny
Flowering plants
Margery Daughtrey
Margery Daughtrey

Senior Extension Associate

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Margery Daughtrey
Ornamental crop disease management
Greenhouse, nursery and floriculture crops
Walter De Jong
Walter De Jong


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Walter De Jong
Potato breeding and genomics
Molecular genetics
Insect, disease and nematode resistance
Toni Ditommaso headshot
Antonio (Toni) DiTommaso


School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Associate Director

Cornell AES

Antonio (Toni) DiTommaso
Weed ecology and biological weed management
Invasive plant species
Climate change impacts on weed performance and distributions
Jeffrey J Doyle
Jeffrey Doyle


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Jeffrey Doyle
Genome duplication
Comparative genomics
Legume systematics and origin of nodulation
Laurie Drinkwater
Laurie Drinkwater


School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Laurie Drinkwater
Soil quality
Nutrient cycling
Levon Esters
Levon Esters

Adjunct Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Levon Esters
  • lte100 [at] psu.edu
Sarah Evanega
Sarah Evanega

Professor, Boyce Thompson Institute; Adjunct Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Sarah Evanega
Science communications & science advocacy
Diversity & inclusion
Biotechnology, policy & social issues
Gennaro Fazio
Gennaro Fazio

Adjunct Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Cornell AgriTech

Gennaro Fazio
  • gennaro.fazio [at] ars.usda.gov
Plant breeding
Apple rootstocks
Zhangjun Fei
Zhangjun Fei

Adjunct Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Zhangjun Fei
  • zf25 [at] cornell.edu
Computational analysis of large datasets
Modeling regulatory networks
Melanie Filiatrault
Melanie Filiatrault

Courtesy Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Melanie Filiatrault
  • mjf66 [at] cornell.edu
Bacterial plant pathogens
Small non-coding RNAs and RNA binding proteins
Pseudomonas syringae
Margaret Frank
Margaret Frank

Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Margaret Frank
  • mhf47 [at] cornell.edu
Genomics and phenomics tools for trait analysis
Giulia Friso
Giulia Friso

Senior Research Associate/Senior Lecturer

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Giulia Friso
Ethnobotany, plants and health
Plant biochemistry and mass spectrometry
A man in the greenhouse examines grape plants
Marc Fuchs


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Cornell AgriTech

Marc Fuchs
Virus diseases of fruit and vegetable crops
Grape viruses
Plant virus-insect vector interactions
Susheng Gan
Susheng Gan


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Susheng Gan
Plant senescence
Dimensional control of gene expression
Jim Giovannoni
James Giovannoni

Adjunct Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

James Giovannoni
  • jjg33 [at] cornell.edu
Genetic regulation of fruit ripening
Fruit quality and nutritional composition.
Kaitlin Gold
Katie Gold

Assistant Professor and Susan Eckert Lynch Faculty Fellow

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Cornell AgriTech

Katie Gold
Plant disease detection and epidemiology
Grape pathology
Remote sensing and imaging spectroscopy
Michel Gore stands in a corn field.
Michael Gore

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section Head and Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Michael Gore
Quantitative genetics and genomics
High-throughput phenotyping tools
Nutritional genomics
Bram Govaerts
Bram Govaerts

Andrew D. White Professor-At-Large and Adjunct Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Bram Govaerts
  • bg456 [at] cornell.edu
Sustainable development
Bioscience engineering
Soil science
Deborah Grantham
Deborah Grantham

Senior Extension Associate and Director Northeastern IPM Center

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Deborah Grantham
Natural resources and the environment
Watershed education
Soil hyperspectral reflectance
Phillip Griffiths
Phillip Griffiths

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Cornell AgriTech

Phillip Griffiths
Vegetable breeding (brassicas and beans)
International agriculture
Molecular breeding and diagnostics
laura gunn with Ithaca is Gorges mug
Laura Gunn

Assistant Professor

Plant Biology Section

School of Integrative Plant Science

Laura Gunn
  • lhg42 [at] cornell.edu
Carbon fixation Synthetic biology
Structural biology
Synthetic biology
Benjamin Gutierrez headshot
Benjamin Gutierrez

Adjunct Assistant Professor (USDA-ARS Plant Genetic Resources Unit)

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Cornell AgriTech

Benjamin Gutierrez
  • blg82 [at] cornell.edu
Zachariah Hansen Headshot
Zachariah Hansen

Adjunct Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Zachariah Hansen
  • zrh5 [at] cornell.edu
Sustainable disease management
Pathogen detection and diagnostics
Improving chemical use efficiency
Maureen Hanson
Maureen Hanson

Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor

Molecular Biology and Genetics

Maureen Hanson
Gene expression in plant organelles
Photosynthetic enhancement
Molecular basis of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
Larry Harrington
Larry Harrington

Adjunct Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Larry Harrington
  • lwh24 [at] cornell.edu
International agriculture
Water and food
Innovation systems
Maria Harrison
Maria Harrison

Adjunct Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Maria Harrison
Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis
Phosphate acquisition
Frank Hay
Frank Hay

Senior Extension Associate

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Cornell AgriTech

Frank Hay
Fusarium basal rot of garlic
Root knot and lesion nematode of potato
Stemphylium leaf blight of onion
Daniel Heck headshot
Daniel Heck

Senior Extension Associate

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Daniel Heck
Vegetable crop disease management
Michelle Heck
Michelle Heck

Adjunct Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Michelle Heck
  • mlc68 [at] cornell.edu
Molecular interactions among plant pathogens, insect vectors, and plant hosts
Peter Hobbs
Peter Hobbs

Adjunct Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Peter Hobbs
International agriculture
Tropical cropping systems
kathie hodge headshot with turf and tree n the background
Kathie Hodge

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Kathie Hodge
Fungal systematics
Fungal pathogens of plants and insects
Susan Hoskins
Susan Hoskins

Susan Hoskins Senior Extension Associate

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Susan Hoskins
Geographic information systems (GIS)
Remote sensing
Wetlands mapping
Jian Hua
Jian Hua

Plant Biology Section Head and Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Jian Hua
Environmental responses; Adaptation; temperature; immunity; plants
Lori Huberman
Lori Huberman

Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Lori Huberman
  • huberman [at] cornell.edu
How fungi interact with the environment
Nutrient sensing in filamentous fungi
High-throughput functional genomics
Georg Jander
Georg Jander

Adjunct Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Georg Jander
Plant-insect interactions
Plant amino acid metabolism
Jean-Luc Jannink
Jean-Luc Jannink

Adjunct Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Jean-Luc Jannink
  • jj332 [at] cornell.edu
Statistical methods to use DNA markers in public sector small grains breeding
Association genetics
lifen jiang
Lifen Jiang

Senior Research Associate (Luo Lab)

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Lifen Jiang
  • lj289 [at] cornell.edu
Ecosystem ecology
Global change ecology
Land carbon cycle
Yu Jiang
Yu Jiang

Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Cornell AgriTech

Yu Jiang
Agricultural robotics and artificial intelligence
Image processing
High throughput plant phenotyping
Jenny Kao-Kniffin
Jenny Kao-Kniffin


School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Jenny Kao-Kniffin
Weed science
Urban ecology
Rhizosphere biology
dan katz
Daniel Katz

Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Daniel Katz
Plant ecology
Ecosystem services and disservices
andre kessler
Andre Kessler

Associate Professor

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Andre Kessler
Man examining an apple tree
Awais Khan

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Cornell AgriTech

Awais Khan
Mechanisms of host disease resistance in apples; particularly to fire blight and apple scab
Quantitative genetics, genomics, genetic diversity, and pre-breeding
Rapid disease detection, pathogen identification, and high-throughput phenotyping tools
Anatole Krattiger
Anatole Krattiger

Adjunct Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Anatole Krattiger
  • afk3 [at] cornell.edu
Intellectual property as it relate to ag-biotechnology and global health.
Stephen Kresovich
Stephen Kresovich


School of Integrative Plant Science

Stephen Kresovich
  • sk20 [at] cornell.edu
Plant genetics
vipan kumar headshot
Vipan Kumar

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Vipan Kumar
Integrated weed management, including weed biology and ecology, crop-weed competition and cover crops
Herbicide-resistant weeds and herbicide-based weed control
Artificial intelligence and precision weed control
Johannes Lehmann
Johannes Lehmann

Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section


Department of Global Development

Johannes Lehmann
Soil biogeochemistry, fertility management, organic matter, and carbon and nutrient cycling from wastes
Soil carbon sequestration and biochar systems
Sustainable agriculture in the tropics
Li Li
Li Li

Adjunct Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Li Li
Crop nutritional quality improvement
Chromoplast and chloroplast biology
Plant secondary metabolism, micronutrient nutrition, and metabolic engineering
shari lighthall
Shari Lighthall

Senior Extension Associate, Director of Agricultural Education Outreach

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Shari Lighthall
headshot of Jiping Liu
Jiping Liu

Adjunct Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Jiping Liu
Plant resistance to soil-based abiotic stresses, focusing on low-pH (acidic), aluminum, and heavy-metal stresses
Plant mineral nutrition with an emphasis on mineral transport and allocation
Root development under abiotic stresses
jason londo headshot black t shirt
Jason Londo

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Cornell AgriTech

Jason Londo
Fruit crop stress physiology and adaptation
Graft physiology and phenotypic plasticity
Comparative genetics and genomics
louis longchamps
Louis Longchamps

Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Louis Longchamps
  • ll928 [at] cornell.edu
Farm data management
Farmer-centric on-farm experimentation
Precision agriculture
Yiqi Luo headshot
Yiqi Luo

Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Yiqi Luo
  • yl2735 [at] cornell.edu
Predictive understanding of land ecosystem dynamics
Global change impacts on ecosystem structure and functions
Climate mitigation via carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategies
Carmen Enid Martinez
Carmen Enid Martinez


School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Carmen Enid Martinez
Soil biogeochemistry
Nutrient and mineral cycling
Soil organic matter
neil mattson
Neil Mattson


School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Neil Mattson
Greenhouse horticulture
Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA)
Greenhouse lighting and systems engineering
michel mazourek
Michael Mazourek

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Horticulture Section

Michael Mazourek
Vegetable breeding (cucurbits, peppers, peas and beans)
Biochemical genetics for flavor, human nutrition and plant defense
Applied quantitative genetics
Andy McDonald
Andrew McDonald

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Associate Professor

Department of Global Development

Andrew McDonald
  • ajm9 [at] cornell.edu
Cropping systems ecology
Climate change adaptation and mitigation
Agricultural sustainability, food security, water resources, international agriculture, policy, and applied social sciences
Lindsey Milbrath
Lindsey Milbrath

Adjunct Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Lindsey Milbrath
  • lrm32 [at] cornell.edu
Biological control programs for exotic invasive plants
Weed biological control
Invasive plant ecology
Bill Miller
Bill Miller


School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Bill Miller
Flower bulbs and floriculture
Greenhouse and nursery crops
Physiology and post-harvest management
Guarav Moghe
Gaurav Moghe

Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Gaurav Moghe
Evolution of plant specialized metabolism
plant natural variation; genomics
virginia moore
Virginia Moore

Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Virginia Moore
  • vm377 [at] cornell.edu
Breeding for sustainable cropping systems
Cover crops, intercropping, polycultures, organic farming systems
Legumes, forages, alfalfa, hemp
Lukas Mueller
Lukas Mueller

Adjunct Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Lukas Mueller
  • lam87 [at] cornell.edu
Genetics and genomics of solanaceous plants
SOL Genomics Network
June Nasrallah
June Nasrallah


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

June Nasrallah
Plant reproduction
Receptor-ligand interactions and cell-cell signaling
andrew nelson
Andrew Nelson

Adjunct Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Andrew Nelson
  • an425 [at] cornell.edu
Comparative and high-throughput bioinformatics approaches to plant transcriptome research.
Rebecca Nelson
Rebecca Nelson


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section


Department of Global Development

Rebecca Nelson
Circular bionutrient economy and enhancing wellbeing in peri-urban areas through waste valorization
Agroecology and supporting student leadership toward sustainability
Participatory research and extension
Kevin Nixon
Kevin Nixon


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Kevin Nixon
  • kcn2 [at] cornell.edu
Theory and methodology of phylogenetic analysis
Angiosperm phylogeny
Systematics and taxonomy of the oak family
Maria Gandolfo
Maria Alejandra Gandolfo Nixon

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Maria Alejandra Gandolfo Nixon
Diversification and evolution of angiosperms
Plant anatomy
maddy oravec headshot
Madeline (Maddy) Oravec

Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Cornell AgriTech

Madeline (Maddy) Oravec
  • mwo23 [at] cornell.edu
Grapevine breeding, genetics, and genomics
Fruit quality and wine-making characteristics
Disease resistance and environmental resilience
Varsha Pathhare headshot
Varsha Pathare

Visiting Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Varsha Pathare
  • vsp29 [at] cornell.edu
Plant-atmosphere CO2-water fluxes
Climate change
Resource-use efficiency
Teresa E. Pawlowska
Teresa Pawlowska


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Teresa Pawlowska
Evolutionary and population genomics
Innate immunity in fungi and fungal-bacterial interactions
Arbuscular mycorrhizae
Wojtek Pawlowski
Wojtek Pawlowski


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Wojtek Pawlowski
Meiotic recombination
Advanced microscopy methods
Recombination and genome rearrangements in new polyploids
man in apple orchard
Gregory Peck

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Gregory Peck
Tree fruit and hard cider
Organic agriculture and soil health
Climate change
sarah pethybridge head shot
Sarah Pethybridge

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Cornell AgriTech

Sarah Pethybridge
Diseases of vegetables
Epidemiology and fungicide resistance
Marvin Pritts
Marvin Pritts

Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Plant Sciences Major

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section


Department of Global Development

Marvin Pritts
Berry crops
Season extension
Sustainable production practices
Miguel A Pineros
Miguel Pineros

Adjunct Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Miguel Pineros
  • map25 [at] cornell.edu
Crop adaptation to soil abiotic stresses
Bioavailability of iron, zinc and phytochemicals
robert raguso
Robert Raguso


Neurobiology and Behavior

Robert Raguso
KV Raman headshot
Kandukuri Raman

Adjunct Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Kandukuri Raman
International agriculture and rural development
Value-added marketing
Agricultural biotechnology, Integrated Pest Management and technology transfer
Anu Rangarajan
Anusuya Rangarajan

Senior Extension Associate and Director, Cornell Small Farm Program

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Anusuya Rangarajan
Fresh market vegetable production
Small farms and sustainable agriculture
Organic and reduced tillage vegetable production
Steve Reiners
Steve Reiners


School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Cornell AgriTech

Steve Reiners
Processing vegetables (peas, beans, sweet corn)
Vegetable production systems
Organic gardening
Terence Robinson
Terence Robinson


School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Cornell AgriTech

Terence Robinson
Orchard production systems
Crop load and canopy management
Fruit tree physiology
Kelly Robbins
Kelly Robbins

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Kelly Robbins
Increasing understanding of genotype by environmental interactions
International agriculture
Adrienne Roeder
Adrienne Roeder

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Adrienne Roeder
Development and patterning of specialized cell types
Plant cell imaging
jocelyn rose
Jocelyn Rose


School of Integrative Plant Science

Barbara McClintock Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Jocelyn Rose
Plant structural polymers, cell wall structure and function
Cuticles and plant surfaces
Fruit biology
Frank S. Rossi
Frank Rossi

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Frank Rossi
Lawn, golf and sports turf
Urban grasslands management
David Rossiter
David Rossiter

Adjunct Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

David Rossiter
  • dgr2 [at] cornell.edu
Soil Survey
Spatial modeling of the environment
Jonathan Russell-Anelli
Jonathan Russell-Anelli

Senior Lecturer / Senior Extension Associate

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Jonathan Russell-Anelli
Urban Soils: Dynamic Soil Properties, Soil Survey & Soil Inventory
Circular Economies: Carbon, Bionutrient & Waste Cycling
Soil Healthy: Contaminants & Sustainable Food Production
man in field
Matt Ryan

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Matt Ryan
Sustainable cropping systems and agroecology
Cover crops and ecological weed management
Organic production
Michael Scanlon
Mike Scanlon


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Mike Scanlon
Mechanisms of meristem and leaf development
Evolution of plant morphology
Maize, Brachypodium, Arabidopsis, and Physcomitrium
Al Shoffe headshot
Yosef Al Shoffe

Senior Research Associate

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Yosef Al Shoffe
Postharvest of fruit and vegetable
Storage systems
Safety and sustainability
Thomas Silva
Thomas Silva

Senior Lecturer

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Thomas Silva
  • ts21 [at] cornell.edu
Botany, plant physiology and diversity
Educating non-majors about basic biology
Diana Sinton
Diana Sinton

Adjunct Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Diana Sinton
  • dss326 [at] cornell.edu
Geographic information science and systems and natural resources management
Integration of in social and cultural data in GIS and humanitarian mapping projects
Geospatial literacy and spatial thinking, GIS in Higher Education
sonja skelly headshot
Sonja Skelly

Director of Education, Cornell Botanic Gardens and Adjunct Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Sonja Skelly
  • sms92 [at] cornell.edu
Public garden leadership
Plants and human well being
School & youth gardening, adult education, climate change education
Chris Smart
Christine Smart

Goichman Family Director

Cornell AgriTech


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Christine Smart
Biology and management of vegetable diseases
Host-pathogen interactions
Lawrence Smart
Larry Smart


School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Larry Smart
Breeding and genomics
Industrial hemp
Willow bioenergy crops
Headshot of Margaret Smith
Margaret Smith


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section


Department of Global Development

Associate Dean and Director

Cornell AES

Margaret Smith
Maize breeding and genomics
Abiotic stress tolerance
Insect and disease resistance
Karen Snover-Clift
Karen Snover-Clift

Senior Extension Associate

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Karen Snover-Clift
Plant disease diagnosis
Plant pathology training of Master Gardeners, Extension Educators, and green industry members
Dawit Solomon
Dawit Solomon

Adjunct Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Dawit Solomon
  • ds278 [at] cornell.edu
Biogeochemical cycling of major elements
Soil fertility and land degradation
Synchrotron-based micro- and nano-spectromicroscopy
Mark smiling
Mark Sorrells


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Mark Sorrells
Small grain breeding and genomics
Malting and specialty varieties
Lynn Sosnoskie
Lynn Sosnoskie

Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Cornell AgriTech

Lynn Sosnoskie
Weed ecology
Weed management
Specialty crops
Chelsea D. Specht
Chelsea Specht

Barbara McClintock Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Chelsea Specht
Plant diversity
Comparative genomics
Evolutionary biology
zach stansell
Zachary Stansell

Adjunct Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Zachary Stansell
  • zachary.stansell [at] usda.gov
Industrial hemp
Vegetable genetics
David Stern
David Stern

Adjunct Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

David Stern
Chloroplast biology
Nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions
Ying Sun
Ying Sun

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Ying Sun
Geospatial analysis and big data synthesis
Remote sensing
Canopy- to global-scale modeling
bryan swingle
Bryan Swingle

Courtesy Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Bryan Swingle
  • bms45 [at] cornell.edu
Regulation of bacterial stress tolerance
Genetic recombination
Pseudomonas syringae
Alan Taylor
Alan Taylor


School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Cornell AgriTech

Alan Taylor
Seed science and technology
Seed quality
Coatings, treatments and biostimulants
Janice Thies
Janice Thies

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Janice Thies
Soil ecology
Soil biology quality assessment and remediation
International agriculture
Hale Ann Tufan headshot
Hale Ann Tufan

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Hale Ann Tufan
Gender equality & social inclusion
Inclusive crop improvement and seed systems
Agricultural research for development
Barbara Gillian Turgeon
B. Gillian Turgeon

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section Head and Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

B. Gillian Turgeon
Fungal pathogens of cereals
Fungal genomics
Secondary metabolites
Robert Turgeon
Robert Turgeon


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Robert Turgeon
Leaf development
Plasmodesmata structure and function
Phloem transport and virus movement
Harold van Es
Harold van Es


School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Harold van Es
Soil health
Precision nitrogen management (Adapt-N)
Digital agriculture
Klaas van Wijk
Klaas van Wijk


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Klaas van Wijk
Molecular genetics and protein biochemistry
Mass-spectrometry-driven proteomics and metabolomics
Chloroplast biogenesis and protein homeostasis in Arabidopsis and differentiation in maize
Justine Vanden Heuvel
Justine Vanden Heuvel


Horticulture Section

School of Integrative Plant Science

Justine Vanden Heuvel
  • justine [at] cornell.edu
Sustainable viticulture production
Ecophysiological factors and their impact on fruit and wine composition
Computational tools for vineyard management
Olena Vatamaniuk
Olena Vatamaniuk


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Olena Vatamaniuk
Functional genomics of mineral nutrient homeostasis
Toxic metal detoxification and phytoremediation
greg vogel headshot
Greg Vogel

Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Greg Vogel
Applied vegetable breeding
Plant-microbe interactions and disease resistance
Flavor, quality, and acceptance of tomato, eggplant, and other vegetables
Xiaohong Wang
Xiaohong Wang

Courtesy Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Xiaohong Wang
Plant-nematode interactions
Potato cyst nematodes
Nematode effector function
Christopher Watkins
Christopher Watkins


School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Christopher Watkins
Postharvest science
Apple storage life and quality
Controlled atmosphere storage
randy wayne
Randy Wayne

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Randy Wayne
Biophysics of plant cell biology
Biological instruction
Courtney Weber
Courtney Weber

Horticulture Section Head and Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Cornell AgriTech

Courtney Weber
Berry breeding and genetics
Peter Woodbury
Peter Woodbury

Senior Research Associate

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Peter Woodbury
Agricultural and forest ecosystems
Greenhouse gas emissions
Geospatial modeling, land use and environmental quality
Dominic Woolf
Dominic Woolf

Senior Research Associate

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Dominic Woolf
  • dw433 [at] cornell.edu
Soil carbon sequestration and climate-smart agriculture
Sustainable landscape management, agroforestry reforestration and restoration of degraded land
kenong xu
Kenong Xu

Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Cornell AgriTech

Kenong Xu
Tree fruit genomics
Apple gene regulatory networks
Yun Yang headshot
Yun Yang

Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Yun Yang
  • yy2356 [at] cornell.edu
Geospatial science for sustainable land processes and management
Plant water use at field to global scales
Impact of agricultural practices using remote sensing
Gan-Yuan Zhong
Gan-Yuan Zhong

Courtesy Associate Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Gan-Yuan Zhong
Grape genetics and genomics