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Environment News

Pile of yellow and green computer chips of various sizes


From e-waste to gold: a pathway to CO2 sustainability

A Cornell-led research team has developed a method for extracting gold from electronics waste, then using the recovered precious metal as a catalyst for converting carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, to organic materials.

  • Food Science
  • Environment
  • Natural Resources
coyote in a field


Researchers in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment have developed a new model to understand wildlife interactions. They’ve found that coyote populations in upstate New York may benefit fishers but not American martens.

  • Natural Resources and the Environment
  • Animals
  • Environment
Portrait of Xingen Lei

Field Note

In a classroom in Warren Hall, students in Global Food, Energy and Water Nexus (ANSC 4880/6880 and crosslisted) delve into a heated debate about China’s Three Gorges Dam. They weigh its effectiveness in providing carbon-neutral energy while...
  • Animal Science
  • Food Science
  • Energy


A global analysis by Cornell researchers found that recycling all the human and livestock feces and urine on the planet would contribute substantially to meeting the nutrient supply for all crops worldwide, thereby dramatically reducing the...

  • Agriculture Sciences Major
  • Food Science
  • Nutritional Sciences
Brown soil and green plants in a field


Fifty-four research projects addressing New York’s agriculture, environment and communities have collectively received $1.6 million from the USDA.

  • Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station
  • Biological and Environmental Engineering
  • Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Want to study environment?


Steven Mana'oakamai Johnson wearing a yellow and white shirt standing with arms folded.


Meet our faculty: Steven Mana'oakamai Johnson
Academic focus: Ocean conservation and social-ecological systems. Research summary: I study the relationship between people and the ocean, ranging from Indigenous Pacific Islander communities traditionally managing coral reefs to geopolitical...
  • American Indian and Indigenous Studies Program
  • Natural Resources and the Environment
  • Development Sociology
cow with a delta overlay


For human and environmental health, it has to be, says Kristan Reed, assistant professor of animal science.
  • Animal Science
  • Agriculture
  • Animals
robotic dog with a delta overlay


With creative, collaborative thinking, says Yu Jiang, assistant professor of systems engineering and data analytics in SIPS.
  • Cornell AgriTech
  • School of Integrative Plant Science
  • Agriculture