SIPS Internal Resources

SIPS professional (admin) staff: Who does what...

See Hiring: How do I ... section on this page for details about how Roxana can assist you with these hires

Postdoc appointments: Roxana Usturoi, ru32 [at]

Non‐Academic Appointments: Roxana Usturoi, ru32 [at]

Visitor Appointments: Roxana Usturoi, ru32 [at]

Hourly students hiring process: Roxana Usturoi, ru32 [at]

Academic Appointments (tenure-track and RTE faculty, adjunct, courtesy)

  • Horticulture, Plant Pathology & Plant-Microbe Biology – Niaome Hickman-Kargoll, neh64 [at]
  • Plant Breeding & Genetics, Soil & Crop Sciences ‐ Amy Collins, acl10 [at]
  • Plant Biology ‐ Karin Jantz, kpg2 [at]

Non-standard appointments: Cindy Twardokus ct259 [at]

Financial Approvals:

  • Horticulture, Plant Pathology & Plant- Microbe Biology, School of Integrative Plant Science ‐ Tracy Chapman, tlk2 [at]
  • Plant Biology ‐ Linda Cox ‐ ljs42 [at]
  • Plant Breeding & Genetics ‐Tracy Chapman, tlk2 [at] 
  • Soil & Crop Sciences ‐ Kara Gibson, kc947 [at]

Primary contacts. Always start here:

  • Horticulture, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Plant Pathology & Plant-Microbe Biology: Tracy Chapman, tlk2 [at] (Also budget development, account management, salary planning.
  • Plant Biology: Linda Cox: ljs42 [at]
  • Soil & Crop Sciences: Kara Gibson, kc947 [at]

Additional finance staff:

  • Andrea Gilbert, ag16 [at] (ag16[at]cornell[dot]edu): Provides transactional support primarily for Plant Breeding & Genetics, Soil & Crop Sciences, and Plant Biology. Supports the capital asset process. SIPS telecom coordinator.
  • Dayna Jorgenson, djj55 [at] (djj55[at]cornell[dot]edu): Provides transactional support primarily for Horticulture and Plant Pathology & Plant-Microbe Biology.  Manages requests for liquid nitrogen access. 

SIPS Assistant Director for Finance & Budget: Tracy Chapman, tlk2 [at]

  • General, space needs, keys, not sure: Magdalen Lindeberg ML16 [at]
  • Urgent issues: Greg Smith, gjs25 [at]
  • Chemical safety/disposal: Kelly Hanley, klh54 [at] (klh54[at]cornell[dot]edu)
  • Faciltites Customer Service: To report a maintenance issue affecting safety, security, or research, please call (607) 255-5322 if Greg Smith is not available. 

MS/PhD graduate fields:

  • Horticulture, Plant Pathology & Plant-Microbe Biology ‐ Josh Balles, jeb527 [at] (jeb527[at]cornell[dot]edu) 
  • Plant Biology ‐ Karin Jantz, kpg2 [at] (kpg2[at]cornell[dot]edu)
  • Plant Breeding, Soil & Crop Sciences- Ayesha Al- Hashimi, aa2849 [at] (aa2849[at]cornell[dot]edu) 

MPS (Master of Professional Studies, Graduate Field of Integrative Plant Science)

  • Tara Reed, tln2 [at]

Backup for GFA/Chair Signatures:

  • Magdalen Lindeberg, ML16 [at]
  • Plant Sciences Major & Courses: Lauren Boggs, leb69 [at] (leb69[at]cornell[dot]edu)
  • Agricultural Sciences Major & Courses: Lisa Woodruff, dlw258 [at] (dlw258[at]cornell[dot]edu) 

For questions about courses, teaching, etc., see SIPS Teaching FAQ

  • Magdalen Lindeberg, SIPS Assistant Director and Senior Administrative Manager
    ml16 [at] (ml16[at]cornell[dot]edu)
    Monday SIPS email newsletter, Discovery that Connects blog, strategic communications.
  • Craig Cramer, Communications Specialist
    cdc25 [at] (cdc25[at]cornell[dot]edu)
    Website development and maintenance including profile pages, lab and outreach websites. Photography, video, poster printing.
  • Lucille (Lou) Luce, Seminar Coordinator
    lme49 [at] (lme49[at]cornell[dot]edu)
    Seminar scheduling, speaker travel.
  • Danialle Hill, Events Coordinator 
    dh576 [at] (dh576[at]cornell[dot]edu)
    Lead event coordinator for SIPS and subject matter expert to other SIPS staff. Coordinates and organizes special seminars, workshops, conferences, and other events. 

CALS Office of Sponsored Research

  • HORT/PPPMB/PB ‐ Alita Howard, ath32 [at]
  • PBG/SIPS Other ‐ Abby Blinn, arb382 [at]
  • SCS ‐ Vacant 

Backup for Chair Form 10 Signature: Tracy Chapman, tlk2 [at]

Hiring: How do I...

Hiring questions? Contact SIPS Appointment Coordinator (SIPS AC) Roxana Usturoi: ru32 [at] (ru32[at]cornell[dot]edu).

Contact the SIPS Appointments Coordinator for guidance on a new hiring process for staff or temporary positions.

  • Supervisors should submit a New Hire Request form. The request is first reviewed by a SIPS finance team representative to verify funding, provide an account number and to confirm benefit program. An account number will be provided for both contract and endowed accounts.
  • After funding has been approved by the SIPS finance team, the Appointments Coordinator works with the supervisor to create/finalize the Staff Position Description (for staff only) and Position Justification Form. (A sample SPD is provided by CALS HR to share with the faculty if needed.)
  • SIPS Appointments Coordinator will send the request and documents to CALS HR for review.
  • The request will be forwarded for further review by CALS HR and then Central Compensation for final approval.

Contact the SIPS Appointments Coordinator for guidance on a new hiring process for a Postdoctoral Associate. 

  • A hiring request must be submitted via New Hire Request form. The supervisor will need to be prepared to provide details regarding the duties of the position, select a benefit program and set a salary.
  • If the candidate for the position is known, the hire is processed once CALS HR approves. If the hire is unknown, the position will be posted in Academic Jobs Online and applicants will be chosen from through an interview process. 
  • If applicable, SIPS Appointments Coordinator will coordinate the visa sponsorship process.

Even if you have a student in mind for a position, it is best to contact SIPS Appointment Coordinator (SIPS AC) Roxana Usturoi: ru32 [at] (ru32[at]cornell[dot]edu) before starting this process..

  • The hiring supervisor is responsible for requesting a student hire by completing the Student Job Posting Form. Please refer to CALS Student Employment guidelines for a link to the form.
  • Click on the Student Job Posting Form and fill in the required information. Read the Supervisor Guidelines in Section One of this form to make sure you assign the appropriate person as supervisor and timecard approver.
  • The following people cannot supervise hourly student employees or approve timecards: graduate students, USDA Affiliates, Courtesy/Adjunct Professors.
  • Once the form is completed it will be automatically submitted and Central HR Student Employment posts the job.
  • For details and instructions on managing the search in Workday, refer to the CALS Student Employment guidelines.
  • For staff and temporary positions, CALS HR sends term notifications 30-90 days before the appointment term date (depending on the appointment type), so the employee and supervisor can talk about the extension options. 
  • Extension requests must be submitted to the SIPS Appointments Coordinator through the Extension Request form.
  • If an extension request is not submitted per instructions above one month after Term Notice, the SIPS Appointment Coordinator uses Smartsheet to send a message to the supervisor to find out if appointment will be extended or not. The supervisor must send a response through the Smartsheet Update request received in email or send new extension request through the previously mentioned Extension Request form.  
  • All extension requests are automatically routed to the SIPS finance team for approval.
  • When finance approval is received, the SIPS Appointment Coordinator submits an extension request to CALS HR.
  • CALS HR reviews/approves extension request.
  • CALS HR will send a letter to notify employee of appointment extension approval.
  • If applicable, the SIPS Appointments Coordinator will coordinate the visa sponsorship process before the extension request is submitted to CALS HR. 

As needed, the supervisor should contact the SIPS Appointments Coordinator, to discuss changes and identify different titles, obtain market salary for proposed change, and obtain guidance for specific situations.

  • Supervisors must request a change in non-academic or postdoc appointments through Other HR Needs form.
  • Requests are automatically routed to the SIPS finance team for approval, if applicable.
  • When finance approval is received, the SIPS Appointments Coordinator submits the change request through the Term Appointment System and sends correspondent documentation, if applicable, to CALS HR for review and approval.
  • Contact the SIPS Appointments Coordinator for guidance on a visitor’s appointment and to define the correct title, based on the visitor’s resume.
  • Once the title is established, the host sends request via Request to Host Research Visitor form, for Unpaid Intern, Visiting Fellow, Visiting Scholar, Visiting Assistant Professor, Visiting Associate Professor or Visiting Professor.
  • All visitor appointments requests are automatically routed to the appropriate section head for approval. The section head’s approval is required as a part of the documentation for approval consideration by CALS HR.
  • In some cases, Visiting Fellow positions might need the Senior Associate Dean’s approval before the request is submitted to CALS HR. 


  • If a visitor is to serve as a volunteer, the host is responsible for obtaining approval from the Office of Risk Management and Insurance by submitting these three documents to the Office of Risk Management and Insurance via email: risk_mgmt [at] (risk_mgmt[at]cornell[dot]edu). No formal appointment is necessary so approval is not required from CALS HR.

Paid Intern:

  • Contact the SIPS Appointments Coordinator for information on the required internship documentation necessary to request appointment approval from CALS HR.

Under 18:

  • If the visitor or intern is under 1ckground check is required. More information may be found at Children and Youth Safety at Cornell. Contact the SIPS Appointments Coordinatorf or assistance.
  • High School students with an interest in learning more about SIPS reearch programs are encouraged to consider the TST BOCES New Visions program8, a ba 
  • Supervisors should review the CALS Guidelines for additional compensation prior to submitting a bonus or one-time payment request. For any clarifications, they should reach out to the SIPS Appointments Coordinator:  
  • Supervisor must send the bonus or one-time payment request through the One Time Bonus form.
  • Requests are automatically routed to the SIPS finance team for approval.

All solutions require significant lead time (6-8 weeks) to implement. It is important that the solution be in place prior to work commencing. Contact globalhr [at] (globalhr[at]cornell[dot]edu) for assistance as soon as the need for staffing is identified. There are project- and country-specific considerations for each solution.

If you are considering extended travel, hiring, and staffing abroad, consult Cornell's Global HR Quick Guide 2+ months in advance.


See SIPS Sabbatical Guidelines to learn more.

Facilites, transportation & other services: How do I...

The following links require Cornell login.

Reserve a room on LibCal

Follow the links below to reserve these individual rooms. View all SIPS LibCal rooms.

Plant Science/Mann/Surge A + B 

Web Conferencing capable rooms:

Meeting Room only:


Web Conferencing capable rooms:

Meeting room only:

Reserve a room in 25Live

Follow the links below to reserve these individual rooms. View all 25Live rooms.

Plant Science




  • Catalina Enright, cle46 [at] (cle46[at]cornell[dot]edu)
  • Cheyenne Cotton, cc2848 [at] (cc2848[at]cornell[dot]edu) 

Shipping: USPS (domestic or international)

Mail for a research project gets charged to the project account. Write the account number on a piece of paper, attach it to the letter or package, and leave in the mail room for pick up

Mail for section business: fill out a meter slip, attach to the item to be mailed, and leave in the mail room for pick up

Mail for SIPS business: fill out a meter slip for SIPS, attach to the item to be mailed, and leave in the mail room for pick up

Shipping: FedEx/UPS (domestic or international)

To ship packages:

  • please create an account through eShip Global.
  • add the SIPS FedEx and UPS account numbers under billing profiles. 

You will be able to create shipping labels and print customs documents through this platform.

To request the FedEx and UPS account numbers, please email Cheyenne Cotton (cc2848 [at] (cc2848[at]cornell[dot]edu)) or Catalina Enright (cle46 [at] (cle46[at]cornell[dot]edu))

Shipping in plain Styrofoam coolers is no longer allowed, and FedEx will reject your shipment if it is not a stryofoam cooler inside a box. Dry Ice is a DOT hazardous material and requires training as well as special marking and labeling. All DOT training can be found on-line via CU Learn

Export control (international)

Are you shipping materials internationally? If so, you need to get approval from Cornell Export Control every time an international shipment is made.

  • Who to contact: You can reach out directly to Sarah Marie Schlagter sms655 [at] (sms655[at]cornell[dot]edu), Terrence Rusch tr292 [at] (tr292[at]cornell[dot]edu), or use the main exportcontrols [at] (exportcontrols[at]cornell[dot]edu) address. It is hoped that a more automated process will be put into place in a year or so.
  • Information you need to send:
    • What is being shipped?  A thorough description of the item being exported so we can classify appropriately against the relevant controls lists
    • Who is it being shipped to?  The name and address of the foreign recipient so we can screen against any applicable restricted parties lists
    • Where will the item end up?  Is there any intention for the exported item to be sent to another foreign recipient in a third country (particularly one that is sanctioned or embargoed)?
    • What is the purpose of the export?  What specifically will the foreign recipient be doing with the exported item, why are we shipping to them, and is that a prohibited end-use?
  • How long does approval take: While many shipment reviews can be done in a fairly timely manner (say 1-2 business days), there can be situations where a more complex analysis is involved.  Similarly, if it is discovered that an export license or classification determination is required from the government, we are now looking at weeks (2-6) not days in order for my office to approve the shipment.  So, the more lead-time a researcher can provide, the better
  • Why? Shipments sent without an export license (if required) are a serious matter that can have significant ramifications for the university and the researcher involved.  The Export Controls Office is here to help prevent these types of situations from happening and want to protect both the institution and the faculty member.
  • What about the Fundamental Research Exclusion? The often-cited Fundamental Research Exclusion to export controls has no bearing on physical/tangible international shipments or transfers – in other words, all international shipments are in the scope of export controls and require review by this office even if the underlying research is or will be published

Note that “approval” from Export Controls does not supersede any required protocols for EH&S’s hazardous materials program, nor CTL’s procedures for a Material Transfer Agreement, and vice versa. See answers to some frequently asked questions

Deliveries: Plant Science & Mann

Campus mail and US Postal mail is delivered to:

  •  Horticulture and School of Integrative Plant Science: 137
  • Plant Biology: 238 
  • Plant Pathology: 328 

FedEx and UPS packages are delivered to: 

  • 111 Plant Science (5144*). 

You will be notified by email when you have a package ready for pickup.

Please use your lab or office number as your return address. The mailhandlers know which room to deliver to based on your name and/or section affiliation.

Deliveries: Bradfield & Emerson

Campus mail and US Postal mail/ FedEx and UPS packages are delivered to: 

  • 242 Emerson

You will be notified by email when you have a package ready for pickup.
To ship packages, please request a FedEx user account by emailing Cheyenne Cotton (cc2848 [at] (cc2848[at]cornell[dot]edu)) or Catalina Enright (cle46 [at] (cle46[at]cornell[dot]edu))

Please use your lab or office number as your return address. The mailhandlers know which room to deliver to based on your name and/or section affiliation.

Go to NEBnow website to see freezer location information, request access, browse the current inventory available and to place a special order.

Contact Catalina Enright (cle46 [at] (cle46[at]cornell[dot]edu)) for any questions.

To become a user
New users must complete the following trainings:

CALS OEH: Cryogen Safety Training by Airgas On-Line*

(*An alternative in-person training course will be offered annually, occurring at the start of the fall semester.)

CULearn EHS 3055: Cryogen Safety:

Once both courses are complete, new users may request a key for cage access by submitting proof of training completion via the webform linked below:


For users needing large quantities
This tank is intended to provide access to lower quantities for multiple users. If your lab requires large quantities, please establish a PO directly with Airgas for this purpose through e-Shop. Questions regarding this process can be sent to Tracy Chapman (tlk2 [at]

Additional on-campus distribution center
In the event that liquid nitrogen is not available at this site, it may be available in Clark Hall (Room BH21). For more information about accessing liquid nitrogen through this alternate dispensing facility, please visit Liquid Nitrogen Dispensing – Clark Hall.

NOTE: Transportation options for field trips are extremely limited right now, with some of our former providers having gone out of business or consolidated.  Those still in business have low inventory and are often very slow to respond to inquiries.  If you expect to need vehicles in the coming year, please make reservations ASAP.

SIPS now offers administrative assistance with reserving buses or vans for off-campus, course-related transportation needs. If your Spring 2025 course will use buses or vans for any course-related field trip/activity and you would like help securing transportation, please complete the SIPS Help Request form by Friday, November 1.

This deadline gives staff time to request quotes and lock in a price and vendor for your field trip(s). Since the demand for transportation is always higher than the number of available vans and buses in the region, requests for assistance received after this deadline will be considered on a case-by-case basis and might be subject to budgetary review. 

Please note that you’ll receive an initial email confirmation from “SIPS Events,” then in the following week, SIPS staff will be in touch as necessary. If you have any questions about the form, process, timing, etc., please reach out to the Student Services Lead, Leah Cook, at lcc2 [at] (lcc2[at]cornell[dot]edu).  

If you would like to make your own reservations here is a list of transportation providers approved by Cornell. These vendors include:

Swarthout Coaches (large buses, 30+ passengers)

To make a reservation:  

Information you will need to provide:

  • Charge PO #:1651977
  • Pick up and drop off times and locations:
  • Itinerary information:
  • # of passengers:
  • Contact phone number for day of:
  • After making a reservation, please email Cheyenne Cotton (cc2848 [at] (cc2848[at]cornell[dot]edu)) all the above, plus:
    • Instructor name and course prefix and #. Example: charge to John Smith for course PLSCI 1100


Call (607)-795-4426 to make a reservation.

Information you will need to provide:

  • Charge PO #: 1451804

  • Pick up and drop off times and locations:
  • Itinerary information:
  • # of passengers:
  • Contact phone number for day of:
  • After making a reservation, please email Cheyenne Cotton (cc2848 [at] (cc2848[at]cornell[dot]edu)) all the above, plus:
    • Instructor name and course prefix and #. Example: charge to John Smith for course PLSCI 1100

Cornell Fleet

  • Contact the Fleet Garage
  • Fleet Vans, 12-passenger are still available at this time.
  • Andrea Gilbert (ag16 [at] (ag16[at]cornell[dot]edu)) can provide the instruction account # if you don’t already have it

Ithaca-Geneva Shuttle Guidelines

  • Priority is given to students.
  • Students may board at any pick-up location (Roberts Hall, Dewitt Park, Cass Park).
  • Faculty and staff may only board at Cass Park after all students have boarded (Ithaca to Geneva northbound route only).

Students have priority when using the shuttle. On the northbound shuttle, students will have the option to board at Roberts Hall, Dewitt Park, or Cass Park. Occasionally, the number of riders has exceeded the capacity of the vehicle. Therefore, faculty and staff (including post-docs, research associates, temporary employees, etc.) must board the shuttle at Cass Park and only after students have had the opportunity to board. In the event the shuttle is full and unable to accommodate all riders, non-student riders must be prepared to use alternate transportation (i.e. driving a personal vehicle from Cass Park to Geneva). 

We hope to continue to offer the shuttle at no cost to riders, but in the future, we may have to recover a portion of the costs by charging a fee to faculty and staff. Please send any shuttle-related questions or feedback to Staci Bonventre (sb2256 [at] (sb2256[at]cornell[dot]edu)).

View the shuttle schedule.

One-Day and Short-Term Parking Permits:

Cornell Transportation Services has transitioned to Parkmobile for parking permits for visitors, conferences and events, prospective students, etc. Visitors can be advised that the Peterson Lot on the corner of Tower and Judd Falls Road is the closest lot Parkmobile lot to Plant Science/Bradfield/Emerson/Mann. If the Peterson Lot is full, the lot beside the Nevin Welcome Center in the Botanic Gardens is also a good option. For more information and additional options, visit the Cornell Parkmobile Map and FAQ.

Please use this link to access the online form to request permits. You will need to login, and your information will pre-fill. Scroll down to complete the form. When you enter the account number, be sure to enter the course number in the Org Ref ID field when the permit is related to a class.

Permits can be sent as a pdf to you or directly to your visitor, or they can be picked up at Transportation Services, 116 Maple Ave. To have permits sent by email, choose that option in the Select Delivery Option drop down, and enter the email address the permit is to be sent to, in the Special Instructions field.

The BZ permit allows visitors to park in the N lot which runs between Tower Road and the practice fields, directly across the street from Bradfield and Plant Science.

How will this new system work from our unit's perspective?

Units can:

How will Transportation process the requests?

Transportation Services will:

  • Process the transaction as they are received via email or in person.
  • Send the unit (or the guest) a .pdf of their permit to print, or print for them (upon request).
  • Invoice the department monthly for their permit orders.

Items to note:

  • Orders can be canceled only if the request has not yet been processed.
  • There are no refunds for processed orders.
  • Each permit has a unique identifier; never alter or reuse one-day permits.
  • If you charge individuals a fee or resell permits, you must collect NYS sales tax. Please contact your business service center for guidance.


Planning and hosting a social activity? (e.g. Grad Student Chili Cook-Off)

  • SIPS room layouts - How to set up tables and chairs for different capacities in PS 404 and Emerson 135.
  • Schedule your event in Cornell's 25Live system - Please be advised that if alcohol is being served, it is mandatory to have a responsible individual aged 21 or older present on-site throughout the event. This person must refrain from consuming alcohol themselves. Additionally, alcohol service must be supervised and attended to at all times; self-service is not permitted. Events with more than 50 attendees necessitate the use of a caterer approved by the university.

Planning an Event?

Danialle Hill (dh576 [at] (dh576[at]cornell[dot]edu)) is Lead Event Coordinator for SIPS.

If you require basic event support such as room reservations, simple food orders, or event resource information, please complete the Event Assistance Request Form. We will then contact you to offer assistance based on availability and capacity. Please be aware that support requests should ideally be submitted no later than one month prior to the event date.

If you are organizing a large-scale event, please fill out the Event Planning Meeting Request to schedule a planning meeting. Large events should ideally be planned at least a year in advance, with a minimum lead time of 6 months.

Service levels are tailored to suit your needs, ranging from guidance and consulting to comprehensive on-site event management. The level of service provided is contingent upon factors such as notice given, event type, and availability.

Level 1 - Consultative: We offer guidance to steer you in the right direction and assist in considering all aspects of your event.

  • Recommend and facilitate connections with vendors.
  • Suggest and secure rooms/venues.
  • Provide a comprehensive list of typical event tasks.

Level 2 - Intermediate: We handle arrangements and coordinate various aspects of the event, though we may not be physically present during the event.

  • Place orders for basic catering.
  • Arrange travel logistics, but do not handle reimbursement submissions.

Level 3 - Full Service: We provide comprehensive event coordination, covering everything from initial planning to execution, including attendance at the event.

Please note: If you're preparing a grant that involves sponsoring one or more events, we may be able to assist by providing estimates of likely costs.


PO#s for FY24 for equipment repair:

  • Precision Scale & Balance: PO# 1467481
  • Phoenix Equipment: PO# 1499978


Email Andrea (ag16 [at] (ag16[at]cornell[dot]edu )) when repair is requested with business purpose and account numbers to charge. 

Go to Cornell EHS site: Reporting an Injury, Illness, or Exposure.

  • Reports should be submitted within 24 hours of the event.
  • After submitting, you should receive an email recording your report submission.
  • There may be more forms to fill out and/or you may be contacted by someone from the university to follow-up. Keep records of all medical appointments.

Miscellaneous updates and documents

SIPS-wide listservs

  • AG-SIPS-DG: SIPS wide list auto-generated from Workday. Includes everyone in Workday under the SIPS org
  • plant-seminar-l: an opt-in that includes people wishing to receive the SIPS Monday News & Events email. Contact Magdalen Lindeberg (ML16) to be added
  • plant-postdocs-l: an opt-in list to which all SIPS postdocs are added
  • SIPS-GRADS-l: an opt-in list to which all SIPS MS/PhD students are added. (MPS students: See SIPS-MPS-STUDENTS-L below.)
  • AG-SIPS-Faculty-DG: contains all SIPS faculty
  • AG-SIPS-Faculty-Plus-DG: contains all SIPS tenure/tenure-track faculty, senior research associates, senior extension associates, senior lecturers, and anyone else involved in teaching
  • SIPS-MPS-STUDENTS-L: Announcements etc. for Integrative Plant Science MPS students.  Contact Tara Reed tln2 [at] (tln2[at]cornell[dot]edu) to be added.


Healthy minds at work

Take care of yourself -- and others!

Kudos – Recognize your coworkers for their exemplary work. Fill out this form and they will receive kudos for their efforts via email.

Staff mental health - Visit Working at Cornell Counseling page for help balancing work and personal issues. Faculty & Staff Assistance Program (FSAP)  provides free, confidential, professional counseling and support in person or via telehealth appointment and other services. Urgent phone consultation available evenings and weekends: 607 255-2673.

Student mental health

Emergencies and urgent situations: Call 911 or Cornell Police: 607-255-1111. You can also call Cornell Health at 607-255-5155 for consultation. (If Cornell Health is closed, on-call health care provider will return your call within 30 minutes.) Map to Cornell Health.

Learn how to recognize and respond to students, friends, and peers in distress. Know the signs and how to respond.

Especially for faculty – How to reduce stress and cultivate student well-being in the classroom.

Faculty/Staff in sunflower field
people in garden