Environmental Conservation
Environmental Conservation
Development of sustainable agroecosystems that improve soil health and provide forage, fuel, and fiber.
See the Soil Health web site for additional information
- Matt Ryan is focuses on enhancing sustainability of agroecosystems through improved cover crop management, ecological weed management, and conservation agriculture (Ryan news) (see also Organic@Cornell)
- Ginny Moore’s research focus is on plant breeding for sustainable cropping systems, including breeding for organic systems, for intercropping and polyculture systems, for pest resistance, and for ecosystem services
- Louis Longchamps uses soil and crop sensing to improve input use efficiency in field crops, co-creating solutions with farmers and their partners for collecting, organizing, curating, and using their data and improve decision making on the farm in terms of profitability and environmental stewardship.
- Laurie Drinkwater focuses on the role of variables such as cover crops and agricultural practices (organic/conventional) on retention of soil nitrogen
See the Institute for Resource Information Sciences (IRIS) for additional information
- Ying Sun, uses remote sensing of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and land surface modeling to quantify photosynthesis and its response to changing climate/stress (Sun news)
- Susan Hoskins, Remote Sensing Program Leader at IRIS, collects and summarizes information on the type and location of land use and land cover, as well as on other renewable and non-renewable resources
See the Industrial Hemp and Willowpedia web sites for additional information
- Larry Smart investigates breeding and cultivation of willow and industrial hemp, and the genetics of biomass and yield to maximize potential as sources of bioenergy
- Jerome Cherney researches the profitable and sustainable production of forage crops for use as biofuels and livestock feed
- Ginny Moore and Julie Hanson focus on genetics of perennial, herbaceous plant species for forage, biofuels, and other uses.
- Matt Ryan's research program is focuses on enhancing sustainability of agroecosystems through improved management of cover crops, ecological weed management, and conservation agriculture