Featured international programs

Partners with scientists and stakeholders around the globe to co-develop tools, technologies, and methods in crop improvement that address local concerns and focus on building equitable community impact.

Advancing Women in Agriculture through Research and Education (AWARE) focuses on women in agriculture as an underserved majority to improve food security, reduce poverty, and aid rural development in developing countries.

An effort to enable interoperability among plant breeding databases. A standardized RESTful web service API for communicating plant breeding data, this community-driven standard is free to all.

The Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI) is an international consortium, led in part by Cornell faculty, working to reduce the world’s vulnerability wheat rust and enhance world wheat productivity.

Advances the adoption of Bt eggplant to enhance food and nutritional security while protecting farmers' health and the environment.

Accelerating the development of resilient, high-quality coffee varieties in partnership with national coffee research institutes in producing countries.
Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Crop Improvement
More international efforts
Additional collaborations that connect SIPS faculty with the Department of Global Development include:
Project helped modernize partner cassava breeding institutions in Africa and used cutting-edge tools for efficient delivery of improved varieties of cassava. The ultimate beneficiaries of this project have been the cassava farmers of sub-Saharan Africa, who received improved varieties that increase fresh root yields, are more resilient to devastating virus diseases, and exhibit other traits preferred by smallholder farmers.
Gender-responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT)
GREAT delivers training to agricultural researchers from sub-Saharan Africa in the theory and practice of gender-responsive research, seeking to increase opportunities for equitable participation and the sharing of benefits from agricultural research and improve the outcomes for smallholder women farmers, entrepreneurs, and farmer organizations across the region.