Knowledge with public purpose
Do you know that Cornell University is New York State's Land-Grant Institution and what that means for you?
It means that as a resident of New York state, you have pioneering research and expert resources at your fingertips. As a Land-Grant institution, our mission at Cornell University and at the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is to share knowledge and real-world expertise with state residents and the world beyond. On this page, we have listed some of our most popular resources used by everyone from individual gardeners to members of city councils.
Whether it's the latest buzz on beekeeping or help developing a new food product, our experts can provide answers and assistance for you, your organization or your community. Explore how.
The Center of Excellence for Food and Agriculture at Cornell AgriTech pulls together multiple partners to catalyze business development in the agriculture and food industries.
The Community Deer Advisor is a collaboration between Cornell University and The Nature Conservancy to help communities successfully manage deer at a local level.
The Community and Regional Development Institute produces applied research, provides training, and conducts outreach to strengthen the capacity, resiliency, and sustainability of communities in New York state.
Cornell Cooperative Extension puts knowledge to work in pursuit of economic vitality, ecological sustainability and social well-being. We bring local experience and research based solutions together, helping New York state families and communities thrive in our rapidly changing world.
The Dairy Foods Extension team, with the Department of Food Science, provides information and training programs to the dairy production and processing sectors, and addresses consumer questions and concerns as well.
We guide New York farms through periods of transition, opportunity or challenge by providing free, confidential, on farm consulting services.
Led by Assistant Professor Louis Lonchamps, this program partners with farmers and their collaborators to co-create solutions for collecting, organizing and leveraging their data to enhance on-farm decision-making regarding profitability and environmental stewardship.
The Cornell Farmworker Program is dedicated to improving the living and working conditions of farmworkers and their families.
Do you have a food product you’d like to bring to market? We can help! Our team of professionals has expertise in all aspects of food safety and regulatory compliance and we are a Recognized Process Authority.
The Insect Diagnostic Lab can help identify insects and related arthropods, and provide management suggestions if needed.
LeadNY, a program of seminars, workshops and field travel, is for committed individuals who wish to step up and make a difference in our food, agriculture, and natural resource industries, and the communities in which we live and work.
The Cornell Local Roads Program provides training, technical assistance, and information to municipal officials and employees responsible for the maintenance, construction, and management of local highways and bridges in New York state.
The Cornell University Master Beekeeper Program is an advanced training program for beekeepers who have at least 3 years of beekeeping experience.
There are Master Gardener programs throughout New York state.
Our offerings in the agricultural, life, environmental and social sciences don't just rival the breadth and depth of similar colleges, but that of other universities. Find a class or participate in a seminar that interests you via our Program Finder.
Serving as the seed certifying agency for New York state, this extension team's mission is to increase access to improved, high-performing seed to New York farmers through its Foundation Seed Program.
The Cornell Nutrient Analysis Laboratory (CNAL) provides a wide-range of research quality analyses for environmental and biological samples using state-of-the-art analytical equipment and techniques. Our clientele includes researchers, Extension educators, state and federal agencies, crop consultants, farmers, home gardeners, and others throughout New York, across the nation, and around the world.
The clinic provides fast and accurate plant disease diagnosis and up-to-date pest control recommendations for anyone from home owners to commercial growers.
PRO-DAIRY is a New York state dairy industry educational program empowering farm families and other agricultural professionals to realize their values and strive to achieve professional and personal goals. The program is committed to creativity, innovation and excellence in providing educational programs.
The Rural Schools Association is a statewide, member driven organization dedicated to representing the interests of small and rural school districts in New York State.
The Rust to Green New York Action Research Initiative identifies and designs innovative strategies and solutions addressing the unique problems and needs of New York's Rust Belt cities.
The Comprehensive Assessment of Soil Health is designed for farmers, gardeners, agricultural service providers, landscape managers and researchers who want to go beyond simply testing the nutrient levels of their soils.
Through workshops, demonstration plots, newsletters and more, extension personnel connect theory to practice for those who are new to the industry and longtime producers alike.

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