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Biology News

Close up of a green leaf with water droplets


Understanding leaves’ resiliency when it rains

New research elucidates a raindrop’s impact on a leaf - the equivalent in mass of a bowling ball hitting a person - and the physical dynamics that help the leaf survive.

  • Biological and Environmental Engineering
  • Biology
  • Plants
Method compresses terabytes into gigabytes.


A new method developed at Cornell provides tools and methodologies to compress hundreds of terabytes of genomic data to gigabytes, once again enabling researchers to store datasets in local computers.

  • Computational Biology
  • Genomics
  • Genetics
Chronic fatigue syndrome patient.


The study found that key CD8+ T cells showed signs of constant stimulation that lead to an exhausted state, a condition that is well-studied in cancer.

  • Molecular Biology and Genetics
  • Neurobiology and Behavior
  • Genomics
An enzyme


A tool co-developed by Cornell researchers uses AI and machine learning to solve and predict how human proteins might interface and interact with other proteins, which can greatly accelerate fundamental research and clinical precision medicine.

  • Computational Biology
  • Molecular Biology and Genetics
  • Biology
Lisa Kaltenegger, director of the Carl Sagan Institute, associate professor of astronomy and author of “Alien Earths: The New Science of Planet Hunting in the Cosmos,” said the thousands of exoplanets detected to date suggest there are “billions and billions” of possibilities for life beyond Earth. Photo by Sreang Hok.


In person and online Nov. 9, thousands attended an interdisciplinary program of research presentations and music celebrated Carl Sagan’s legacy on what would have been his 90th birthday.

  • Biological and Environmental Engineering
  • Department of Communication
  • Biology
tray of test tubes

Want to study biology?


man in blue shirt with glasses


Enrichment culture from a Boreal Shield lake sheds new light on the evolution of phototrophy Josh Neufeld Professor & University Research Chair Department of Biology University of Waterloo
  • Microbiology
Woman with light hari and glasses


Thiamine Deficiency from a One Health Perspective Katie Edwards Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Binghamton University
  • Microbiology