Emeritus faculty and retired academics

George Abawi

Professor Emeritus

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

George Abawi
Herbert Aldwinckle


Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

Herbert Aldwinckle
Bob Andersen

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Bob Andersen
  • rla2 [at] cornell.edu
Nina Bassuk
Nina Bassuk

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Nina Bassuk
Urban horticulture
Woody plants, landscape management and propagation,
Cornell Structural Soil
Gary Bergstrom
Gary Bergstrom

Professor Emeritus

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Gary Bergstrom
Integrated disease management of wheat, corn, soybeans, forage legumes
thomas bjorkman
Thomas Björkman

Professor Emeritus

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Cornell AgriTech

Thomas Björkman
  • tnb1 [at] cornell.edu
Vegetable crop physiology
Cover crops
Establishing year-round Eastern broccoli industry
David Bouldin

Emeritus Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

David Bouldin
  • drb6 [at] cornell.edu
Ronnie Coffman
Ronnie Coffman

International Professor Emeritus of Plant Breeding and Genetics

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Ronnie Coffman
International agriculture & development
Crop improvement
Agricultural biotechnology
Alan Collmer

Professor Emeritus

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

Alan Collmer
William Cox


School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

William Cox
peter davies
Peter Davies

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Plant Biology Section

Peter Davies
  • pjd2 [at] cornell.edu
Plant biochemistry and physiology
Plant hormones
Jerrold Davis
Jerrold Davis


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Jerrold Davis
Monocot systematics
Inference of species boundaries
Stephen DeGloria


School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences

Stephen DeGloria
John Duxbury


School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences

John Duxbury
Marcia Eames-Sheavly
Marcia Eames-Sheavly

Senior Extension Associate and Senior Lecturer Emerita

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Marcia Eames-Sheavly
  • me14 [at] cornell.edu
Garden-based learning, engaged learning and human development
The intersection of the arts with horticulture
head shot of a woman
Elizabeth Earle


Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Elizabeth Earle
Elmer Ewing

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Elmer Ewing
  • eee1 [at] cornell.edu
Gary Fick


School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Gary Fick
William Fry

Emeritus Professor

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

William Fry
David Gadoury
David Gadoury

Senior Research Associate (retired)

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Cornell AgriTech

David Gadoury
Diseases of grapevine, apple, and strawberry
Powdery mildew
Downy mildew
Vernon Gracen


Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

School of Integrative Plant Science

Vernon Gracen
don halseth
Donald Halseth

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Donald Halseth
  • deh3 [at] cornell.edu
Potato and dry bean production
gary harman
Gary Harman

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Gary Harman
  • geh3 [at] cornell.edu
Harvey Hoch

Emeritus Professor

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

Harvey Hoch
steve hoying
Stephen Hoying

Retired Senior Extension Associate

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Stephen Hoying
  • sah19 [at] cornell.edu
George Hudler

Emeritus Professor

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

George Hudler
Daniel Klessig
Daniel Klessig

Adjunct Professor (retired)

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Daniel Klessig
  • dfk8 [at] cornell.edu
Mechanisms of plant immunity
Systemic acquired resistance
Salicylic acid signaling
Alan Lakso
Alan Lakso

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Cornell AgriTech

Alan Lakso
  • anl2 [at] cornell.edu
Robert Langhans

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Robert Langhans
  • rwl2 [at] cornell.edu
Rosemary Loria


Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

Rosemary Loria
Gregory Martin
Gregory Martin

Professor Emeritus

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Gregory Martin
Molecular mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis
Molecular basis of plant immunity
Timothy Martinson
Timothy Martinson

Senior Extension Associate (retired)

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Cornell AgriTech

Timothy Martinson
Viticulture Extension
Murray McBride
Murray McBride

Emeritus Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Murray McBride
Toxic and trace metal bioavailability
Contaminated soil remediation
Soil health
susan mccouch
Susan McCouch


School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section


Computational Biology

Susan McCouch
Complex trait variation in rice
Enhancing the performance of modern rice cultivars
Meg McGrath
Margaret McGrath

Associate Professor Emeritus

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Margaret McGrath
Diseases of vegetable crops
Powdery mildew, downy mildew, Phytophthora blight and basil downy mildew
Fungicide resistance
ian merwin
Ian Merwin

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Ian Merwin
  • im13 [at] cornell.edu
Cider production
Michael Milgroom

Professor Emeritus

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

Michael Milgroom
ken mudge
Kenneth Mudge

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Kenneth Mudge
  • kwm2 [at] cornell.edu
Plant propagation
Peter Minotti

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Peter Minotti
  • plm3355 [at] verizon.net
Portrait photo of woman wearing glasses with blonde hair.
Jane Mt. Pleasant

Associate Professor Emeritus

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

American Indian and Indigenous Studies Program

Jane Mt. Pleasant
  • jm21 [at] cornell.edu
Indigenous agriculture
Plants and well-being
Martha Ann Mutschler-Chu
Martha Mutschler-Chu

Professor Emeritus

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Martha Mutschler-Chu
Tomato and onion breeding and genomics
Disease and insect resistance
Intellectual property
Mikhail Nasrallah

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Mikhail Nasrallah
  • men4 [at] cornell.edu
Eric Nelson

Professor Emeritus

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

Eric Nelson
karl niklas in profile
Karl Niklas

Emeritus Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Karl Niklas
  • kjn2 [at] cornell.edu
Ralph Obendorf
Ralph Obendorf


School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences

Ralph Obendorf
Dominick Paolillo

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Biology Section

Dominick Paolillo
  • djp4 [at] cornell.edu
keith perry
Keith Perry

Associate Professor Emeritus

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Keith Perry
Plant virus - insect vector interactions
Diagnostic technologies
Virus diseases of potato and grape
marty petrovic
Marty Petrovic

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Marty Petrovic
  • amp4 [at] cornell.edu
Turfgrass science
Water quality
Robert Plaisted

Professor Emeritus

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Robert Plaisted
  • rlp3 [at] cornell.edu
Loyd Powell

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Loyd Powell
  • lpowell1 [at] twcny.rr.com
Hugh Price

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Hugh Price
  • hcp1 [at] cornell.edu
Donald Rakow
Don Rakow

Retired Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Don Rakow
Public garden management and social impact
Botanical history
Equitable access to parks and green spaces
W. Shaw Reid


School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

W. Shaw Reid
  • wsr1 [at] cornell.edu
Bruce Reisch
Bruce Reisch

Professor Emeritus

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Cornell AgriTech

Bruce Reisch
Grape breeding and genomics
Molecular genetic mapping
Marker-assisted selection
Richard Robinson

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Richard Robinson
David Rosenberger


Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

David Rosenberger
Robert Seem


Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

Robert Seem
Tim Setter
Tim Setter

Emeritus Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Soil and Crop Sciences Section

Tim Setter
Maize, wheat and cassava breeding and genomics
Drought and environmental stress physiology
International agriculture
Wayne Sinclair

Professor Emeritus

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section

Wayne Sinclair
  • was1 [at] cornell.edu
Donald R. Viands
Donald Viands

Emeritus Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Donald Viands
Forage breeding and genomics
Biofuel crops
Quantitative genetics
Thomas Weiler

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Thomas Weiler
  • tcw2 [at] cornell.edu
Interior plants
tom whitlow
Thomas Whitlow

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Thomas Whitlow
  • thw2 [at] cornell.edu
Urban and Restoration Ecology
Ecosystem Services
​Plant Physiological Ecology
chris wien
Chris Wien

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Chris Wien
  • hcw2 [at] cornell.edu
High tunnels ​
Cut flowers
Public garden management
David Wolfe
David Wolfe

Emeritus Faculty

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

David Wolfe
  • dww5 [at] cornell.edu
Climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies for managed and natural ecosystems
Soil health and water resource management, and soil carbon assessment
Science communication and policy
Thomas Zitter


Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

Thomas Zitter