
With more than 100 faculty and senior academics, over 200 graduate students, more than 200 academic, technical, and support staff, and close to 200 undergraduate majors, the School of Integrative Plant Science is the largest academic unit in Cornell's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Joss Rose

Executive Committee including associate directors, Section heads and associated staff.

group of people standing around a table displaying apples

Tenured/ tenure-track faculty, senior level research associates, extension associates, and lecturers.


Administrative, student services, financial, communications and other office staff supporting the school's mission.

SIPS-wide Faculty and Academic Staff

  • Professor
  • Steve Kresovich, SKRESOV [at] (SKRESOV[at]clemson[dot]edu)
    Crop Improvement Innovation Lab Director
  • Adjunct Professor
    Levon Esters 
    Feed the Future Innovation Lab Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) Partnership Advisor
  • Adjunct Professor
    Abe Strook
    Gordon L. Dibble '50 Professor in the Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • Active Learning Initiative Post-Doc
    Anna Levina, avl6 [at] (avl6[at]cornell[dot]edu)
  • Active Learning Initiative Post-Doc
    Andrew Scheldorf, ads356 [at] (ads356[at]cornell[dot]edu)
  • SIPS Industry Partnerships Liaison
    P. Marius Weigert, marius.weigert [at] (marius[dot]weigert[at]cornell[dot]edu)

SIPS Section Directories

Section contact information, faculty and academics, graduate field faculty, staff, and graduate students for each SIPS Section:


Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Associations

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