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Communication News

three digital drawings

Field Note

Sushmi Majumder '25: Artistic reflections on our connections to food
Cornell’s Food Systems and Global Change program launched a storytelling project called “Food is…,” which aims to meld digital illustration with personal narratives on the multifaceted nature of what food means to each of us. Hear from Sushmi...
  • Department of Communication
  • Department of Global Development
  • Communication
Smoke from wildfires burning in Canada shroud the Sage Hall tower, foreground, and McGraw Tower


To help local emergency managers assess danger, Cornell researchers have created the Mortality Estimation Tool to map predicted, smoke-attributed mortality statistics in near-real time.

  • Cornell Atkinson
  • Northeast Regional Climate Center
  • Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
A person giving another person a vaccination indoors


A study involving more than 3.6 million people who’d already received COVID vaccinations found that offering free Lyft rides to a vaccination site was no more enticing than simply reminding people of the importance of getting boosted.

  • Communication
  • Department of Communication
  • Behavior
a rhubarb leaf


Chemical ecologist Andre Kessler makes an argument for plant intelligence, citing goldenrod's flexible, real-time, adaptive responses when eaten.

  • Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
  • Communication
  • Environment
A pink audio spike


A new study suggests that the gender of an AI’s voice can positively tweak the dynamics of gender-imbalanced teams and could help inform the design of bots used for human-AI teamwork.

  • Communication
  • Department of Communication
  • Behavior
whiteboard working session

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Communication Events

Headshot of Monica Cornejo


Meet our faculty: Monica Cornejo
Meet Monica Cornejo, assistant professor, Department of Communication.
  • Department of Communication
  • Communication
  • Health + Nutrition
A female basketball player tries to dribble around an opponent


However, Lane's radiating confidence wasn't inherent from a young age. Instead, it was something that was learned, something that was impressed upon her at Cornell, where she graduated from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. It just...
  • Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management
  • Communication
A female faculty member standing on a stage in a large performance hall to students scattered in the chairs below


In normal times, an audience of that size would be a sparse turnout for a venue that can accommodate more than 1,300. But due to the need for social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19, there are just 100 available spots scattered...
  • Department of Communication
  • Communication