Fact Sheets
Fruit Fact Sheets
Ornamentals Fact Sheets
Field Crops Fact Sheets
Biocontrol Agent Fact Sheets
Insect Biocontrol Agents
- Allium leafminer parasitoid (Halticoptera circulus)
- Amblyseius swirskii–Predatory Mite
- Beauveria bassiana
- Bathyplectes anurus and B. curculionis
- Common Green Lacewing
- Diaeretiella rapae–parasitoid wasp of aphids
- European corn borer parasitoid (Eriborus terebrans)
- Fire Ant Decapitating Fly (Pseudacteon spp.)
- Ganaspis brasiliensis, parasitoid wasp of spotted-wing drosophila larvae
- Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Beneficial Hb Nematode
- Hover Fly
- Imported Cabbageworm Parasitoid (Cotesia glomerata)
- Leek moth parasitoid–Diadromus pulchellus
- Metarhizium spp.
- Minute Pirate Bug and Insidious Flower Bug
- Muscidifurax raptor and M. raptorellus
- Neoseiulus californicus–Predatory Mite
- Neoseiulus cucumeris–Predatory Mite
- Neoseiulus fallacis—Predatory Mite
- Phytoseiulus persimilis–Predatory Mite
- Samurai wasp (Trissolcus japonicus)
- Southern green stink bug egg parasitoid (Trissolcus basalis)
- Spring Tiphia (Tiphia vernalis)
- Steinernema carpocapsae, beneficial nematode (Sc)
- Steinernema feltiae, Beneficial nematode (Sf)
- Tetrastichus julis–Parasitoid of Cereal Leaf Beetle
- Trichogramma ostriniae–Parasitoid of European Corn Borer
- Typhlodromus pyri–Predatory Mite
- Rove Beetle
- Western predatory mite
- Zetzellia mali–Predatory Mite
Weed Biocontrol Agents
Leafy Spurge Biocontrol Agents
- Aphthona cyparissiae flea beetle
- Aphthona flava flea beetle
- Aphthona lacertosa flea beetle
- Black dot leafy spurge flea beetle (Aphthona nigriscutis Foudras)
- Black leafy spurge flea beetle (Aphthona czwalinae)
- Leafy Spurge Gall Midge
- Leafy Spurge Hawk Moth
- Leafy Spurge Stem Borer
Melaleuca Biocontrol Agents
Livestock Fact Sheets
Many more fact sheets are available for download from the Cornell University Library's eCommons service as we work to improve this page.
Pesticide Safety Education Fact Sheets
Biocontrol agent fact sheet
Pests Targeted: Thrips, Spider Mites, Aphids, Leafhoppers, Caterpillars, Springtails and Whiteflies.
Commercially Available? Yes
Scientific Name: Orius tristicolor, Orius insidiosus
Biocontrol Agent Type: Predator
Minute Pirate Bug and Insidious Flower BugAuthor: Lidia Komondy
Department of Entomology
Date: April 2022
Biocontrol agent fact sheet
Pests Targeted: Aphids, Caterpillars, Leafhoppers, Planthoppers, Mealy Bugs, Thrips
Commercially Available? Yes
Scientific Name: Syrphidae, e.g. Episyrphus balteatus
Biocontrol Agent Type: Predator
Biocontrol agent fact sheet
Metarhizium spp. targets a wide range of pests across many insect orders and are known to infect over 200 species of insects, most of which are beetles.
Metarhizium spp.Author: Morgan Swoboda
Department of Entomology, Cornell University
Date: June 10, 2022
Biocontrol agent fact sheet
These predatory beetles are beneficial to farmers and gardeners, because they can reduce pest populations, also referred to as biological control, however, because rove beetles are generalist predators, they can also reduce populations of beneficial insects such as beneficial predatory mite eggs and nymphs.
Rove BeetleAuthor: Lidia Komondy
Cornell University Department of Entomology
Date: April 2022
Biocontrol agent fact sheet
Beauveria bassiana is a contact mycoinsecticide (an insecticide which contains fungi) that is registered for use in the United States on a wide range of pest insects and can be used on many agricultural and horticultural crops.
Beauveria bassianaAuthor: Morgan Swoboda
Department of Entomology, Cornell University
Date: June 10, 2022
Vegetable pest fact sheet
Allium leafminer (ALM), Phytomyza gymnostoma, is a specialist pest that infests wild and cultivated plants in the Allium genus. Generally, ALM attacks allium crops such as chives, garlic, leek, onion, ramps, and scallion.
Allium Leafminer Identification, Biology and ControlDepartment of Entomology, Cornell AgriTech, Cornell University, Geneva, NY.
Prepared by: Rekha Bhandari, Pin-Chu Lai and Brian A. Nault
Date: April 18, 2023
Biocontrol agent fact sheet
Adult Bathyplectes anurus and B. curculionis are parasitoid biocontrol agents for alfalfa weevil larvae.
Bathyplectes anurus and B. curculionisAuthors: Judith Herreid and Randa Jabbour, University of Wyoming
Date: December 2021
Exotic Insect Pest • Ornamentals
The Box Tree Moth (BTM) is an exotic insect pest that poses a threat to boxwood plantings.
Box Tree MothAuthors: Jacob Leeser and Brian Eshenaur, New York State Integrated Pest Management, Cornell University
Date: May 2023
Biocontrol agent fact sheet
Pests Targeted: Spotted knapweed
Commercially Available? No
Scientific Name: Agapeta zoegana
Biocontrol Agent Type: Weed Feeder
Sulfur Knapweed MothAuthor: Lincoln Smith
USDA Agricultural Research Service
Date: February 2022