Research Highlights 2019
2019 exemplified the important impact that Cornell AgriTech research has on food and agriculture industries across New York state. Our research findings this past year will shape the decisions that producers and processors make to produce, protect and sustain products for years to come.
Key research achievements
Peer-reviewed papers in 2019
Peer-reviewed research citations to date for current faculty
Grants started in 2019 to begin groundbreaking research
Galaxy Suite tomatoes make their debut
Phillip Griffiths, associate professor of horticulture, developed several unique, flavorful and attractive tomato varieties in 2019. The varieties were developed with the latest consumer and marketplace trends in mind.
Eastern Broccoli Project on track to meet $100M goal
Prior to the work of Thomas Björkman, professor of horticulture, the broccoli industry on the East Coast was small, with most broccoli being produced on the West Coast. Thanks to Björkman, the East Coast broccoli industry is now valued at close to $100 million.
Program educates onion farmers to fight pests, cut chemical sprays
Research and pest management techniques developed by Brian Nault, professor of entomology, helped protect New York’s onion industry which is valued between $40 million to $50 million annually.
UV light may be ripe to replace chemicals in fungal fight
Farmers may no longer have to rely exclusively on fungicides to suppress destructive plant pathogens like powdery mildew fungi (PM) thanks to David Gadoury, senior research associate. Gadoury has spent the last five years refining the science and applied technology behind using ultraviolet light to kill the fungi that cause PM, opening the door for the technology’s use to control other plant pathogens.
Team fights invasive pest, supports New York berry industry
Our berry researchers are members of the only comprehensive berry team in the Northeast, combining expertise in horticulture, entomology, plant pathology, agricultural economics, plant breeding and management practices. Their work has helped support New York’s $20 million berry industry.
Organic crop practices affect long-term soil health
Research from the lab of Kyle Wickings, associate professor of entomology, found that prior organic farming practices and plantings can have lasting outcomes for future soil health, weeds and crop yields. Wickings research is important because unsustainable farming practices are depleting soils of biological activity and nutrients, leading to widespread concern about farmers’ ability to grow enough food to keep up with global population growth.