Pest Management

We promote the health of New York crops through research on the ecology, biology and management of insects that affect the health of tree fruits, berries, grapes and vegetables. Improving our understanding of pest biology and ecology in crop systems is central to our development of practical, cost-effective and environmentally sensitive pest management tactics. In addition, research in these areas helps us to predict crop pest outbreaks, develop insecticide resistance management strategies and mitigate the spread of insect-transmitted crop diseases.

Lynn Sosnoskie
Lynn Sosnoskie

Assistant Professor

School of Integrative Plant Science

Horticulture Section

Cornell AgriTech

Lynn Sosnoskie
Weed ecology
Weed management
Specialty crops
Man at desk smiles.
Jan Nyrop

Emeritus Professor

Department of Entomology

Jan Nyrop
  • jpn2 [at]
Man in suit smiles.
Ping Wang


Department of Entomology

Cornell AgriTech

Ping Wang
Brian Nault portrait
Brian Nault


Department of Entomology

Cornell AgriTech

Brian Nault
Man in field smiles.
Gregory Loeb


Department of Entomology

Cornell AgriTech

Gregory Loeb
Kyle Wickings holding a tuft of grass and dirt
Kyle Wickings

Associate Professor

Department of Entomology

Cornell AgriTech

Kyle Wickings
Portrait of Amara Dunn
Amara Dunn-Silver

Senior Extension Associate

NYS Integrated Pest Management

Amara Dunn-Silver
portrait of Marion Zuefle
Marion Zuefle

Senior Extension Associate

NYS Integrated Pest Management

Marion Zuefle
Invasive species
Exotic pests and diseases
Using soil temperature readings to suggest when weeds are likely to germinate
Woman smiles.
Jaime Cummings

Extension Associate, Senior

NYS Integrated Pest Management

Jaime Cummings
Julie Carroll
Juliet Carroll

Senior Extension Associate, Emerita (retired – active)

School of Integrative Plant Science

Juliet Carroll
  • jec3 [at]
Integrated pest management
Tree Fruit
Grapes and Berries