Faculty, Staff, and Student Resources

Three people looking at an item together.


Cornell AgriTech provides human resources, financial transaction and account management for the academic departments and support units on our campus. Many additional resources and services are available to students and employees on the Geneva campus and can be found on this page as well.

Cornell AgriTech Street Address

Cornell AgriTech
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Cornell University
630 West North Street
Geneva, NY 14456

Building shipping addresses

Hours of Operation

Monday-Thursday: 8am-12pm; 1pm-5pm
Friday: 8am-12pm; 1pm-4pm
Closed Weekends

Further faculty, staff, and student resources

Campus Store Currently Operating

We are beginning to transition to an online only store. Some campus store offerings will continue to be available The on-campus store will continue to be available as we sell out of items. We still have large quantities of merchandise with many sizes available at the on-campus store. Continue to reach out to rmj26 [at] cornell.edu (Renee Jakaub) for on-campus items needed in between in person sales events.

Ordering Merchandise Online

Before purchasing online, please see if items are on the sold out list (at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ghROjCKODjdTRABV5p1td_ZGGtQHug_NlPtsA7n7urE/edit?usp=sharing).


If you are purchasing online with Cornell pcard, please go to this link set-up to be tax exempt: https://cornellagritechtaxexempt.itemorder.com/shop/home/


If you are purchasing with personal funds (even if to wear for work), please go this link that includes sales tax: https://cornellagritech.itemorder.com/shop/sale/


All items can be picked-up downtown Geneva at the Community Proud store (423 Exchange Street). All orders are processed at the end of the month and take approximately 2.5 weeks. Community Proud will notify you when items are ready.

In winter 2017, the Cornell AgriTech community partnered with IDEO to develop a complementary identity within our college’s master brand. As a result, the Cornell AgriTech brand shares many foundational elements of the Cornell CALS parent brand, including several major components of the college’s visual identity, such as its color palette, typography and photographic style.

Please use Cornell AgriTech branding on all outwardly facing materials and presentations. 

HR policies, forms and benefits information for Cornell employees.
Jessica Townley is our HR representative. 

jet239 [at] cornell.edu (jet239[at]cornell[dot]edu); 315-787-2236

Instructions for the following may be found here: https://cornell.box.com/s/hlgaw8bsm9s66ue0jgi75m7d2nk60tdv

  • Benefits, insurance, retirement
  • New non-academic hire
  • New postdoc hire
  • New hourly worker
  • Request non-academic or postdoc appointment extension
  • Change in non-academic or postdoc appointment
  • Request FTE change, pay increase, or supervisor change
  • Request to host a visitor / volunteer / intern
  • Request a bonus or one-time payment

For the initial registering of drivers, there are 2 registrations that must be completed (links below). Once the forms are completed they are screened in Ithaca – typically 10 days waiting time, a welcome letter will be sent from Agile after the screening is completed.


Here is the link for making a reservation to rent a fleet car on the Geneva Campus –


Fleet keys are in Staci Bonventre’s office, General Services Building, Room 107. Please print out a copy of the reservation. At the end of the reservation when the vehicle is returned, the end mileage must be provided on the reservation form. The keys and reservation should be dropped in the black key drop box which is located next to the front entrance door of B&P.  

The voyager card is in the glove box if traveling and need more fuel. The PIN is the last 6 digits of the vehicle identification number (VIN). The VIN is printed on the bottom left corner of the card.

Amy Fox is our EH&S representative for AgriTech. 

Amy Fox

Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Cornell AgriTech and Satellite Locations

atf38 [at] cornell.edu

607-391-5003 (mobile)

607-253-2346 (office)

WPS (Worker Protection Safety) Training:

Please contact Staci Bonventre for the date of the next WPS training.

Listed below are the links to the financial dashboard to assist you with account monitoring:

  1. https://pidash.cornell.edu The PI Dashboard. For this dashboard, please select the transaction tab which will provide you with transaction activity for all fund sources in the past 90 days.
  2. https://oasprod.db.cornell.edu/analytics/saw.dll?Dashboard The KFS Oracle Interactive Dashboard will bring you to the Kuali Account - Award Portfolio pages where you can view your account balances and account transactions.  When looking at transaction detail, please be sure to click on the Fiscal Period drop down box to view prior month transactions.

Please monitor your award transactions, balances, and term dates to ensure that project related expenses are appropriate and incurred by the term date.

Please direct any questions or concerns regarding your accounts to:

Clarice Burgman (Horticulture and Food Science)

Bill Salone (Plant Pathology and Entomology)

Sage Gerling (Units)

Amanda Grace (IPM)

Please note: in accordance with CU Policy 3.20 Cost Transfers on Sponsored Agreements https://policy.cornell.edu/sites/default/files/vol3_20.pdf ,  the principal investigator (PI) and unit administrator need to monitor expenses to see that all costs charged to the sponsored project are allowable, allocable, and reasonable when costs are being incurred.  When there are expenditure errors on sponsored projects that need to be corrected, a cost transfer is necessary. Cost transfers must be completed within 90 days of the initial charge. 

The SSC is happy to assist you with purchase transactions and travel related questions. You may join a zoom call with a member of the SSC and get help with your question during their virtual office hours. Please see the schedule here:



Or email: shared-services-center [at] cornell.edu (shared-services-center[at]cornell[dot]edu)

Jordan Hall; contact Angela Durso to reserve:

  • 116 (6 people max, has a/v equipment)
  • 210 (24 people max, has a/v equipment)
  • Gathering Space (28 people max)
  • 216 aka auditorium 100 people max, has a/v equipment)

Barton Lab; contact Chris Dean or Holly Hancharik to reserve:

  • A134 (30 people with tables, 45 chairs only, has a/v equipment)
  • A137 (15 people with tables, 30 chairs only, has a/v equipment)
  • 310 (12 people with tables, 20 chairs only, has a/v equipment)
  • A103 (4 people max)
  • A105 (6 people max, has a/v equipment)

Food Science; contact Sarah Lincoln to reserve:

  • G34 (28 people classroom style, 13 U-shaped tables, 40 people chairs only, has a/v equipment)

Hedrick Hall; contact Amy Andersen to reserve:

  • 104 Hedrick (6 people max, has a/v equipment but user must bring laptop)
  • G19 (14 people max at table, or 25 with extra chairs around perimeter, has a/v equipment)

I Want Doc:


I Want Doc instructions


Please use the following reference for sending IWANT docs over $2,500 to ASC team members for approval in lieu of the one sent last week.  

  • AgriTech Director’s office – Jen Scaglia (jms967)
  • Administrative Service Center - Jen Scaglia (jms967)
  • Buildings & Properties/Fleet Operations - Jen Scaglia (jms967)
  • CALS IT Geneva - Jen Scaglia (jms967)
  • Center of Excellence – Clarice Burgman (crs17)
  • CLEREL - Jen Scaglia (jms967)
  • Entomology Geneva – Bill Salone (wfs53)
  • Food Science Geneva - – Clarice Burgman (crs17)
  • Field Research Unit - Jen Scaglia (jms967)
  • Grants under the Director’s office with 609XXXX account (Ex. GVRMA) – Clarice Burgman (crs17)
  • Horticulture Geneva – Clarice Burgman (crs17)
  • Hudson Valley Lab – Jen Scaglia (jms967)
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM) – Michele Kaufman (mrk25)
  • PSEP under IPM – Michele Kaufman (mrk25)
  • Plant Pathology/Plant-Microbe Biology Geneva – Bill Salone (wfs53)
  • USDA - Cornell 646XXXX accounts - Bill Salone (wfs53)

To Obtain a New Pcard:

Eshop User Access:

  • It is recommended that all e-SHOP users review the Purchasing e-SHOP Tutorials (KFSPUR 400eSHOP) in CULearn. 
  • Anyone can be a shopper in eshop with a valid Cornell NetID and can send an order to an "e-Shop User" for approval. For team members that you want to be able to complete their own orders, you have to be an  "e-Shop User."
  • Faculty or Supervisor send Sage Gerling (sbf26) an email requesting eshop access for any of their team members. Sage will send a request to CALS Finance (Mark Pluchino) to do the access.