Academic Staff: Plant Breeding & Genetics

Academic staff include postdoctoral associates, research associates, extension associates, and lecturers

Mahlet Teka Anche

Research Associate

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Mahlet Teka Anche
  • mta58 [at]
headshot of Harel Bacher
Harel Bacher

Postdoctoral Associate (Gore Lab)

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Harel Bacher
  • hb435 [at]
headshot of David Brown
David Brown

Postdoctoral Associate (Tufan Lab)

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

David Brown
  • db877 [at]
Data synthesis
Location-specific information
Genotype-by-environment interaction
John Fabrizio
John Fabrizio

Postdoctoral Associate (Mazourek Lab)

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

John Fabrizio
  • jff68 [at]
Luke Gregory

Postdoctoral Associate (Gore Lab)

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Luke Gregory
  • lmg342 [at]
Judy smiling
Judith Kolkman

Postdoctoral Associate (Sorrells Lab)

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology

Judith Kolkman
  • jmk87 [at]
Martina Occelli headshot
Martina Occelli

Research Associate

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Martina Occelli
  • mo386 [at]
Participatory breeding approaches
Local ecological knowledge
Agricultural economics
Muhammad Mumtaz

Postdoctoral Associate (Sorrells Lab)

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Muhammad Mumtaz
  • mm3432 [at]
Tesfahun Setotaw

Postdoctoral Associate (Jannink Lab)

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Tesfahun Setotaw
  • tas286 [at]
FNU Sombir

Research Associate (Mazourek Lab)

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

FNU Sombir
  • sr788 [at]
Biructawit Tessema

Postdoctoral Associate, Robbins Research Group

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Biructawit Tessema
  • bbt28 [at]
Xuesong Zhou

Postdoctoral Associate (Mazourek Lab)

School of Integrative Plant Science

Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Xuesong Zhou
  • xz328 [at]