Business Resources

The impetus of PRO-DAIRY was a business focus and the Managing for Success program. The Farm Business Management program area has expanded and now impacts farms across the state and includes business analysis, discussion groups and personal growth programs.

Dairy Farm Business Summary Publications

Dairy cows in a barn

Historical DFBS Publications

Cost Calculators

A milking parlor is a large investment on farms and the milking labor accounts for over one-third of all labor costs on farms. This calculator is designed to help farms determine the areas of the milking center that are the main drivers in milk harvest and storage costs.

One important aspect of the manure management system is the cost to apply manure. This template is designed to determine the cost of utilizing liquid manure systems.

This template is designed to determine the costs associated with getting dairy animals checked pregnant.

Business Reporting Tools

The DuPont Analysis System is a graphical picture of the relationship that operating performance and financial structures have in determining what return on assets and return on equity will be. Developed by the DuPont Corporation to aid in decision making, the model provides a way to analysis the impact different changes may have on returns. The model has been adapted to match how the majority of dairy businesses keep their records and to allow some additional analysis to occur.

An Excel spreadsheet for the economic analysis of capital leases. Version 2.2 can handle different values in each year for tax rates, interest rates and the opportunity cost of capital.

An Excel 5.0 file designed for calculating financial statements for agriculture consistent with the recommendations of the Farm Financial Standards Council (FFSC).

Reports and Analyses