Upcoming and Recent Webinars
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In this webinar Cornell Animal Science Professor Julio Giordano will discuss how data from precision livestock farming technologies can be used to learn about and improve the profitability of individual cows and herds. MyCow$, a novel tool to...
Join us for this Spanish-language webinar series, specifically designed for Spanish-speaking farm employees or middle managers of dairy farms. In this webinar series, learn the fundamentals, management practices and research of the most common...
Two webinars on dairy greenhouse gas (GHG), sponsored by Northeast Dairy Producers Association, Cornell Cooperative Extension, PRO-DAIRY, and NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets were offered in March 2024. Quantifying nutrient balances and...
This webinar series focused on enhancing farm efficiency. Explore innovative practices and cutting-edge technologies to optimize feeding and management through the webinar recordings. Webinars were held Tuesdays from January 9 to March 12, 2024.
In this webinar, presented by Cornell CALS PRO-DAIRY, attendees will learn about the carbon accounting of dairy manure anaerobic digestion (AD) to renewable natural gas (RNG) systems that are being implemented in New York through California's...