Effective use of production management tools is important to revenue and production growth of dairy farms in New York and impacts the profitability and quality of life for farm owners. PRO-DAIRY staff partner with Cornell Cooperative Extension Regional Dairy Specialists to create effective and accessible educational programs that reflect the diversity of geography and production management systems that characterize New York's dairy industry. The combination of cutting-edge research practices and tested best management practices enable farmers and their employees to make sound decisions for their farms and rural communities.
PRO-DAIRY staff partner with Cornell Cooperative Extension Regional Dairy Specialists to develop and implement programs across the state, efficiently share staff expertise.
Featured Programming

Regional workshops offered in English and Spanish, October and November 2024
Featuring stations with mostly hands-on activities and demonstrations. Topics covered: Economics and importance of feeding and feed management; dry matter and feeder math basics: how to measure DM and refusals, and adjust ration; feed consistency and TMR audits; troubleshooting mixer wagons; bunk silo management, map out bunk, packing density and preservation, and feed out; and safety.

In the Cornell Cow Convos monthly podcast series led by PRO-DAIRY and CCE Dairy Specialists feature current, new and emerging topics of interest to the dairy industry right now. New episodes are released on the last Thursday of the month

View webinar recordings of PRO-DAIRY programming.