The PRO-DAIRY Herd Health and Management program supports New York State dairy producers by leading educational programs, integrating research results, identifying research needs, collaborating on-farm with advisors, and participating in industry-wide initiatives. Dairy farmers take their responsibility to provide good care for their cattle very seriously and are always looking for new ways to keep the herd healthy.

Current areas of focus include: fresh cow management, prudent use of medications, calf health and reproductive management.

H5N1 (HPAI) in US Dairy Cattle

On March 25, 2024, samples collected from sick cows on dairy farms in Texas and Kansas tested positive for H5N1. Since that time, additional positive cases have been identified in cattle on dairy farms in more states. This is a rapidly evolving situation, and updates will continue to be posted. At this time, USDA states that there is no concern over the safety of the commercial milk supply and cooking meat to proper internal temperatures is known to inactivate microorganisms like influenza.


Organize and lead dairy herd health management programing.

  • Seminars/Conference Presentations
  • On-Farm Training
  • Online Courses


Cornell University conducts a great deal of research focused on herd health and PRO-DAIRY’s statewide outreach to share the results of this research is critical. PRO-DAIRY also supports applied research at the college and in partnership with CALS and the College of Veterinary Medicine.


PRO-DAIRY’s Herd Health Specialist is engaged on the state and national level with dairy herd health issues.


youth and instructor looking at cow repro tracts

Dairy Management Online Learning

  • Milk Quality Online Course
  • Forage Management Online Course
  • Calf & Heifer Management
  • Dairy Cattle Reproductive Management
  • Dairy Cattle Reproductive Management (taught in Spanish)
  • Forage Management

Learn More About Online Courses

Recent Past Events

For More Information

Rob Lynch, DVM

Available throughout New York and outside New York (fees apply)

  • Assist in educational programming
  • Dairy consultation (in conjunction with herd veterinarian and other advisors)


Rob Lynch
Robert Lynch

Dairy Herd Health and Management Specialist


Animal Science

Robert Lynch
Lindsay Ferlito
Lindsay Ferlito

Dairy Animal Welfare Specialist


Animal Science

Lindsay Ferlito