Enhancing New York's dairy industry through education and applied research

For over 35 years PRO-DAIRY has dedicated itself to one goal: To foster a progressive New York state dairy industry through its programming and leadership. Through results-driven education and research, PRO-DAIRY specialists have contributed to the technical knowledge, management skills and economic strength of New York’s dairy industry since 1988.


The dairy industry is not static, nor is PRO-DAIRY. As New York’s dairy farms have changed over time, so has PRO-DAIRY. The program has added specialists, programs and research that target industry areas and issues important to keeping New York dairies competitive in today’s market-oriented environment. PRO-DAIRY features programs that span the industry, including environmental management; crop, manure and nutrient management; business performance; herd health and management; and youth education.


While looking forward to where New York’s dairy industry must be to remain competitive, PRO-DAIRY attends to the basics of dairy business profitability. Through programs and research, it targets business management, cow care, nutrition, facilities, dairy replacements and manure management, to name a few.


In today’s business climate, partnerships are essential to success. PRO-DAIRY, a joint venture of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets and Cornell University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, has a long history of partnering with dairy organizations. Key collaborators include dairy producer groups, Cornell Cooperative Extension and numerous agribusiness and state government agencies.

NY Dairy Stats


dairy farms




nationally in milk production



of milk annually



in gross producer income

PRO-DAIRY mission

Facilitate New York state economic development by increasing the competitiveness and sustainability of New York’s dairy farm businesses through industry-applied research and educational programs that enhance farm profitability while advancing dairy producers and agribusiness professionals’ knowledge, skills and enthusiasm.

PRO-DAIRY programs are well-received by the dairy industry.

Cornell Dairy Farm Business Summary and Analysis Program

Cornell Dairy Executive Program Management Symposium

Dairy Profit Monitor

(monthly benchmarking tool)


Academy for Dairy Executives

Operations Managers Conference

PRO-DAIRY Webinar Series in English and Spanish

PRO-DAIRY online courses

CAFO Off-Road Show Programs

New York State Corn Silage Hybrid Trials



Herd Health and Nutrition Conference

(with Northeast Agribusiness and Feed Alliance)


CAFO Engineer Training Program



Northeast Dairy Management Conference

(with Northeast Dairy Producers Association)

Progressive Dairy Magazine