Western Equestrian Club

The Western Equestrian Club at Cornell provides students the opportunity to both learn and compete in the Western division. The club is open to individuals with all ranges of experience, including no experience at all! Our coach, Nicky Kurty, has 25+ years of coaching, judging, and competing expertise. We ride at Nicky's barn, Oakwood Manor, and are able to use her wonderful horses. About 45 minutes out from campus, we will assign carpool and lesson groups for you based around your class and work schedule! Our team focuses on enhancing our riding ability, building a strong team and friendship, and giving back to our horses and community. 

The CUWT trains and competes in the western discipline, including horsemanship, ranch riding, and reining. As a competitive sports club at Cornell, we compete in the Zone 2, Region 1 IHSA division. Our horse shows take place throughout the school year. There is no pressure to compete, and you are always encouraged to come to cheer on your team! Those members who do want to compete will be provided all of the necessary clothing and preparation provided by the team!

Outside of competing, we work on advancing our horse handling skills! You will be able to brush, tack, lead, and care for the barn's horses. CUWT also participates in horse related philanthropy events and team building activities throughout the year! We will hold G-body meetings to recap shows, plan for upcoming fundraisers and events, and build our team spirit. 

Get Involved

If you are interested in joining the team or have any questions, please email cornellwesternequestrians [at] gmail.com (cornellwesternequestrians[at]gmail[dot]com). We are always looking for new, enthusiastic members! Follow us on our Instagram @cornellwesterneq for all updates on interest meetings, activities, and competitions.