Welcome to the Department of Animal Science

The Department of Animal Science offers undergraduate and graduate programs on the biology and management of food, laboratory and companion animal species. Our research programs advance our understanding of animal biology and address local and global issues facing animal industries today. Our goals are to discover and develop new techniques and information to benefit animals, agriculture and human health. Our internationally recognized faculty have diverse interests in animal management, breeding, genetics, physiology, nutrition, growth biology and microbiology.

Major in Animal Science

Animal science majors learn from internationally recognized professors in all aspects of domestic animal biology: breeding, genetics, nutrition, physiology, growth, behavior and management.

Animal Science Major

Learn more about what an animal science major can do for you.

International Opportunities

Check out the international opportunities available with the animal science major.

Graduate Studies

Approximately 40 graduate students from a variety of disciplines belong to the Department of Animal Science, most of them in the field of animal science.

Undergraduate research


headshot of taylor walker

Field Note

Taylor Walker: MPS program an incredibly inventive space
When I finished my undergraduate studies in marine science at Boston University, I looked for a way to continue learning. Then I found out about the one-year MPS program focusing on animal science. To help me decide whether to apply, I read some...
  • Animal Science
  • Animals
anaerobic digester with pallets in front

Field Note

Biomethane from New York’s dairy manure and food waste could fuel over 30,000 tractor trailers annually*, displacing at least 300 million gallons of diesel. 12 percent of the NY dairy herd has implemented manure anaerobic digestion (AD) to...
  • Cornell Cooperative Extension
  • Cornell Dairy
Presenters and posters at a farm


Sarah Flanagan ’26 has known since high school that she wanted a career in agriculture to help reduce global food insecurity. An agricultural sciences major, Flanagan has taken impactful classes in plant genetics, soil science and many other...
  • Campus Area Farms
  • Cornell Orchards
  • Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station

Contact us for more information

Thank you for your interest in Animal Science at Cornell University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. 
Reach out through the information below, or find a more direct point of contact for your inquiries.

149 Morrison Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-4801
Phone: (607) 255-2862
Fax: (607) 255-9829
E-mail: anscinfo [at] cornell.edu (anscinfo[at]cornell[dot]edu)