Course Summary
The Dairy Nutrition Shortcourse and the Advanced Dairy Nutrition and Management Shortcourse are conducted in opposite years as a collaboration between Cornell University and Miner Institute with additional invited course faculty from other universities.
The Advanced Dairy Nutrition and Management Shortcourse provides an in-depth exposure to selected topics of emerging and continued interest relating to dairy cattle nutrition and management. The course is designed primarily for experienced nutritionists and allied industry professionals and is conducted in even calendar years at Cornell University.
Next course: June 2026
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Registration will open in April 2026.
Presented by
- Cornell Animal Science
- Miner Institute
Course Informtaion
Previous course materials and recordings
The 2024 course is completed and electronic materials are available for purchase. Presentations with Q&A recordings and electronic materials from the virtual course hosted in 2020 are also available for purchase.
2024 course agenda
12:00 PM
Registration opens
1:00 PM
Course welcome and overview of Session 1
Dr. Tom Overton, Cornell University
1:15 PM
Calf behavior and performance related to milk feeding and weaning strategies: Are we forgetting about the calf?
Dr. Joao Costa, University of Vermont
2:45 PM
3:15 PM
Different nutritional feeding strategies to support growth and health of calves –
Dr. Sarah Morrison - Miner Institute
4:30 PM
5:30 PM
Steak and shrimp at Moakley House, Robert Trent Jones Golf Course
215 Warren Road, Ithaca, NY
8:00 AM
Biology and management of hypocalcemia in transition cows
Dr. Laura Hernandez, University of Wisconsin-Madison
9:15 AM
Dynamics of inflammation during the transition period
Dr. Tom Overton, Cornell University
10:15 AM
10:45 AM
Feeding the dry and fresh cow
Dr. Heather Dann, Miner Institute
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
Concepts around aNDFom feeding and digestibility (and ethanol vs water sugars)
Dr. Mike Van Amburgh, Cornell University
2:15 PM
Factors affecting starch digestibility and utilization
Dr. Larry Chase, Cornell University
3:15 PM
Break – Ice Cream Social
3:45 PM
New concepts in amino acid nutrition and determining N efficiency
Dr. Mike Van Amburgh, Cornell University
5:15 PM
6:00 PM
Dinner at Personal Best Brewing featuring Fittnell BBQ
321 W. State St., Ithaca, NY 14850
8:00 AM
Whole farm environmental modeling – Introduction to RuFaS
Dr. Kristan Reed, Cornell University
9:15 AM
Mitigating enteric methane in the dairy industry
Dr. Joe McFadden, Cornell University
10:15 AM
10:45 AM
Opportunities for high oleic acid soybeans and other fatty acid considerations in dairy diets
Dr. Tom Overton, Cornell University
11:45 AM
Session 1 adjourns
1:15 PM
Session 2 welcome and overview of CNCPS
Dr. Mike Van Amburgh, Cornell University
1:30 PM
Nutritionist protein feeding survey results discussion
Dr. Andrew LaPierre, Cornell University
2:45 PM
Variability of feed digestibility analysis from commercial labs
Dr. Mike Van Amburgh and Dr. Andrew LaPierre, Cornell University
3:45 PM
4:15 PM
CNCPS v7 demonstration and discussion
Dr. Andrew LaPierre and Dr. Mike Van Amburgh, Cornell University
5:15 PM
6:30 PM
Dinner at Ithaca Beer Company
122 Ithaca Beer Drive, Ithaca, NY
8:00 AM
Round Robin sessions
RuFaS demonstration – Joe Waddell and Elle Andreen
Dry and fresh cows – Tom Overton
Lactation, components, calves and heifers – Mike Van Amburgh
CNCPS versioning discussion v6.55 & v7 comparisons – Andrew LaPierre and Alex Benoit
9:00 AM
Round Robins continue
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
Round Robins continue
11:30 AM
12:30 PM
Overview of commercial versions of CNCPS
Dr. Mike Van Amburgh and commercial license holders
1:30 PM
Concurrent breakout sessions - use of AMTS, NDS, and Dalex,
4:00 PM
For More Information
- (607) 255-4478
- hh96 [at]
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