The Dairy Nutrition and Management Shortcourse and the Advanced Dairy Nutrition and Management Shortcourse are conducted in opposite years as a collaboration between Cornell University and Miner Institute with additional invited course faculty from other universities.
Course Summary
The Dairy Nutrition and Management Shortcourse blends classroom-based instruction with practical skill development along with networking opportunities with attendees and with course faculty in informal settings. This course is designed primarily for early career nutritionists and allied industry professionals seeking a more comprehensive foundation in the principles of dairy cattle nutrition and their application within dairy herd management.
Next course: June 2025
W. H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute
Miner Center Educational Building
586 Ridge Road
Chazy, NY 12921
Presented by
Course Information
The 2023 course has completed. Electronic materials from this year's course are available.
An on-demand online course featuring many of the same topic areas is also available for purchase. Once accessed, you will have 6 months to complete the course content (approx. 14 hours of pre-recorded content and supplemental materials).
- Forage production and silage management
- Carbohydrates, protein and amino acids, and fat and fatty acids
- Calf and heifer nutrition
- Environmental aspects of dairy nutrition
- Nutrition and milk components
- Transition cow nutrition and management
- Practical round robin stations
- And more!!
Business casual or casual dress (jeans/shorts) is appropriate for the course. We will be visiting the Miner Institute Dairy Center on Wednesday afternoon for practical round robins (plastic overshoes will be provided). Appropriate dress is recommended.
Who should attend
Participants who have enjoyed this course in-person at Miner Institute in the past include:
- recently hired nutritionists for feed companies and consulting groups
- sales and technical services representatives in the feed and animal health industries
- extension professionals
- veterinarians
- graduate and veterinary students
Instructors from Cornell University and Miner Institute all have extensive experience working in their topic areas and engaging with dairy industry professionals.
- Dr. Larry Chase - Cornell University
- Dr. Heather Dann - Miner Institute
- Dr. Rick Grant - Miner Institute
- Joe Lawrence - Cornell CALS PRO-DAIRY
- Dr. Sarah Morrison - Miner Institute
- Dr. Tom Overton - Cornell University
- Dr. Kristan Reed - Cornell University
- Ricky Scuderi – Miner Institute/Lallemand Animal Nutrition
- Dr. Mike Van Amburgh - Cornell University
2023 Course Schedule
12:30 PM
1:00 PM
Overview of course -- Tom Overton
Introduction of course faculty and participants
Introduction to Miner Institute
Rick Grant, Miner Institute
1:15 PM
Agronomic considerations for forage production and quality
Joe Lawrence, Cornell CALS PRO-DAIRY
2:15 PM
Silage fermentation and microbiology
Ricky Scuderi, Lallemand Animal Nutrition/Miner Institute
3:00 PM
3:30 PM
Practical aspects of silage management
Ricky Scuderi, Lallemand Animal Nutrition/Miner Institute
4:15 PM
Feeding higher forage rations
Larry Chase, Cornell University
5:00 PM
5:15 PM
Beverages and dinner at Miner Institute
Miner Museum open
8:00 AM
Integrating feed bunk management and cow behavior
Rick Grant, Miner Institute
9:00 AM
Ruminal function and metabolism
Larry Chase, Cornell Unviersity
10:00 AM
10:15 AM
Carbohydrate fermentation and nutrition – focus on fiber
Rick Grant, Miner Institute
11:15 AM
Carbohydrate fermentation and nutrition – focus on starch
Heather Dann, Miner Institute
12:15 PM
1:15 PM
Protein and amino acid nutrition
Mike Van Amburgh, Cornell University
2:45 PM
3:15 PM
Fat and fatty acids in dairy nutrition
Tom Overton, Cornell University
4:00 PM
Nutrition and milk components
Tom Overton, Cornell University
5:00 PM
5:15 PM
Optional CNCPS discussion session at Miner Institute or dinner on own
8:00 AM
Calf nutrition and management
Sarah Morrison, Miner Institute
9:00 AM
Heifer nutrition and management
Mike Van Amburgh, Cornell University
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
Environmental considerations of nutrition
Kristan Reed, Cornell University
11:45 AM
1:00 PM
Water quality in dairy nutrition
Rick Grant, Miner Institute
2:00 PM
Travel to Miner Institute Dairy Center
2:20 PM
Overview of Miner Institute Dairy Center
Steve Couture, Miner Institute
2:30 PM
Round-robins (30 min each) -- Miner Institute Dairy Center
- Forage assessment, sampling and particle size, TMR management, bunk safety and sampling - Larry Chase, Kristan Reed and Ricky Scuderi
- New technologies in dairy nutrition and management (rumination tags, milk analysis) – Heather Dann and Joao Costa
- Herd-level evaluation – Rick Grant and Tom Overton
- Calf management – Sarah Morrison
5:00 PM
6:30 PM
Group dinner and local history storytelling near Lake Champlain overlooking Valcour Island (18 Coastland Dr., Plattsburgh)
8:00 AM
Minerals and vitamins
Tom Overton, Cornell University
8:45 AM
Feeding and managing the dry cow
Tom Overton, Cornell University
9:45 AM
10:00 AM
Feeding and managing the fresh cow
Heather Dann, Miner Institute
11:00 AM
Transition cow diagnostics
Tom Overton, Cornell University
12:00 PM
Course evaluation
12:15 PM
Adjourn (Boxed lunches provided)
The in-person course has been approved for a maximum of 2.5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from the Cornell School of Continuing Education. For more information and to receive a certificate, contact Heather Darrow at hh96 [at] (hh96[at]cornell[dot]edu).
This course has been approved for 18 possible CEUs from ARPAS.
For More Information
- (607) 255-4478
- hh96 [at]
For future event notifications, join our Dairy Nutrition news mailing list
We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage fully. If accommodations are needed to participate or fully access content, please contact Heather Darrow at hh96 [at] (hh96[at]cornell[dot]edu).