Our Mission

  • Connect to stakeholders
  • Identify and meet needs related to crop production, soil health, and integrated management of weeds, pests, and diseases
  • Provide resources in the form of trainings and field days, publications, and testing services

2022 Soil Health & Climate Resiliency Field Days

Join the New York Soil Health team and partner organizations at a soil health field day! The statewide event series will take place May-August 2022. More soil health field day information.


people standing in a field

Extension resources for field crops including corn, forages, small grains, and soybeans. Weather information, crop updates, and the quarterly publication "What's Cropping Up."

drone above vineyard

IRIS integrates environmental information science and technology to support education and research with maps, aerial photos, satellite imagery, and other remotely sensed data.

front loader moving compost

CWMI serves the public through research, outreach, training, and technical assistance, with a focus on organic residuals, composting, and farm waste management.

a handful of healthy soil

Testing services, soil health manual and training and educational programs that go beyond soil fertility to include critical biological and physical aspects of soil.

forest and strip-cropped fields

Helping farmers, forest owners, and landowners reduce greenhouse gases to address climate change, improve air and water, and support vibrant communities.

weed banner composite

Information on identification of major weeds, organic weed management, weed ecology, and more.