Soil and Crop Sciences News
CALS News, Spotlights, Field Notes and FutureCasts of interest to the Soil and Crop Sciences Section community in the School of Integrative Plant Science.
The latest news ...
A global analysis by Cornell researchers found that recycling all the human and livestock feces and urine on the planet would contribute substantially to meeting the nutrient supply for all crops worldwide, thereby dramatically reducing the...
Fifty-four research projects addressing New York’s agriculture, environment and communities have collectively received $1.6 million from the USDA.
The assortment of species of tiny soil animals – small enough to stand on the head of a pin – differ from one urban park to another, unlike plants and larger animals where a few species are often found across many parks.
A novel method for estimating the rate of photosynthesis from land plants reveals that satellite observations underestimate this important metric.