More food production resources
- Appellation Cornell - Online newsletter for commercial grape growers features news, events, research you can use, faculty interviews, Grapes 101 and more.
- Apple IPM for Beginners - 42-page guide in factsheet format for new apple growers to protect apple orchards from pests. Includes scouting guides and calendar. Download .pdf or order hard copies.
- Comprehensive Assessment of Soil Health – The Cornell Framework Manual - Describes common soil constraints and soil quality issues, provides guidelines on how to conduct in-field soil health assessment, and identifies management strategies for improving soil health based based on soil health tests.
- Cover Crop Guide for New York Growers - Profiles of 17 cover crops and how to fit them into cropping systems. Includes cover crop decision tool.
- Crop and Pest Management Guidelines - Includes pesticide information and management recommendations for berries, field crops, grapes, greenhouse and herbaceous ornamentals, hops, tree fruit, trees and shrubs, turfgrass, vegetable crops and pest management around the home.
- Field crop variety trials - Evaluations corn grain and silage, forages, soybeans, and small grains.
- Field crop videos - Pest scouting and management videos, webinars, trainings and more.
- High Tunnels - Use these unheated greenhouse structures to extend the harvest season -- both early and late -- for vegetables, berries, cut flowers and herbs.
- Management of Potato Tuber Necrotic Viruses - Over the past decade, Potato virus Y (PVY), Potato mop-top virus (PMTV) and Tobacco rattle virus (TRV) have emerged as serious disease problems in seed potato production areas in the U.S. Here's how to identify and manage this threat.
- New Vineyard Timeline - Thinking about starting a vineyard? Here are the steps you need to take to be successful starting two years before you plant the first vine. New Vineyard Timeline site.
- Problem Solving and Innovation on the Farm: A how-to manual - Improve your farm by combining problem solving and experimentation with day-to-day farm management. Based on the know-how of experienced farmers, this manual will teach you how to successfully identify research questions, test alternative solutions, and collect data for yourself.
- Small Farms Program - Since 2001, the Cornell Small Farms Program has fostered programs that support and encourage the sustainability of diverse, thriving small farms. Online courses, resources, events, Small Farms Quarterly publication.
- Organic at Cornell - Website features information for organic vegetable, field crop, fruit, greenhouse/nursery and dairy producers.
- Organic production and IPM guides - Comprehensive guides for apples, blueberries, strawberries, beans, carrots, cole crops, cucumbers and squash, lettuce, peas, potatoes and spinach plus crop storage.
- Permaculture online courses - Permaculture gardens, farms, and backyards balance the provision of human needs with improvement of local ecosystem health. Expand your knowledge of permaculture through videos, readings, and activities and complete portions of design for a site of your choosing.
- Reduced Tillage Vegetables - Project focuses on overcoming the challenges of adopting reduced tillage systems for vegetable production in the Northeast and demonstrating how these systems improve soil quality, maintain yields, and reduce costs. Visit the reduced tillage vegetables project site.
- Specialty Mushrooms - Develop your mushroom technical and business skills through factsheets, articles, guidebooks, videos, and opportunities to connect with other growers, industry suppliers, and more.
- Sustainable Cropping Systems Lab - Working to increase cropping system sustainability through ecological intensification. Research that aims to answer applied agricultural questions that directly benefit farmers.
- Vegetable growing guides for gardeners - Detailed descriptions and growing instructions, site and soil requirements, varieties, and solutions for managing pests and diseases.
- Vegetable Pathology - from the Long Island Horticultural Research & Extension Center. Information on diagnosis and management of vegetable diseases commonly found on Long Island and the Northeast. Excellent photo gallery.
- Vegetable varieties for gardeners - Explore more than 6,000 vegetable varieties. You can also rate and review vegetables and read reviews from other gardeners to help you decide which might be best for your garden.
- Weed Ecology and Management Lab - Information on major weeds, organic weed management, herbicide references and more.