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man holding soil in his hands



Betts Farm Case Study – Cover Cropping in Concord Grape Vineyards
Betts Farms, owned by Bob, Dawn, and Thom Betts, has been on the forefront of vineyard middle-row soil management for the past decade, continuously improving soil health on their 185 acres of Concord vines. In contrast to standard Concord viticulture practice, where middle-row grass and weeds are burned in late spring to ensure optimum vine fertility, growers like the Betts are establishing cover crops to alleviate soil compaction, reduce erosion, build soil organic matter, and foster life in the soil. Bob Betts initially planted cover crops to correct the negative effects of soil compaction on water infiltration, root proliferation, and vine productivity, but he soon saw additional benefits in soil structure and the biological health. After 11 years experimenting on a 5-acre vineyard block, Betts saw results that convinced him to incorporate cover crops on all 185 acres.
  • Cornell AgriTech
  • Lake Erie Research and Extension Lab
  • Viticulture and Enology
man holding soil in his hands



Betts Farms, owned by Bob, Dawn, and Thom Betts, has been on the forefront of vineyard middle-row soil management for the past decade, continuously improving soil health on their 185 acres of Concord vines. In contrast to standard Concord viticulture practice, where middle-row grass and weeds are burned in late spring to ensure optimum vine fertility, growers like the Betts are establishing cover crops to alleviate soil compaction, reduce erosion, build soil organic matter, and foster life in the soil. Bob Betts initially planted cover crops to correct the negative effects of soil compaction on water infiltration, root proliferation, and vine productivity, but he soon saw additional benefits in soil structure and the biological health. After 11 years experimenting on a 5-acre vineyard block, Betts saw results that convinced him to incorporate cover crops on all 185 acres.
  • Cornell AgriTech
  • Lake Erie Research and Extension Lab
  • Viticulture and Enology
a woman in a hat and a man in a red shirt stand in a vineyard


EPA restrictions against broad spectrum pesticides are imminent. What does that mean for the future of Eastern grape production? Dave Combs, research support specialist in Dr. Katie Gold’s Grape Pathology Laboratory at Cornell AgriTech, shares his take on what grape disease management will look like in a post-broad-spectrum world.
  • Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section
  • Viticulture and Enology
  • Crops
An adult spotted lanternfly sitting on a branch


The first detection of established spotted lanternfly ( Lycorma delicatula ) populations in New York was one among many of the ominous events of 2020. We’ve been monitoring for this pest for a while, but now that it is in the state and closer to...
  • Food Science
  • Viticulture and Enology
  • Food
healthy grapes on a vine


The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets has revived its Grapevine Certification Program after a 40-year hiatus, and NY-certified vines derived from virus-tested, foundation plantings are now available from three New York...
  • Food Science
  • Viticulture and Enology
  • Food

Video highlights

2021 VR Fruit Thinning

Watch researcher Terry Bates' team linked a GIS-based prescription map to a grape harvester to achieve variable-rate fruit thinning in Concord grapes.  The map-based inputs were used to control the bow-rod oscillation speed to remove 10, 25, or 40% of the crop to achieve balanced cropping on variable-sized vines.

Grape breeding at Cornell University

Researchers unlock genetic clues to help grapes survive winter

EfficientVineyard Summary Video 2020