Goat Quiz Bowl
Goat Quiz Bowl is a fun way for youths to work as teams to study all different aspects of goat husbandry and have friendly competition against other youth. Speed and accuracy are both rewarded during Quiz Bowl competitions as contestants buzz in jeopardy-style.
Supplies Needed
- Youth with goat knowledge
- Adult/teen volunteers: moderator, consultant, scorekeepers, buzzer keeper
- Buzzer set
- Stopwatch (if there is no timer on the buzzer)
- Questions and answers
Remember, Goat Bowl should be fun and sportsmanship is important!
- Questions and answers should be made up and screened carefully beforehand. Two types of questions need to be available:
- Team Questions – More complex with multi-part answers
- Individual/Toss-up Questions – Less complex, however true/false, yes/no, either/or types of questions are not recommended).
- Sorting them on two levels by age and experience is suggested (beginners and advanced, junior and senior level). Each round will require one team question and 10-15 individual/toss up questions. Please reserve some “Spare” questions in case of ties or errors.
- Ideally, sorting is done by 4-H ages, under 14 years of age and 14 years of age and over. However, this division may not always be practical. Teams are made of 4 children in each group.
- Arrange the matches into rounds using the format below. “X” indicates that the team “draws a bye” in that round. A team with a “bye” skips that round and automatically advances to the next round.
- A round consists of:
- One team leaving the room
- The Team 1 “team” question is then asked. Members should consult with each other, and then designate one person to answer. Answers must start within 20 seconds. Five points to the team for a correct answer. No partial credit is allowed.
- Team 2 enters and answers the same team question as did Team 1.
- Both teams now participate in the “Toss up” questions. The moderator reads the question in its entirety or until a buzzer interrupts the question. The person who buzzed in first must be recognized to answer. They have 10 seconds to begin the answer. If the answer is correct, the scorekeeper gives 1 point to that individual and also to their team. If incorrect, the opportunity to buzz is offered to the other team. The question can then be re-read in its entirety and the other team has 10 seconds to start the answer after buzzing. No points are lost for an incorrect answer.
- The same sets of questions are used for all teams throughout each round.
- Plan on having a consultant to confer with the moderator on “iffy” answers.
- If possible, assign two scorekeepers rather than one for each round to permit double checking of scores.
- Encourage common sense and laughter.
- Teams may be recalled for tie-breaker questions or rounds if necessary.
- And most importantly have fun!
- Special note - If competing at the NY State Fair, the top 10 individuals and top 5 teams are recognized in each age division.
Use this cheat sheet to figure out how many rounds you need based on the number of teams participating:
Sample Questions
Don't memorize these questions. Use them as a fun way to test how prepared you are after reading, listening to speakers, and studying.