Horse Judging

The primary purpose of NYS 4-H Horse Judging contest is to recognize 4-H horse project members with outstanding knowledge of equine conformation and performance and also with outstanding skill in the presentation of oral explanations of their evaluation of the equines used in the contest.

This contest is not always offered at the county and regional level, but it is offered at the State and National event. This contest provides a means for the selection of individuals to represent the state at national competitions.

For the state contest youth who are new to judging are able to participate in the Novice division, this allows them a chance to learn and not jump right into their Junior or Senior division if it is their first time judging!

2024 Contest Information

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Check-in at 7:30 PM / Contest starts at 8 am sharp!

Location:  4-H Youth Pole Barn Arena, NYS Fairgrounds, Syracuse, NY

Deadline to Enter:  Friday, August 2, 2024, at 11:59 pm

Contest Entry Information:  Only CCE County Educator or staff will be able to register youth via the CCE Event Registration for Programs portal.  Registration for this event is online only.  Youth must register with their local 4-H county educator.


  • Educators:  Register your 2024 NYS 4-H Horse Judging Teams Here

Contest Helpers:  On the entry form each team is to designate one contest day helper. We will need help scoring, room running, etc., and will recruit these people to help on the day of the event.

Qualifying:  Any youth selected by their region is eligible to complete at the state contest. There will be three team levels – Advanced (Junior or Senior team members allowed), Junior (Junior team members only), and Novice. Each county may enter two teams of no more than four 4-H horse project members.

For State events, a junior youth must have reached their 9th birthday prior to January 1 of the current calendar year.  For more information, see the NYS 4-H Horse Educational Rulebook.

The top 4 seniors will be asked to join the NYS 4-H Horse Nationals Team and will travel to Louisville, KY, to compete at the Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup.

Gate and Parking Passes:  Attention CCE staff with youth participating in this event, your county office will be responsible for distributing parking passes and gate tickets to the youth in your county participating at this event.

Pre-contest Zoom Meeting:  There will be a Zoom meeting held on August 7th for Educators, Coaches, Youth and Families who register for Hippology and Judging at the State Fair. For those that have never attended Hippology/Judging at State Fair we are asking that you attend this meeting, but we highly RECOMMEND EVERYONE attends! In this meeting we will go over how to get your tickets to get into fair, your teams/coaches, and more! Please make sure you provide up-to-date email information, so you receive the information about this Zoom meeting.


Resources:  A list of resources can be found below.

For more information contact: 

  • Colleen Wersinger, NYS 4-H Horse Judging Chairperson – colleenwersinger [at] (subject: NYS%204-H%20Horse%20Judging%20Contest) (colleenwersinger[at]gmail[dot]com)
  • jms943 [at] (subject: NYS%204-H%20Horse%20Judging%20and%20Hippology%20Contest) (Jessica Tyson), NYS 4-H Horse Educational Events Coordinator – jms943 [at] (subject: NYS%204-H%20Hippology%20and%20Judging%20Contest) (jms943[at]cornell[dot]edu)

Get Involved

How to get involved:

  1. Become a 4-H member at your local county office
  2. Contact your local 4-H county educator
  3. Join a Horse Judging team, or study as an individual
  4. For more information you can also contact jms943 [at] (Jessica Tyson), NYS 4-H Horse Educational Events Coordinator

For more information

Colleen Wersinger, NYS 4-H Horse Judging Chairperson, at colleenwersinger [at] (colleenwersinger[at]gmail[dot]com).