
The New York State 4-H Horse Program and Cornell Cooperative Extension offers a wide variety of Horse projects to New York youth ages 5-19. It is our goal to bring exceptional, educational programming to youth throughout the State while keeping programs affordable for youth and families.

Our programs encourage both understanding and knowledge of the equine industry, as well as leadership and personal development through once in a lifetime experiences. These programs give youth opportunities that develop valuable life skills, increase confidence, and make valuable lifelong friendships and connections with each other and industry professionals. Youth interested in participating in 4-H horse events get the opportunity to learn horsemanship and equine science, not just riding and showing skills. 

The New York State 4-H Horse Program is strongly committed to diversity, equality, and inclusion in all of our programs to serve our communities. We are continually working to remain committed to actively creating and sustaining a culture of belonging that embraces a diverse program audience and volunteer base.

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Girl with horse in stall

We are excited to announce the new statewide NYS 4-H Advanced Equine Program to the NYS Horse Program curriculum. This program was developed in hopes to create a bridge between the 4-H youth with equine interest and the Equine Industries in NYS. Participants will be expected to join monthly zoom meeting to meet with equine professionals on a certain topic, work independently on month projects, complete 10 hours of shadowing a professional in the equine field, and attend an end-of-the-year trip.

two horses touching noses

We are happy to start the NYS 4-H Horse Program Horseback Riding Log Sheet. This log sheet isn’t just for those NYS 4-H youth who ride, it is riding, driving, and groundwork as well. Print off the Horseback Riding Log Sheet and log your hours with your horse(s). Please use different sheets if you are working with more than one horse. This program will run from October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024. Logs should be submitted to Jessica Tyson at by September 30, 2024. The top two Cloverbud, Junior and Senior youth with the highest documented hours will be selected for prizes from the NYS 4-H Horse Program!

NYS 4-H Model Horse Program

A Model Horse Show is a unique and engaging opportunity for 4-H members to showcase their creativity, horsemanship knowledge, and craftsmanship. Participants present model horses in various classes, capturing moments in the lives of real or imaginary horses. Model horses from brands like Breyer, Peter Stone, or Hartland are displayed in classes that simulate real horse show scenarios, such as conformation/breed classes, fitting and showmanship, trail, pleasure, and more.

For more information, see the NYS 4-H Model Show Rulebook.

Draft Horse

The NYS 4-H Horse Program is happy to announce this new opportunity for youth. Check with your county educators for the creative writing guidelines and rules. The entry deadline is June 1, 2024. If you have any questions, please email Jessica Tyson at

NYS Horse Education and Advisory Committee

The NYS 4-H Horse Program is governed by the NYS Horse Education and Advisory Committee (HEAC), which is made up of CCE Educators, staff, and volunteers from the various regions throughout the state.

For more information

Contact your local County CCE Association or Brieanna Hughes, NYS 4-H Equine Specialist, at bh548 [at] (bh548[at]cornell[dot]edu).