The Dairy Extension program offers a core curriculum that covers basic dairy science and food safety, along with more specialized courses in cheese, cultured products such as yogurt, and fluid milk. Our team can work with you to choose the best courses to keep your training up-to-date and suggest courses for the plants that you regulate.
Core Courses
Entry-level courses in food safety and pasteurization help to lay the foundation for safe food production.
Explore the basic principles of dairy science and dairy regulations in this semiannual course tailored to dairy processing personnel.
Certificate CEU
Subject Area
Dairy Science and SanitationSubject areas include:
- Dairy Microbiology
- Good Manufacturing Practices
- Cleaning and sanitation
This workshop is designed to provide comprehensive instruction on the development of HACCP based food safety programs for dairy operations that should apply to juice and other foods as well.
Certificate CEU
Subject Area
Accredited HACCPSubject areas include:
- Hazards associated with dairy foods processing
- Prerequisite programs
- Good Manufacturing Practices
This multi-day course fulfills the FDA Requirements for FSMA Qualified Individual Training through the Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance and AFDO.
Certificate CEU
Subject Area
FSMA Preventive Controls for Human Food Qualified IndividualSubect areas include:
- Hazards
- Preventive Controls
- Food Safety Plan Development
Obtain an overview of the design, operation, cleaning and maintenance of High Temperature Short Time (HTST) systems in this workshop designed for those involved with milk pasteurization and offered three times each year.
Certificate CEU
Subject Area
High Temperature Short Time PasteurizerSubject areas include:
- HTST Operation Components
- Regulatory requirements for HTST Operation
- Cleaning & Sanitizing HTST Programs
- Requirement as part of NYS Broken Seal Program
This workshop is designed for small-scale dairy processors and covers the key areas related to vat pasteurization.
Certificate CEU
Subject Area
Vat PasteurizerSubject areas include:
- Components of vat pasteurization
- Thermometer requirements
- Pasteurizer maintenance
Specialized and Advanced Level Courses
These value-added courses teach to basics of safe processing.
This workshop is designed for cheese manufacturers or others interested in the basic concepts of cheese making including processes and methodology.
Certificate CEU
Subject Area
The Science of Cheese (Basic Level)Subject areas include:
- Milk quality which impacts cheese making
- Cheese culture and chemistry and microbiology
- Cheese-making unit operations and techniques and hands-on cheese making
- Cheese marketing
This workshop is designed for yogurt and fermented dairy product manufacturers with a focus on cultures, processing, and food safety.
Certificate CEU
Subject Area
The Science of Yogurt (Basic Level)Subject areas include:
- Milk quality and impact on cultured dairy products
- Culture microbiology and hands-on cultured dairy making
- Unit operations and sanitation in cultured dairy production
This workshop is designed for those involved and interested in fluid milk processing and testing with the intent of providing the tools to support and improve on quality assurance/control and food safety programs for bottled milks.
Certificate CEU
Subject Area
Fluid Milk Processing for Quality and SafetySubject areas include:
- Basic Microbiology in relation to Milk Quality and Safety
- Influence of Raw Milk Quality on Pasteurized Milk Quality & Shelf-Life
- Fluid Milk Processing Parameters
- Tools for Assessing Milk Quality and Shelf-Life
This workshop is designed for those involved and interested in the fractionation, separation, concentration and drying of dairy products and ingredients.
Certificate CEU
Subject Area
Membrane Filtration, Evaporation, and Drying TechnologySubject areas include:
- Quality and food safety effects of operations on value-added dairy ingredients
- Current research topics in value-added dairy ingredients
- Unit operations in filtration, evaporation, and drying for dairy products
This workshop is designed for advanced level cheese manufacturers or others interested in the advanced concepts of cheesemaking including advanced chemistry and processing.
Certificate CEU
Subject Area
The Science of Cheese (Advanced Level)Subject areas include:
- Milk components and advanced chemistry of cheese-making
- Cheese styles and standards of identity
- Cheese defects during process and affinage
This workshop will provide attendees with information in key areas related to advanced microbiology, chemistry in fermented milk and dairy product production, along with advanced sensory product evaluation, safety and quality assurance.
Certificate CEU
Subject Area
The Science of Yogurt (Advanced Level)Subject areas include:
- Milk components and advanced chemistry of cultured-dairy making
- Innovations in cultured dairy production
- Advanced sensory characteristics
Specialty and Regulatory Training
Specialized food processing, food processing, state regulatory and federal regulatory trainings.