IFS@CU Resources

Food Industry Virtual Office Hours

The IFS@CU and collaborating programs offer monthly sessions of Food Industry Virtual Office Hours. Speak directly to Cornell University food safety experts in dairy, fresh fruits and vegetables, and processed foods and beverages. Each session will offer a presentation focused on current food safety topics followed by a Q&A and facilitated discussion with our panel of experts.

Helping Specialty Crop Growers Develop Effective Sanitization Programs

The IFS@CU and UVM Extension Ag Engineering are collaborating with Cornell Cooperative Extension teams across New York State to host a series of remote workshops on Cleaning and Sanitizing on Produce Farms and in Packing Facilities in 2022.

For more information as well as a list of resources visit this page.

Meeting Regulatory Requirements

Do you manufacture, process, pack or hold food products and have questions about what you need to do to be in compliance with New York State and federal regulations?

If your answer is yes, then you may find the IFS@CU's Guide to Meeting Food Manufacturing Regulatory Requirements in NYS useful. It contains several resources that may help you better understand what you need to do to meet regulatory requirements as a food facility operating in New York State. This is by no means a comprehensive list of all resources available, but should point you in the right direction.

Food Safety Modernization Act

The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), the most sweeping reform of our food safety laws in more than 70 years, was signed into law by President Obama on January 4, 2011. It aims to ensure the U.S. food supply is safe by shifting the focus from responding to contamination to preventing it.

Learn more about the seven foundational FSMA rules.

Food Safety Model Virtual Library

Digitally enabled food safety has the potential to advance public health, and contribute to a more resilient and sustainable food supply chain. Reusable and interoperable computational models developed to improve food safety along the food supply chain (farm-to-table) are an essential first step.

This is a virtual library of digital food safety tools. The tools are assembled through a systematic scoping review of peer-reviewed literature of existing food safety digital tools and models published since June 2012.

View the Model Virtual Library.

COVID-19 Resources

The IFS@CU has answers to your COVID-19-related questions as well as resources for the food industry and consumers.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)

The IFS@CU has created a webpage gathering HPAI information for the dairy industry and consumers.

Take-Home Messages
  • This is the first reported spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in cows, we are still learning how the virus is transmitted and how this impacts the animal and public health.
  • Dairy farms are segregating cows showing signs of illness, limiting potential viral loads in raw milk.
  • If HPAI virus is present in raw milk it is expected to be inactivated by milk pasteurization as less heat intensive pasteurization practices used in other foods have been shown to effectively reduce HPAI viral loads.
  • Viral remnants (e.g., genetic material) from inactivated HPAI virus can still be detected using PCR in pasteurized milk; however, this presence does not represent a public health risk because only live, infectious virus can cause an illness.
HPAI Fact Sheet (PDF)

Download a PDF version of this webpage: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Factsheet.

Spanish Version

Download a Spanish version of the HPAI Factsheet.

Mpox Information for the Food Industry

The IFS@CU has created a webpage gathering Mpox (formerly Monkeypox) information for the food industry.

Take-Home Messages
  • While there is a theoretical possibility of transmission through foods and food packaging, basic practices mandatory for all food processing facilities (known as "Good Manufacturing Practices" or GMPs) will effectively control the small risk of food-associated transmission.
  • Food companies should provide basic training on Mpox (for example, how to identify an infection) and reinforce GMPs.
Mpox Factsheet (PDF)

Download a PDF version of this webpage: Mpox Factsheet for the Food Industry.

Spanish Version

Download a Spanish version of the Mpox Factsheet.

For Assistance or Questions Contact

Nancy Long
Administrative Assistant

foodsafety [at] cornell.edu (foodsafety[at]cornell[dot]edu)
Phone: 315-787-2288*
665 West North Street
Food Research Lab – Cornell AgriTech
Geneva, NY  14456

*The best way to reach our office staff is via email.

Food Science Extension

2025 Course Catalog

The 2025 Course Catalog is a comprehensive handbook and directory that provides program descriptions, faculty and extension staff contact information, courses being offered this year, and information on how to register for courses.

Food Science Extension

2023 Annual Report

Find out how Cornell Food Science Extension Programs helped to strengthen the food industry through education, service, problem solving, and application of practical information in 2023.

2025 Food Science Extension Course Catalog
2023 Annual Report Cover

Annual Report Archive