Conference sponsors provide critical funding that allows us to feature engaging keynote speakers that attract and provide a valuable education experience for attendees.
This year’s event offers tiered contribution levels and expanded recognition through the conference website, mobile app, and during the event. Choose the sponsorship level that best fits your company’s needs and increase brand exposure.
Sponsorship Levels
Speaker Sponsor - $5,000
3 available
- Exhibit space with selection of preferred location
- Logo, URL link and description on website
- Full-page ad in printed proceedings and electronic sponsor directory
- Branded recognition on conference agenda
- Opportunity to introduce speaker at the conference
- 8 discount codes for 25% off registration options
- Post-event attendee email list for those that opt-in
- Enhanced company profile with video and documents links
- Featured sponsor on main app screen
- 1 app push notification related to sponsorship
- Company highlight card on app home screen
Registration Sponsor - $4,000
Exclusive - 1 available
- Exhibit space
- Logo, URL link and description on website
- Full-page ad in printed proceedings and electronic sponsor directory
- Logo on printed and digital signage near registration desk
- Logo on registration confirmation webpage and emails
- 8 discount codes for 25% off registration options
- Post-event attendee email list for those that opt-in
- Enhanced company profile with video and documents links
- Featured sponsor on main app screen
- 1 app push notification related to sponsorship
App banner ad – available as add-on
Coffee Break Sponsor - $3,000
In addition to above fee, sponsor may supply branded napkins and cup wraps for sponsored break.
3 available
- Exhibit space
- Logo and URL link on website
- Full-page ad in printed proceedings and electronic sponsor directory
- 6 discount codes for 25% off registration options
- Recognition on signage during sponsored break
- Enhanced company profile with video and documents links
- Featured sponsor on main app screen
- 1 app push notification related to break
App banner ad – available as add-on
Platinum Level - $3,000
4 available
- Exhibit space
- Logo and URL link on website
- Full-page ad in printed proceedings and electronic sponsor directory
- 6 discount codes for 25% off registration options
- Post-event attendee email list for those that opt-in
- Enhanced company profile with video and documents links
- Banner card on exhibitors' page in app
Gold Level - $1,500
- Exhibit space
- Logo and URL link on website
- Half-page ad in printed proceedings and electronic sponsor directory
- 3 discount codes for 25% off registration options
- Enhanced company profile with video and documents links
App banner ad - available as add-on
Silver Level - $1,000
- Exhibit space
- Logo and URL link on website
- Quarter-page ad in printed proceedings and electronic sponsor directory
- 2 discount codes for 25% off registration options
- Enhanced company profile on conference app
App banner ad - available as add-on
Bronze Level - $500
- Name and URL link on website
- Quarter-page ad in printed proceedings and electronic sponsor directory
- 1 discount codes for 25% off registration options
- Logo on conference app
App banner ad - available as add-on
App banner add-on - $500
Want a demo of the app and how you will be recognized as a sponsor? Contact Heather Darrow at dmconf [at] cornell.edu.
Sponsor Recognition Details
In addition to the benefits outlined below, all sponsors will be recognized during the event on signage and in a PowerPoint presentation.
All sponsors will be recognized according to level on conference webpage. Total contributions of $1,000 or more include logo. Company name will be linked to company URL.
Company URL and high-resolution logo (300 DPI or higher .jpg, .png or .eps format) should be provided during online sponsorship registration process.
Conference App
Basic Profile
- Company name
- Logo icon
Enhanced Profile
- Description
- Website URL
- Social media links (shown as icon at top of profile page)
- Video and document links in profile (Gold level or higher)
Specialty sponsorships and Platinum level include additional app marketing features.
During the Event
All sponsors will be recognized by level in the printed conference proceedings and on signage and in a PowerPoint presentation during the live event.
Sponsorship Asset Technical Information
Please review the details below and be mindful of deadlines to ensure maximum exposure. Most items are due by December 15, 2022.
Exhibit space includes a skirted 6’ table, 2 chairs, and standard electric (120v upon request).
- Exhibit tables will be pre-assigned by conference staff.
- Exhibits should be installed so they will not project beyond the table allocated and will permit a clear view from table to table.
- One electrical outlet (120 volt) is provided upon request.
- Exhibits may be set up after 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 31
- All personnel managing the exhibit must register for the conference separately (using registration discounts included with sponsorship as applicable.)
A high-resolution logo (300 DPI or higher)should be provided during online sponsorship registration process.
Due date: Upload online during sponsorship confirmation
Format: PNG or JPG preferred. EPS is acceptable
Sponsor ads will be included an electronic directory document that will be shared with all conference registrants by email and through the conference app. Ads will also be printed in black and white in the conference proceedings available at the in-person event.
Due date: December 15
Format: High quality PDF without bleed or crop sized according to level:
- Speaker, Registration, Coffee and Platinum: 6.5."W x 9"H
- Gold: 6.5" W x 4.42" H or 3.17" W x 9" H
- Silver and Bronze: 3.17" W x 4.42" H
Image appears with blurred background with a text overlay at the top of Exhibitors page. Users can manually scroll through all cards and click on individual links.
Due Date: December 15
Details and files needed:
- Image size: 1420 x 500 pixels
- Title: 60 characters
- Body: 120 characters
- Button Text: 35 characters
- URL: Must begin with https://
A single link appears below your image. You may customize the card title (company name is recommended) and link text (appears above link)
Due Date: December 15
Details and files needed:
- Image size: 296 x 204 pixels
- Card Title: 25 characters
- Link Text: 30 characters
- URL: Must begin with https://
Each sponsorship level includes at least one discounted registration. After November 1 and upon confirmation of payment, a unique discount code will be sent that can be used during conference registration.
Where included with your sponsorship, we will share a list of attendee names and email addresses after the event. These participants have given permission to receive communication related to your business and services only. This contact information is for internal use only and may not be sold and used beyond the purpose of stated above. In order to remain in accordance with the FTC’s CAN-SPAM Act guidelines and to not violate the privacy rights of our attendees, we respectfully request that sponsors who have access to the attendee email list also adhere to said guidelines by offering recipients an “opt-out” option and by using the email list judiciously.
For More Information
Conference Coordinator
Animal Science
- (607) 255-4478
- hh96 [at] cornell.edu