BS/DVM Accelerated Pathway

7-year combined BS/DVM pathway is a joint program between the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell. Details for applying to the pathway can be found on the College of Veterinary Medicine website. Below are curriculum modifications for students accepted into the BS/DVM pathway. 

There are no modifications to core coursework. There are also no changes to Appendix I if you are a sophomore transfer.

Concentration coursework

Students are eligible to pick one of the five concentrations. Within each concentration, students have flexibility to design their course plan selecting categories and courses after discussion with their advisors. Irrespective of the concentration selected and the flexibility provided, students will be held to the following requirement:

Animal Physiology and Nutrition

Complete three of the following courses:

  • ANSC 3300 - Fish Physiology (cross-listed BIOAP) (Spring, 3 credits)
  • ANSC 3400 - Comparative Mammalian Reproduction (Spring, 2 credits)
  • ANSC 3410 - Biology of the Mammary Gland in Health and Disease (cross-listed BIOAP) (Spring, 2 credits - offered in even-numbered years only)
  • ANSC 3450 - Reproductive Physiology and Management of Dairy Cattle (Spring, 3 credits)
  • ANSC 3550 - Dairy Cattle Nutrition (Spring, 3 credits)
  • ANSC 3920 - Mechanisms of Animal Growth and Development (Spring, 2 credits - offered in odd-numbered years only)
  • ANSC 4110 - Integrated Cattle Nutrition (Fall, 4 credits)
  • ANSC 4200 - Nutrition of Felids and Canids (Fall, 3 credits)
  • ANSC 4280 - Comparative Nutrition of the Horse and Pig (Spring, 3-4 credits)
  • ANSC 4270 - Fundamentals of Endocrinology (cross-listed BIOAP) (3 credits)
  • ANSC 4310 - Animal Genomics and Epigenomics (Fall, 3 credits)
  • ANSC 4410 - Metabolic Physiology (Spring, 3 credits)
  • ANSC 4500 - Lab Animal Reproduction (Fall, 2 credits - offered in odd-numbered years only)