The Manager - April 2015

Making Milk

Increasing profitability through components and quality 

This month’s The Manager from PRO-DAIRY focuses on making milk.
By Julie Berry

Can you join the “7 lb club”? 

Maximize milk fat and milk protein yields to maximize milk revenue.
By Dr. Thomas R. Overton and David R. Balbian

Focus on milk quality 

A systematic review of the milking system and procedures improved quality at Twin Mill Farms.
By Julie Berry

Co-Vale Farms – Feeding accuracy to maximize nutrition

Owner-operator Brad Cates focuses on pounds of components, not percentages.
By Kathy Barrett

Maintain equipment for quality milk

Maintenance should be scheduled and routine.
By Julie Berry

Impact of components on milk price

Components comprise 90% of net pay but price per cwt varies widely.
By Kathy Barrett and Jason Karszes

Shredlage – What’s new 

Shredlage may increase the nutritive value of corn silage.
By Larry Chase