Cornell Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and The College of Human Ecology.
The CCE Summer Internship Program aims to provide outstanding Cornell University undergraduate students with the opportunity to work in communities across New York State.
Extension Interns work on projects addressing agriculture, community, environment, nutrition, and youth & families. Interns will work on projects that are developed by faculty members and are placed across New York state in local association offices. Interns will work closely with association educators where they will accomplish the research goals of the summer project. These projects are awarded a $6,000 stipend to help support the research that is completed. These opportunities allow students to explore CCE and the relationship Cornell University and Cooperative Extension have in bringing research from campus to New York state communities.
The CCE Summer Internship Program and its opportunities are made possible through funding provided by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) and the College of Human Ecology (CHE). Additionally, in a continued partnership with the David M. Einhorn Center for Community Engagement, the CCE Summer Internship Program is able to extend selected internship opportunities to students across Cornell University to help support the Einhorn Center in community-engaged learning. New this year, CCE has connected with the Cornell Center for Health Equity (CCHEq) to offer internship opportunities to CCHEq members and students in the Jeb. E Brooks School of Public Policy.
CCE Summer Internship opportunities are only available to non-graduating Cornell University students who are:
• For CALS projects, students must be enrolled in CALS
• For CHE projects, students must be enrolled in CHE
• For Einhorn Center projects, students must be enrolled at Cornell University
• For CCHEq projects, students must be enrolled in the Brooks School or must be a member of CCHEq
Please contact aad78 [at] (Alyssa Dray) with questions or review the CCE Summer Internship FAQs.
CCE Summer Intern Experience Blogs!
Check in on our 2024 CCE interns as they navigate their summer project experiences. CCE summer interns are encouraged to share weekly updates, reflections, and experiences through weekly blog posts.
- College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Blogs
- College of Human Ecology Blogs
- Cornell Center for Health Equity and the Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy Blogs
- David M. Einhorn Center for Community Engagement Blogs
2024 CALS Summer Internships
Work with CCE and NMSP staff, crop consultants, and farmers to collect soil samples, plant samples, greenhouse gas emissions, and penetrometer readings for compaction assessment. Other activities include weed identification and sampling, plant disease sampling, insect scouting/trapping, and sampling of industrial hemp trials ongoing in the counties.
Work with staff to provide agronomic growers with information on weed management in a changing climate, including potential range-shifting problem weeds, how to adapt management practices, and actions to take to limit detrimental effects of management to the environment such as soil erosion.
Join a Federal Centers for Diseases Control-funded team from the Cornell Natural Resources and Entomology Departments evaluating a new rodent-targeted vaccine to prevent Lyme disease infection in local tick populations in Onondaga County, NY.
Work with CCE, CALS extension faculty, crop consultants, and farmers to collect information on subsurface (tile) drainage water quality as part of an ongoing project to sample individual fields regularly and try to quantify the potential nutrient loading coming from typical farming systems in the area.
Alongside a New York Sea Grant Great Lakes Fisheries Specialist and Cornell faculty, the intern will be within a cohort of up to ten other Cornell undergraduates participating in a ten-week summer internship at the Cornell Biological Field Station (CBFS) on Oneida Lake near Syracuse, NY.
This internship project builds upon the work of a former intern and aims to create a functioning evaluation program and educational resource for NYS equine operations.
We are seeking a bilingual (Spanish, English) intern to conduct qualitative interviews in Spanish with community members. The intern will also (virtually) attend monthly What’s Bugging You First Friday events during the summer 2024, and will receive remote mentoring from Matt Frye and Amara Dunn-Silver (on-campus mentor) who run the First Friday program. Training and mentoring in interview skills will be provided by CUCE-NYC staff and this position will be based in New York City.
The intern will collect data on survival and growth rate, flowering period, pest damage and vase life will be used to evaluate which species and varieties have potential. The project will also be presented at the Cut Flower Intensive cut flower workshop in 2024 so growers can have input on those that they would be willing to grow and use in their operations.
The intern will help develop and complete a statewide survey of kit resources in the CCE system. The intern will communicate regularly with the 4-H PWT representatives for guidance regarding online, email, and phone survey progress and database development. The intern will use GIS to create a statewide map interface to visualize locations and educator contacts.
The student intern will work in partnership with 4-H staff to co-develop a summer program plan for the six-week teen leadership program, focusing on engaging youth in different program components. The summer program will consist of a full summer employment program for 14-year-old youth and a subset of this program for youth ages 12 and 13.
2024 CHE Summer Internships
The student will assist with preparing materials for the parent curriculum as well as working with the professor and CCE parent educator to develop evaluations to assess the effectiveness of each session of the curriculum. The intern will also assist with delivering the curriculum if they're able to travel to the location of each parent group.
This project will support youth well-being and skill development as part of a summer 4-H experience for youth in Rochester, NY. The intern will reside in Rochester and be co-mentored by leaders in the 4-H Program at CCE-Monroe and in PRYDE (Program for Research on Youth Development and Engagement) in the College of Human Ecology. The goals for the project are to successfully lead a summer program with adolescents in Rochester that incorporates positive youth development principles into activities related to horticulture, food and nutrition, and research literacy.
The intern will be directly involved in qualitative data coding and interpretation of a two-year project interviewing 5-7 yer olds across the US about climate change. The data are based on interviews and are in hand (no new data collection). As ideas emerge, the intern will organize meetings with both of our community partners to share and interpret our emerging findings as well as organize on-site pilot testing of curriculum with camp children.
The CCE Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) Outreach Team is a collaboration among the Food and Nutrition Education in Communities (FNEC) work group in the Division of Nutritional Sciences, CCE of Broome County, and CU-CE NYC. Collectively the team provides 1) consumer nutrition education at New York State (NYS) farmers’ markets to promote use selection and consumption of local produce, 2) training and educational materials for FMNP participants, CCE FMNP staff, and farmers’ market managers and vendors, 3) leadership for a statewide Program Work Team of FMNP stakeholders who identify collaborative efforts to enhance program implementation and evaluation. The 2024 CCE summer intern will work with the FMNP Outreach team in each of these domains to increase the reach and impact of the NYS FMNP program.
The Food and Nutrition Education in Communities (FNEC) unit of DNS is seeking a student who can organize, promote, sustain, and evaluate a garden-based learning project. The student will use provided tools and resources to recruit limited resource audience(s) in NYS and deliver approved garden-based learning lessons through CCE offices. After delivering the lessons, the student will recommend what is necessary to promote and sustain garden-based learning programs. The student will create and conduct a brief evaluation that will inform future internships and efforts related to garden-based learning within CCE.
The student intern on this project will primarily assist in the collection and analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial investigating the efficacy of virtual reality (VR) training on wayfinding abilities in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. They will be tasked with administering VR wayfinding sessions, as well as conventional and placebo interventions as outlined in the trial protocol. The intern is responsible for ensuring accurate and consistent data collection across participants, monitoring trial progress, and maintaining ethical standards in treatment and data privacy. They will also conduct preliminary data analysis and contribute to the interpretation of results, comparing the impact of VR training against other interventions.
This project will fill a perceived need that CCE Suffolk has in parent education programming. The intern hired will work on researching and developing a program and related materials that provide support and education to families that are raising a child on the autism spectrum. The program will help parents and caregivers develop a greater understanding of children with autism and learn how to best support their children.
For our CCE Summer Internship, we take a Fuzzy-Trace Theory (FTT) approach to examine how teens and young adults use scientific evidence and Artificial Intelligence (AI) advice to resist misconceptions and scientifically implausible ideas. For example, the existence of alien life is not yet scientifically supported but is considered plausible by members of the public. As part of our project, we will investigate how young people understand gist-based plausibility (i.e., whether something is far-fetched or makes sense) and how they reason using scientific evidence and AI advice in a meaningful way to resist misconception.
2024 Cornell Center for Health Equity Summer Internships
The field of parenting education has developed many interventions to help parents and caregivers interact with children in ways that promote positive family dynamics and healthy child development. Recently, the two-generation (2Gen) framework has gained popularity as a way to improve interventions by engaging both the parent and child generations together, rather than focusing on one generation in isolation. With input from Cornell researchers, CCE-Tompkins County has used the 2Gen framework to develop a two-generational parenting education curriculum. Students involved in this project will assist with piloting and evaluating this curriculum over the summer.
CCE Schuyler seeks a summer intern to support the development of a new collaboration between CCE Schuyler, Schuyler Hospital, and the Figueroa Interdisciplinary Group (FIG) Lab at Cornell University. This collaboration aims to establish a “food farmacy” that distributes locally grown produce to community members experiencing food insecurity. In addition to creating new opportunities to access healthy food in a hospital and primary care setting, this collaborative project will also assist community members in navigating and connecting with a range of community resources to address food security and other social determinants of health.
2024 Einhorn Center Summer Internships
The intern selected for this project will work with the project team to develop ecological calendars to anticipate climatic change based on Warren County specific data. The ecological calendar reflects how Warren County residents’ lives and livelihoods are connected to seasons, weather, growing periods, and other ecological factors that may be changing over time due to the climate crisis. Ecological calendars capture dynamic factors related to weather, food systems, demographic shifts, livelihoods, and sociocultural norms. As these factors change, residents' interaction with their environment also shifts.
Act for Change is a 4-H youth development program that brings together teens from across New York’s Ulster County to engage in anti-racist dialogue and work across identity groups. The program culminates in the development of a final showcase or project centering issues or topics important to the youth participants. The intern will incorporate performing and visual arts into the existing Act for Change curriculum for future program facilitators.
The selected CCE intern will connect with and determine how to best serve the needs of the Spanish and O'eqchi' speaking community with current and future resources.
The Mission of the Cornell Climate Stewards Program provides cutting-edge and research-based training of volunteers who can support their communities to become “Climate Smart Communities” by planning and implementing climate change mitigation, adaptation, and education projects at the local level. The Vision of the Cornell Climate Stewards Program builds stakeholder capacity and works toward a future where communities are resilient in the face of a rapidly changing climate and have reduced their impacts on the climate system.
The Seneca County Planning Department has only within the last few years explored GIS mapping technology and has limited staff capacity. The intern will assist in community planning at the County level and support the sustainability of municipal-level decision making for townships and villages within Seneca County. The intern will gain real-life experiences in the field of municipal planning, including economic development planning, land use and environmental planning.
The Cornell Barn Project: Research and examine differences between traditional building construction and energy efficiency construction. The student will review, interpret, summarize and chart pros and cons of systems, strategies and items recommended in energy efficient new construction. In addition, student will calculate each feature's average return on investment and propose those which present the highest yield. Based on student's findings, a list of potential funding opportunities, tax credits, applications, etc., for each system, strategy and item will be outlined and developed into print and/or digital materials for residential, commercial and contractor outreach.
This project will examine any potential differences between two rice cultivars grown in an alternative environment to the traditional paddy method.
Past Projects by Year
2023 Internships
CALS Internships
- Climate Change and Weed Management
- Common pests & pathogens in the commercial roduction of flowers & field crops
- Conservation Biocontrol on Urban Farms in NYC
- Cultural Connections for Seed to Supper
- Early detection and management of Spotted lanternfly in the Hudson Valley
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Dairy Sustainability Key Performance Indicators
- Lake Sturgeon Extension and Research Opportunity
- Measuring Horticultural Responses of Highbush Blueberry
- Monitoring Pesticide Resistance in Mosquitoes of Public Health Importance
- Why aren't we growing rice in New York?
CHE Internships
- A Prescription for Good Health: The North Country Produce Prescription Program
- Community Programs and College Mentors as Collaborators
- Development of a Youth-Engaged Environmental Assessment Toolkit
- Engaging Low-Income Families through Social Media
- Farmers' Market Nutrition Program Outreach 2023
- It's more than a Feeling: Using Gist to Improve Science Literacy and Resist Misinformation
Einhorn Internships
2022 Internships
CALS Internships
- Developing Commercial Guidelines for Pawpaw
- NetZero: Dairy Sustainability Key Performance Indicators
- New York State Tick Blitz
- Growing Relevant and Outstanding Work Skills (GROWS) for Unemployed Young Adults from Underserved Neighborhoods Impacted by Gun Violence Through an Urban Farm Meeting Program
- NYS Dept. of Ag and Markets, Division of Food Safety and Inspection
- Digital Agriculture Exploration for 4-H Youth: Geospatial Connections
- Plant-rich Eating Plan of Work
- Developing a Picture of Solar Development
- Needs Assessment for Mobile Farmers Markets
- Effects of implementing optimal sampling and diet reformulation practices in milk production and profitability of NYS dairy farms
- Integrated Pest Management tactics to reduce the impact of the invasive Spotted lanternfly in grapes in the Hudson Valley
- Conservation Biocontrol on Urban Farms in NYC
- Helping Grape Growers Trial Mycorrhizal Inoculants
- Association of Food & Drug Officials and NYS Department of Ag and Markets Division of Food Safety Internship
CHE Internships
- 4-H Viticulture Program Development
- Choose Health Action Teen Mentors
- Two-Generation Program "PS: It Works!"
- Empowering Parents Through Play
- Exploring Youth’s Concerns About Climate Change
- Family support for families of gender diverse children
- Farmers Market Nutrition Program Internship
- Flus and Floods: Getting the Gist of Natural Disaster Risks
- Playful Plants II
- Using Mobile Brain-Body Imaging to Develop an Evidence-based Cognitive Agent Framework (EBCAF) for Computational Spatial Navigation Simulation
Einhorn Internships
CALS Summer Projects
- Agriculture in the city
- Building a horse farm improvement program for New York state equine farms
- Comparing feeding schemes for lambs of grazing ewes
- Conservation biocontrol on urban farms in NYC
- Dairy sustainability key performance indicators
- Developing a brand strategy for Cortland County agricultural food products
- Implementation of quality management system software (Qualtrax®)
- Management of ticks in the northeast: surveillance and control product ARENA trials
- New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets’ Division of Food Safety and Inspection
- New York state tick blitz
- Understanding opportunities and barriers to colocation of solar and agricultural land use in Tioga County
CHE Summer Projects
- 4-H sustainable food systems resource management
- Children and climate change
- Developing a two-generation approach to parenting a second time around
- Empowering parents through play
- Exploring school-community partnerships to support family resilience
- Farmers market nutrition program
- Playful plants: development of a guide for the effective integration of nature into children’s outdoor play spaces in the New York climatic zone
- Spreading the right message: how gist can flatten the COVID-19 curve
- Understanding effectiveness of textiles as virus prevention facemasks
- Using a nature-based virtual reality cognitive engagement environment for improving mood and stress states in older adults with mild cognitive impairment
OEI Summer Projects
CALS Student Internships
The following projects were carried out in the summer of 2020 by CALS students through the CCE Summer Internship Program.
Internship Location: Cornell Cooperative Extension Chemung County
Faculty: Lindsay Goodale, Department of Animal Science
Student: Katie Callero
Project Summary
Chemung County 4-H historically had a strong horse program with regional connections, but in recent years the horse program has waned, in part due to staff changes. Recently there has been an increased interest in the renewal of the regional horse program, and the region now has an opportunity to develop a strong equine educational program based on subject matter expertise at the county level. We are looking to provide education to both youth and club leaders, especially on current and emerging topics such as infectious disease epidemics in NYS, helmet safety, and concussion management. We are interested in developing training opportunities for equine volunteers to strengthen our volunteer base and enhance community participation. The two goals of the intern’s work in the county will be: 1) to implement a regional equine volunteer training day; and 2) to reinstate the inter-county youth educational and experiential equine experience, formerly called the "Inter-County Show."
Internship Location: CCE Erie office
Faculty: Antonio DiTommaso, SIPS - Soil and Crop Sciences
Student: Bethany Schulteis
Project Summary
The purpose of the internship is to work with Cornell's Agricultural Weed ID Network to develop training and outreach materials on weed identification and management for 4-H youth and families. Weeds are a growing problem for New York farmers, particularly with the arrival of two aggressive herbicide-resistant weeds, Palmer amaranth and waterhemp. Weed identification is a great way to teach detailed observation skills and critical thinking, and can significantly benefit 4-H families. This project would extend the weed identification information being developed by the Weed ID Network into the 4-H realm through survey of existing materials, survey of current weed knowledge of 4-H youth and families, and development of training courses/games and outreach materials for use throughout the New York 4-H network. The materials will be tested at 2020 county fairs in coordination with the Erie and surrounding county 4-H programs, and presented to the 4-H PWT.
The student will be fully supported from both campus and county collaborators. The campus mentor will meet weekly or bi-weekly with the student and county collaborator, and will attend one of the county fair events. The county collaborator and 4-H educator will guide the student through the data collection process, and both county and campus mentors will provide advice and feedback on material development. The intended outcome is a 4-H short course curriculum for weed identification with supporting outreach materials, tailored to New York's problem agricultural weeds and difficult-to-identify weed complexes.
Internship Location: CCE of Livingston County and NWNY Team
Faculty: Quirine Ketterings, Department of Animal Science
Student: Jacob Stanyard
Project Summary
Cornell Cooperative Extension NWNY Team Field Crops Specialists Jodi Putman and Mike Stanyard collaborate with the Nutrient Management Spear Program and other faculty programs at Cornell University on applied research and extension that aims to benefit field crop and dairy producers in a 9-county region of western New York. The CCE intern will help plan, conduct, analyze, and evaluate on-farm research with the team and participate in farmer education events focused on use of cover crops, nutrient management, and integrated pest management in field crop rotations. Cover cropping is increasingly done in the region, as farmers recognize the numerous benefits that cover crops can offer, but additional work is ongoing. A current study aims to determine:
- the most effective fall cover crop planting rate to enable planting into the established cover crop the following spring, and
- cover crop seed mixtures that minimize cost while maximizing beneficial impacts on soil health and farm productivity.
In addition to the research, the intern will be involved in a series of farmer discussion group meetings and Tactical Agriculture Team (TAg) meetings for producers concerning the acceleration and adoption of cover crops and soil health related beneficial management practices in New York.
Internship Location: City of Cortland and CCE Cortland County
Faculty: Sarah Giroux, Global Development
Student: Susan Armstrong
Project Summary
For many years, the 4-H Program of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Cortland County has been based primarily on the traditional rural 4-H club model. While 4-H has always had a strong presence in rural areas, it has not had much of a presence within the county’s largest city-Cortland. To better serve a more diverse youth population in the city of Cortland, the 2019 internship will be a research project to determine programmatic needs and access points where 4-H can strengthen opportunities for youth development within the city.
The research will include consideration of projects from across other regions, within New York State, and a needs assessment for the City of Cortland. The goal is to increase opportunities for growth to youth populations who may not be familiar with, or have access to, traditional 4-H. This will include a review of the available opportunities of the Cortland Jr Fair as a showcase for youth development and approaches to increase relevance and interaction with youth housed within the city limits.
Internship Location: CCE-Chemung County
Faculty: Thomas A Hirschl, Global Development
Student: Ayesha Mohammed
Project Summary
The intern will gather interview data from Poverty Stoplight program participants and case-control subjects, and analyze the data to determine if there are program effects. The experimental design is case-control where each participant is matched by a demographically (age, race, gender) comparable subject from a nonparticipating census tract, all within the city of Elmira.
The outcomes will be comparisons on "poverty-free readiness" across the control and treatment groups, and analysis for a peer-reviewed research journal. Second, the analysis will be used to produce an extension bulletin on "new methods for fighting poverty in your local community."
Internship Location: CCE Chemung County
Faculty: Todd Schmit, Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management
Student: Alyssa Rhorda
Project Summary
CCE Chemung is involved in area farm market managing, promotion and by providing EBT support. Over the past years the markets have seen a decrease in overall participation on both sides of the table. Staff, with the assistance of this intern, will be working to assess the health of the farm market system by developing methods for meaningful evaluation and platforms for participant feedback. CCE would like to reach out to market managers, agriculture businesses and organizations to create collaborative effort in agriculture marketing in Chemung County. Through this effort, CCE hopes to determine the barriers preventing farmer engagement, strengthen networks and develop best practices in reaching consumers. 4-H in Chemung County has seen the same stagnant participation in buyers at the 4-H Livestock Sale. 4-H is interested in developing auction best practices, to improve education for potential buyers and increase marketing for overall sale improvement.
Through the work done in this internship CCE Chemung hopes to
- asses the overall health of farm market and agriculture purchasing opportunities in Chemung County and
- develop best practices that bring local community buyers to agriculture purchasing opportunities.
Internship Location: CCE Lawrence County, Extension Learning Farm - 2043B State Highway 68, Canton, NY 13617
Faculty: Michael L. Thonney, Department of Animal Science
Student: Lindsey McKernan
Project Summary
The ewes in the Extension Learning Farm flock lamb at the end of April/early May and then are put on pasture with their lambs. Normally the lambs are left with the ewes until they are 100 days old, but infection with internal parasites often slows growth or causes severe anemia unless the lambs are dewormed frequently. This experiment will compare profitability of weaning half the lambs by about 60 days of age, dewormed based on their degree of infection with Haemonchus contortus by FAMACHA scoring, and self-feeding them in the barn compared with the other half left on their mothers on pasture. Growth rates, health, lamb losses, labor and feed contributing to cost of gain, market price, and overhead cost of keeping the lambs on pasture longer will be compared to provide recommendations to lamb producers.
Internship Location: CCE Delaware County, Watershed Agricultural Program Office
Faculty: Karl Czymmek, Senior Extension Associate, PRODAIRY Program, Department of Animal Science
Student: Mikala Anderson
Project Summary
The New York City Watershed Agricultural Program works closely with over 200 farms on implementing best management practices. The CCE staff coordinates efforts in nutrient management, addressing both animal feeding, the source of most nutrients managed in the watershed, and management of manure and fertilizers. Over the course of time the program has amassed a large volume of soil test phosphorus data, as well as information on manure application to fields and animal feed rations. The CCE Delaware Team has been collaborating with the Nutrient Management Spear Program at Cornell for several years collecting whole farm Nutrient Mass Balance (NMB) data.
This project involves collecting additional NMBs for farms in the watershed, and evaluating if trends in soil test phosphorus results and field manure management records, align with NMB data. This analysis will support the advancement in on-farm management decision tools like the New York Phosphorus Index used for nutrient management planning in the state
Internship Location: Suffolk County
Faculty: Laura Harrington, Department of Entomology
Student: Elyssa Pergola
Project Summary
The Suffolk County Department of Public Works (SC DPW) Division of Vector Control is in the third year of field efficacy trials of tick control products and development of their tick surveillance program. The surveillance program is intended to inform the County’s and others’ responses to growing tick populations, incidence of tick-borne disease, and the expanding presence of the invasive Asian longhorned tick. In addition to efficacy assessments of specific tick control products, field trials will provide additional data following a standardized protocol to more accurately determine control and best tick management strategies based upon objective comparisons among products, application rates and other variables such as timing and environmental conditions.
Around the Northeast, most effort has focused on deer (blacklegged) tick; work on Long Island also includes studies on lone star ticks, which are now abundant in eastern Suffolk County. As the range of this species has now expanded to western Long Island, parts of CT, RI and MA, this work is expected to be of particular interest as human encounters in other areas increase.
In CCE of Suffolk County staff are cooperating with the Suffolk County Dept. of Public Works (SC DPW) Tick Entomologist on tick-related work where there is very strong interest from residents and commercial landscape care professionals.
Internship Location: Albion, Orleans County
Faculty: Thomas Björkman
Student: Taran Bauer
Project Summary
The project has two goals. The first is to better understand new broccoli hybrids that are better adapted to the New York climate. This project will evaluate how they perform in commercial production relative to the current best, as part of a multistate Eastern Broccoli Project. The second component involves field trials optimizing onion production, particularly on highly fertile muck soils in the face of weed, insect and disease pressure.
Internship Location: Ithaca, NY
Faculty: Jeff Perry, Global Development
Student: Stephen Robertshaw
Project Summary
In February of 2018, the staff of the Cornell Nutrient Management Spear Program in collaboration with counterparts at the University of Missouri and the Iowa Soybean Association developed a protocol for yield monitor data cleaning. The protocol was needed as raw yield monitor data contain errors related to the technology and its use in the field, and without data cleaning, reported yields can be off by 1-2 tons/acre and 5-10 bu/acre. When data cannot be trusted, farmers are unlikely to base management decisions on such data, so implementation of a data cleaning protocol is essential.
Training sessions with professionals this past year have illustrated the need for curriculum development for teaching of the protocol. In addition, we have been approached by a high school agriculture teacher for a curriculum that would allow their students to learn about yield data collection and cleaning. Thus, the proposed CCE internship project is to develop a high school and extension curriculum for corn yield data collection and processing, as well as the generation of farm-specific yield summaries. The 2019 internship allows the student to learn about field-crop based precision agriculture in general, understand yield monitoring equipment, data collection, and data cleaning, and learn about and implement educational approaches that facilitate learning for students and certified crop advisors. In addition to working on the project, the student will also get exposed to all other aspects of precision agriculture research in our team including data collection with active crop sensors, unmanned aerial systems (UAS or drones), satellite imagery, and field-based soil and plant sampling and analyses, and get greater insights in teaching an agricultural curriculum at a high school through collaboration with two high schools, one in western and one in central NY.
The internship, based in Ithaca, will include travel to meet with field crop educators and certified crop advisors statewide with more frequent travel to western and central NY for work with CCE and local high school agriculture teachers.
Internship Location: Primary worksite: CCE Broome, Binghamton, NY Field work will take place in Broome County towns and neighboring counties
Faculty: Susan B. Hoskins, Soil and Crop Sciences
Students: Alex Ding and Robert Sanchez
Project Summary
The 4-H Geospatial Science and Technology Program trains educators and youth leaders to use tools of mapmaking: GPS collected data, Geographic Information System software and remotely sensed aerial and satellite images. Using these skills, 4-H educators guide youth in undertaking community mapping projects. One of the focus areas of the Program is Roadside Ditch Mapping for watershed management.
The 4-H Geospatial team in Section of Soil and Crop Sciences is partnering with Natural Resources and Biological and Environmental Engineering Departments to develop a 4-H curriculum consisting of activities that will culminate in local roadside ditch maps. Research indicates that rural towns in New York lack access to roadside ditch condition data; information that is essential for making stewardship decisions. Through roadside ditch mapping projects, youth learn about watershed science and management, demonstrate the value of citizen science generated data to local decision makers, and become familiar with their local government officials and highway services.
Internship Location: CCE Schuyler office at 323 Owego St; Montour Falls, NY
Faculty: John Losey, Department of Entomology
Student: Ben DeMoras
Project Summary
Beneficial insects including predators that keep pests in check and pollinators that help plants make fruits and seeds are essential for healthy, productive gardens. The broad objectives of this project will be to work with a summer intern to develop and disseminate a diverse set of tools for gardeners, that will help them effectively release, and/or attract and sustain beneficial insects, especially one key group of predators, ladybugs. A particular focus will be nine-spotted ladybug, our New York state insect that is listed as a “species of greatest conservation concern” by the NYDEC. In addition to release of ladybugs, best practices for attracting and sustaining ladybugs through provision of preferred plant species, and the utilization of “ladybug food” and “ladybug houses” will be evaluated. This project will build on the success of a summer internship program from 2017 and complement efforts of an ongoing Smith-Lever project. This project will address the growing Interest in gardening throughout New York working through CCE to explore the most innovative avenues through which to educate and inspire citizens. Demonstration Gardens have proven to be successful arenas for a number of types of learning opportunities. Schuyler CCE has identified the need for continuing a strengthened approach to a local demonstration garden as a way to help hundreds of local residents learn more about horticulture, and area educators learn from our success. The summer intern will,
- educate adult and youth gardeners on how to release and attract more ladybugs and other beneficial insects to their gardens through garden events, workshops, garden tours,
- cultivate communication skills among our Master Gardeners to facilitate youth engagement in ladybug garden projects
- plant, maintain, and assess a ladybug habitat at the CCE Schuyler Teaching Garden.
To support these activities, the intern will write articles on the LLP and beneficial in the landscape for sending to media outlets and produce educational flyers and handouts developed for the teaching garden and beyond. Finally, the intern will share the results of the approach through diverse documentation which will include a web-based success story, to be distributed through CCE News and the Cornell Garden-Based Learning Blog; and potentially host a regional workshop to share with other CCE educators.
Internship Location: Broome, Chemung, Cortland, Onondaga, Tioga and Tompkins Counties
Faculty: Jennifer Ifft, Department of Applied Economics and Management
Student: Carolyn Wright
Program Summary
When farm operators fail to plan for the transfer of business assets and management to the next generation, it exposes their business to human, financial and legal risks that can threaten farm viability. However, less than one third of U.S. farms have a succession plan in place (Harris and Mishra, 2016). Despite survey data and anecdotal evidence documenting a need for succession planning, our South Central NY Dairy and Field Crops Team was not able to generate enough farmer demand to run a Succession Planning Workshop in 2019. This project will identify educational priorities and strategies to equip farmers with knowledge and skills to navigate the succession planning process. The CALS Summer Intern will play a lead role in gathering information from dairy farmers and evaluating producer demand for specific educational content and delivery strategies, including online learning.
Short-term project outcomes will include a written report and a presentation summarizing key findings and recommendations. Impacts of this project will continue beyond the scope of the internship, as CCE staff will draw on the needs assessment to develop an Extension Risk Management Education grant proposal and to inform future program development.
Internship Location: Albany, NY
Student: Oluwafunke Akinkouolie
Program Summary
The project will assist the Farmers Market Nutrition Program for the 2020 season. The Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) is a federal nutrition program administered by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM) with the goals to 1) increase access to select New York State (“local”) produce items by eligible seniors and participants of the Women Infants and Children supplemental nutrition program (WIC) and 2) expand awareness and use of farmers’ markets. As there are different target populations of FMNP, there are therefore two funding streams. The FMNP is comprised of the Senior FMNP (SFMNP) and WIC FMNP.
The intended outcome for the student is to work with the team to ensure a successful benefits program season for the most extensive Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program in the country.
Internship Location: Cornell Cooperative Extension of Wyoming County
Faculty: Jennifer Ifft, Department of Applied Economics and Management
Student: Emily Boldt
Project Summary
Wyoming County New York is updating their Agriculture and Farmland Protection Plan, originally created in 2005. The plan is used by the County’s Agriculture and Farmland Protection Board and the Board of Supervisors as they consider policy to support agriculture’s contribution to the local economy and landscape. As part of that process, data will be gathered from farmers, agricultural landowners, and support businesses to identify the threats to and opportunities for a vibrant agriculture in the community. This data will be summarized along with historical information about agriculture’s contribution to Wyoming County. Focus groups will be conducted with agricultural stakeholders to review the data gathered and identify actions to stabilize and strengthen agricultural businesses in the county.
Lastly, the Farmland Protection Steering Committee will identify priority actions to support farmland protection and the agricultural community in Wyoming County.
CHE Student Internships
The following projects were carried out in the summer of 2020 by CHE students through the CCE Summer Internship Program.
Internship Location: New York City (NYC), Cornell University Cooperative Extension-NYC
Faculty: Tashara M. Leak, PhD, RD, Division of Nutritional Sciences
Student: Vidushi Tripathi
Program Summary
Culturally tailored nutrition interventions can significantly improve health outcomes but have largely focused on Mexican American populations, leaving other Latino groups, prevalent in urban areas like New York City (NYC), understudied. Existing nutrition education curricula (e.g., Eating Smart * Being Active; Health Children, Healthy Families; or others frequently used by Cornell Cooperative Extension nutrition educators) could be translated and modified to meet the cultural needs of NYC Latinos. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), such as smartphone applications, could provide additional informational and social support; they are accepted and effective in delivering nutrition education to diverse audiences and their use continues to increase among Latinos. Formative work determining factors that impact diet quality and weight status among Latina mothers of young children in NYC is critical to inform the development of a culturally tailored, ICT enhanced intervention.
To achieve this, qualitative interviews and surveys will be conducted with
- Latina women (18-49 years old) who have young children (0-3 years old) and
- community members who engage with this group (e.g., nutrition educators, clinicians, social workers).
For example, mothers will be asked about what types of ICTs they would be open to use and features of the application that would encourage their engagement. The results of the interviews will be corroborated through surveys conducted with the same aforementioned individuals, which will determine the most prevalent nutrition-related issues and needs of this group. The qualitative interviews and surveys will be executed June 1 through July 31, 2020. Results will inform the development of a culturally tailored nutrition education intervention, enhanced with ICTs that aims to improve diet quality and weight status of Latina mothers and their young children in NYC.
Internship Location: CUCE-NYC Office
Faculty: Wendy Wolfe, Division of Nutritional Sciences
Student: Dylan Ratnarajah
Program Summary
The Family & Youth Development and Nutrition & Health program areas of Cornell University Cooperative Extension in NYC (CUCE-NYC), in collaboration with Dr. Wendy Wolfe at Cornell University, would like to build upon the dynamic Choose Health Action Teen (CHAT) initiative that was implemented in NYC in the summers of 2018 and 2019, with CHE Summer Interns playing a key role. In 2018, interns helped train 6 teens from throughout the city to teach Cornell’s Choose Health: Food, Fun and Fitness (CHFFF) curriculum to 150 children at 7 different sites, most not in the teens’ own communities.
Internship Location: New York City
Faculty: Saleh Kalantari, Department of Design and Environmental Analysis
Student: Joanna Moon
Program Summary
Workspaces have been associated with significant negative health impacts, primarily mediated by increased levels of stress, physical inactivity, mood disruption, and poor diet. In addition to the unnecessary human suffering resulting from these impacts, the financial costs are staggering, both in terms of healthcare expenses, and a decrease in job satisfaction and productivity. There is some evidence that improved office designs can alleviate these effects, promoting greater worker health, satisfaction, and productivity. However, as is the case with nearly all architectural design research, the evidence for these findings rests primarily on small-scale studies using methods of self-reporting through surveys and interviews.
Obtaining more rigorous, objective information about the human impacts of specific office-design variables (i.e., comparative biometric data about stress levels and mental focus in different office designs) can therefore make a strong contribution to improving human health and economic outcomes, and alter the future of work for design professionals and their customers. Our mobile wearable technology will streamline the process of obtaining more rigorous human-response data, and will thus support stronger scientific approaches in the field of design evaluation. Our testing platform incorporates noninvasive scalp electroencephalography (EEG), head motion, electrocardiography (ECG), and measurements of galvanic skin response (GSR), blood pressure, and body temperature, along with integrated video recording of participant behaviors.
We will conduct two studies to investigate human responses to common design variables such as different workstation layout conditions (Study A) and different lighting and window view conditions (Study B).
Internship Location: Cornell University Cooperative Extension New York City (CUCE)
Faculty: Marianella Casasola, Dept. of Human Development
Student: Radiah Khandokar
Program Summary
Our project combines a research study and a parent education training. Our research team has been studying parental beliefs about young children's learning and the role of play in this learning. The study is designed to document how parental beliefs about learning during play may contribute to cognitive outcomes and later academic achievement. In particular, we explore if parental beliefs shape their choice of play materials and the educational value parents place on these toys. We study if these beliefs vary with parent education and socio-economic status (SES). As an intended outcome, our team is working with CUCE-NYC on disseminating the research findings to develop an 8-week parent education curriculum about the role of play in early childhood learning. The curriculum is designed for parents and caregivers of children 2-5 years old.
Internship Location: Orange County/Orange County Cooperative Extension
Faculty: Laura Tach, Department of Policy Analysis and Management
Student: Esther Akapo
Project Summary
A substantial body of literature documents strong correlations between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and negative outcomes across the life course. Research also points toward several strategies for cultivating resilience as a means of mitigating some of these negative effects. The Orange County Resilience Working Group, led by Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County, is a team of diverse stakeholders working throughout Orange County to raise awareness about ACEs and create more trauma-sensitive institutions and services that foster resilience in their community. The goal of our summer project is to help Orange County evaluate the success of these efforts. More specifically, the CHE-CCE intern would help stakeholders evaluate
- how effective outreach and education efforts are at increasing community awareness about ACEs and
- whether specific trauma-sensitive reforms in education, health, and social service sectors generate positive outcomes for community members.
Internship Location: The interns will be in residence in Ithaca and will coordinate with CCE of Tompkins County to develop local program delivery sites.
Faculty: Valerie Reyna, Human Development Professor and Department Extension Leader
Students: Theodora Kouloglou and Courtney Landis
Project Summary
Cooperative Extension educates the public more about food safety than any other organization and their educators work to improve public awareness of quality, safe, and affordable agricultural products. However, efforts to expand awareness, acceptance and adoption of foods grown and/or processed with modern food safety technology, often face consumer apprehension and resistance. Our research aims to show how differences in information representation can alter perception, understanding, and acceptance of modern foods grown and/or treated by modern food safety technologies, including pasteurized and unpasteurized dairy and genetically engineered (GMO) foods. Understanding factors that influence decision-making processes in assessing potential risks for a given food will result in more effective economic decision-making for food purchases, increased skills and knowledge for healthy, accessible, and affordable food choices that assure greater food security. We have been studying how people perceive vaccination risk and we want to compare these perceptions to risk perceptions of GMO foods.
The intern will help us develop a survey, recruit community groups and give them a survey measuring memory for presented information and other knowledge and attitude tests, plus fuzzy trace theory concepts. Also, the intern will work with our CCE partner to identify community engagement strategies for our outreach goals.
Internship Location: Jefferson, CUCE-NYC, Orange, and Tompkins
Faculty: Karl Pillemer, Department of Human Development
Student: Rohit Agarwal
Program Summary
The intern will work with the Cornell Family Reconciliation Project. This outreach program is developing and testing ways to help families overcome estrangement. We will work with the Cooperative Extension system to conduct applied research and develop interventions around family estrangement, building around other CE program experience around stressful family relationships. The project will create evidence-based programs for overcoming estrangement, which in turn is likely to reduce the suffering of affected relatives and contribute to building stronger families in NYS and nationwide.
OEI Summer Projects
The following projects, offered though by OEI, were carried out during the summer of 2020 by Cornell students through the CCE Summer Internship Program.
Internship Location: New York Sea Grant; Stony Brook University, Suffolk County
Student: Pierson Ohr
Project Summary
Rip currents are considered to be the deadliest hazard to users at ocean beaches. Although many beachgoers have heard the term rip current, not many understand the physical processes occurring and how to escape the grip and return safely to shore. The goal of this project would be to gain an understanding of beachgoer’s knowledge of rip currents on New York's ocean beaches, educate stakeholders about the dangers, and provide safety information. This project will utilize survey materials, educational materials, and virtual reality simulations.
Internship Location: CUCE-NYC Office
Student: Camilla Bacolod
Project Summary
This undergraduate summer internship will focus on completing and submitting Roosevelt Island’s application to be certified as a NYS Climate Smart Community. The student will work in close collaboration with a community engagement committee brought together in response to a OEI planning grant submitted by CUCE-NYC and Cornell Tech that includes Cornell Tech students, leaders of community organizations committed to sustainability, staff from the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (RIOC), and other partners.
Internship Location: CCE Dutchess County
Student: Tien Vo
Project Summary
New York State’s targets for emissions reductions are ambitious and fast-approaching. Passed in 2019, the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) mandates 100% economy-wide net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Meeting these targets will require a rapid scaling-up and increase in productivity of existing energy efficiency and clean energy programs in each sector. Thus the CLCPA also mandates a 35% minimum allocation of investments from clean energy and energy efficiency funds directed towards disadvantaged communities.
To service the full scope of eligible populations, a variety of targeted outreach and marketing strategies are needed to grow awareness and adoption of available programs. In this context, the Mid-Hudson Community Energy Engagement Program (CEEP) is looking to engage one or more interns to research social determinants to participation in energy efficiency and clean energy programs, test marketing/outreach strategies for program uptake, and make recommendations that the Mid-Hudson CEEP program can implement and disseminate.
Internship Location: CCE Tompkins County
Faculty: Laura Tach, Department of Policy Analysis and Management
Student: Matthew Sheen
Project Summary
Parenting education programs are primarily developed from a dominant culture lens, which disregards unique needs of racially/ethnically diverse families. This may leave parenting programs inaccessible to families of color, the most rapidly growing population in the U.S. The goals of this project include the following: - Analyze research-based parenting education programs, assessing for cultural humility, unconscious bias, and inclusivity for diverse populations, particularly people of color. - Develop briefs to help CCE educators across New York (and beyond) increase their ability to critically assess parenting education programs through a lens of cultural humility.
Internship Location: CCE Ontario
Student: Andrew Nkubito
Project Summary
CCE Ontario owns and operates 4-H Camp Bristol Hills, which has 123 acres. 80 of these acres were obtained through a gift from a neighbor that are primarily undeveloped. The property currently contains a one acre leach field, two barns, and an archery range. We are interested in developing a master plan on how best to use the property to enhance the educational programs offered by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ontario County.
Internship Location: Cornell Cooperative Extension of Warren County
Faculty: Heather Kolakowski, Hotel Administration
Student: Emily Lasher
Project Summary
The nutrition sustainability program in Warren County is a hands-on, kinesthetic learning opportunity that combines evidence-based research with practical application. The county in which our office resides is primarily rural, with a high percentage of low-income residents. As the rural landscape lends well to providing food, if an individual has the knowledge of how to do so, our program focuses on the farm and field to table model. We instruct community members in several vegetable gardening techniques, including planning, planting, weeding, and harvesting, as well as what to do with that produce once it is harvested.
Other associative programs include food preservation and cooking classes, with an emphasis on hands-on techniques that can empower people to safely store and consume their produce. Another facet of this is the incorporation of wild game and fish into an individual’s diet, so we offer classes that help to bring people into the outdoors, and then provide the information as to what they should do once they acquire wild game or fish. As education is useless unless the learner is engaged enough to implement what they have learned, these programs also include many fun, hands-on, interactive games.
Internship Location: CUCE-NYC Office
Student: Yosief Kidane and Stefan Engquist
Project Summary
The summer intern will work with stakeholders on Roosevelt Island, NYC, to explore and address one of the key questions surfaced by the “Engaged Roosevelt Island” working group: What is the potential capacity to expand Roosevelt Island’s use of renewable energy (solar, wind, geothermal and tidal)?
The student will work in close collaboration with the community engagement committee (“Engaged Roosevelt Island” working group) brought together in response to a OEI planning grant submitted by CUCE-NYC and Cornell Tech that includes Cornell Tech students, leaders of community organizations committed to sustainability, staff from the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (RIOC), and other partners.
Internship Location: CCE Ulster County, CCE Columbia-Greene, CCE Dutchess County
Students: Madison Albano, Wendy Lau, and Seth Bollinger
Project Summary
Within Ulster County, the rural-urban divide is deeply felt. The ecological, historical, agricultural and cultural history and diversity of Ulster and surrounding counties offers a fascinating window in to this divide. Our region is experiencing another uptick in interest, including the Catskills being named as the #2 destination to visit in the world by Lonely Planet in 2019. With this increased interest comes deepening divisions and new possibilities. The Rural Humanities project can help us to make sure multi-faceted stories are told about the latest chapter in our region’s history, together with all its antecedents. Ulster County 4-H and surrounding counties are very motivated to create new partnerships within Cornell that tell the untold stories of our region and communicate commonalities that bridge this divide.
CALS Student Internships
The following projects were carried out in the summer of 2019 by CALS students through the CCE Summer Internship Program.
Internship Location: Tompkins County
Faculty: Anu Rangarajan, Horticulture-SIPs and Andrea Stevenson Won, Communications
Student: Michael Schwartz
Internship Location: Hudson Valley, NY (Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture Program)
Faculty: Dr. Brian Nault
Student: Olivia Matteo
Internship Location: CCE Genesee County
Faculty: Larry Smart
Internship Location: CCE Steuben and Steuben County sites
Faculty: Susan B. Hoskins
Student: Matthew Kwok
Internship Location: CCE Erie County
Faculty: Marcia Eames-Sheavly
Student: Clara Stilwell
Internship Location: Newark, NY, CCE Wayne County
Faculty: Todd M. Schmit
Student: Stephanie Neitlich
Internship Location: CCE Harvest NY, Urban Agriculture Program, Brooklyn, NY
Faculty: Dr. Anu Rangarajan
Student: Jesse Corona
Internship Location: Hudson Valley and ENY
Faculty: Elson Shields
Internship Location: Primarily, Orange County. But may also be in Ulster, Sullivan & Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester & Rockland if hemp production occurs in these counties in ’19.
Faculty: Christine Smart
Student: Johanna Gertin
Internship Location: NYS Ag & Markets, Albany, NY
Internship Location: Project is statewide. Given the intern will work with extension in western and northern NY and travel to farms in central and eastern NY as well, the worksite location is in Ithaca, New York, with frequent trips to especially western and northern NY.
Faculty: Quirine Ketterings
Student: Ben Lehman
Internship Location: Cornell Cooperative Extension- Harvest NY Urban Agriculture Program (Fort Greene, Brooklyn) 55 Hanson Place Suite 350 Brooklyn, NY 11217
Faculty: Anu Rangarajan
Student: Yahnah Woodby
Internship Location: CCE of Schuyler County and CCE Hidden Valley Camp
Faculty: Laura Harrington
Student: Hannah Rosenthal
CHE Student Internships
The following projects were carried out in the summer of 2019 by CHE students through the CCE Summer Internship Program.
Internship Location: Rockland County CCE; Chautauqua County CCE
Faculty: Karl Pillemer
Student: Micaela Moravek
Internship Location: Tompkins County/CCE Tompkins office
Faculty: Valerie Reyna
Student: Nnamdi Igwe
Internship Location: CUCE-NYC Office
Faculty: Wendy Wolfe
Student: Adjoa Fosuhema-Kordie
Internship Location: CU Campus and CCE County offices
Faculty: Kimberly Kopko
Student: Jessica Lindenstraus
Internship Location: Work may be undertaken anywhere, with site visits to selected County offices such as Chenango, Broome, Tioga, Schoharie and Allegany.
Faculty: Sharon Tennyson
Student: Molly Bergin
Internship Location: Tompkins and Ulster Counties
Faculty: Laura Tach
Student: Rose Ippolito
OEI Summer Projects
The following projects, offered though by OEI, were carried out during the summer of 2019 by Cornell students through the CCE Summer Internship Program.
Internship Location: CCE Oneida County
Faculty: Abigail Cohn, Department of Linguistics, The College of Arts & Sciences
Student: Lauren Kessler
Internship Location: CCE Rockland County
Faculty: Valerie Aymer, Department of Landscape and Architecture
Student: Tingyue Tan
Internship Location: CCE Warren County
Faculty: Heather Kolakowski, Operations, Technology and Information Management, The Hotel School
Student: Jianxin Huo
CALS Student Internships
The following projects were carried out in the summer of 2018 by CALS students through the CCE Summer Internship Program.
Internship Location: Cornell University with focus on community resources in Tompkins County and surrounding regions.
Faculty: Rebecca Seguin, PhD, Division of Nutritional Sciences
Student: Drew Valentine
Internship Location: New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, Division of Animal Industry, Albany, NY
Internship Location: CCE Madison
Faculty: Lindsay Goodale, DVM
Internship Location: CCE Madison County (Morrisville, NY)
Faculty: Allison Chatrchyan
Student: Tyler Brewer
Internship Location: CCE Chemung County and CCE Tioga County
Faculty: Todd Schmit
Student: Hailey Pipher
Internship Location: CCE Chemung County and CCE Tioga County
Faculty: Todd Schmit
Student: Anna Birn
Internship Location: CCE Nassau County, Horticulture Center Demonstration & Community Gardens at East Meadow Farm
Faculty: Lori Brewer
Student: Martha Williams
Internship Location: CCE Saratoga County/ CapMo PRISM
Faculty: Mark Whitmore
Student: Lily-Anne Trainor
Internship Location: Essex County
Faculty: John Sanderson
Internship Location: CCE Nassau Dorthy P. Flint 4-H Camp, Long Island Horticulture Research and Extension Center
Faculty: Dr. Anu Rangarajan and Dr. Mark Bridgen
Student: Raul Campo-Lizama
Internship Location: Work will be conducted primarily in the 10 county region of the NWNY CCE Team.
Faculty: Quirine Ketterings
Student: Madeline Kinnear
Internship Location: Long Island Welcome Center/Taste of NY Market Place
Faculty: Eugene Won
Student: Susanna Oskinski
Internship Location: Tompkins County
Faculty: Anu Rangarajan, Horticulture Section, School of Integrated Plant Science
Student: Jane Kim
Internship Location: CCE Suffolk, Suffolk County Dept. of Public Works Vector Control
Faculty: Laura Harrington
Student: Bailey Willett
Internship Location: Cornell University with focus on community resources in Tompkins County and surrounding regions
Faculty: Kimberly Kopko, PhD, Policy Analysis and Management, John Sipple, PhD, Department of Development Sociology
Student: Spencer Kendall & Kaitlyn Sbrollini
Internship Location: New York City
Faculty: Anu Rangarajan, Horticulture Section, School of Integrated Plant Science
Student: Katherine Rogers
Student: Christian Kanlian
Student: Brian Byun
Student: Mason Leist
Internship Location: TBD (NNY, CNY, WNY) Centrally located in Ithaca, Shields Laboratory
Faculty: Elson Shields
Student: Matt Chartrand
CHE Student Internships
The following projects were carried out in the summer of 2018 by CHE students through the CCE Summer Internship Program.
Internship Location: CCE Cortland County, CCE Albany County, CCE Jefferson County
Faculty: Gary Evans and David Just
Student: Lucie Fan
Internship Location: Mainly Ithaca, with work in Watkins Glen (4-H Camp Hidden Valley), CCE Schuyler County and CCE Tompkins County
Faculty: Valerie Reyna
Student: James Kim
Internship Location: CCE Madison County and CCE Wayne County offices
Faculty: Rebecca Seguin
Student: Erin Kehoe
Internship Location: CCE Jefferson County
Faculty: Kimberly Kopko
Student: Rosaleen Morgan
Internship Location: New York City, CUCE-NYC Office
Faculty: Marianella Casasola
Student: Johanna O'Reilly