Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) partners with local, state and federal government agencies, and is supported by the national Land-Grant system and Cornell University. In fulfillment of Cornell’s Land-Grant mission, faculty and staff—primarily from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) and the College of Human Ecology—collaborate with extension associates, agriculture specialists, CCE educators and staff, local partners and volunteers across New York state to engage citizens and empower communities to transform and grow from the ground up.
The resulting education system is responsive, nimble, research-based and locally-rooted. Extension educators develop programming that collects information and experience from their own communities to inform Cornell research and program development. Such a dynamic organization would not be possible without over 1,500 dedicated staff, 27,000 volunteers and many partnerships that power the CCE system.

CCE employment opportunities are available throughout New York state and on the Cornell University campus in Ithaca, New York.

From research to educational outreach, interns are involved in a wide spectrum of activities throughout New York state.

Online and on-demand learning opportunities by Cornell Cooperative Extension are available in the CCE Course Catalogue.

Faculty and staff, extension educators, and external stakeholders collaborate to identify issues, study needs and create educational materials in specific extension areas.
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Volunteer in your community
Each year, 27,000 individuals significantly extend the reach of Cornell Cooperative Extension around New York state, contributing over one million hours. CCE volunteers work in many capacities, from hands-on assistance in educational programs to serving in advisory roles at the local and state levels.