Theoretical and Applied Development - Presentations On Learning & Experiences

The Global Development Student Advisory Board brings the GDEV community together to learn more about each of our peer's experience and expertise while having a good time with food and informal conversation. Theoretical and Applied Development - Presentations On Learning and Experiences (TAD-POLE) events take place once per month and feature short presentations by undergraduates, grad students, faculty/staff, and fellows. All members of the Global Development community are encouraged to attend!

Subscribe to the Student Advisory Board's calendar to stay up to date on the latest TAD-POLE events!

Past TAD-POLE presentations

October 1: GDEV Research Journeys: 

  • Amy Nam - CURB
  • Olivia Young - Research with Dr. Herrero
  • Josh Caplan - Research with Dr. Zinda
  • Jeffrey Xue - Lund Fellows
  • Sophia Ukeni - Lund Fellows
  • Erick Muriungi - Laidlaw
  • Viv Yellen - Laidlaw
  • Mira DeGregory - Humphrey Fellow PACT program

November 13: Meet the Humphrey Fellows: 

  • Thursday, March 7, 4:30-6 | PACT special session | Warren 401
  • Wednesday, March 27, 5:00-6:30pm | Special session: Cornell-USFQ Student Poster Symposium & Reception | Mann B75 Student Hub
  • Thursday, April 18, 5:00-6:00pm | Mann 102
  • Thursday, April 25, 5:15-6:00pm | Special Session: Internationally-engaged courses | Mann 102
  • Wednesday, May 1, 5:00-6:00pm | Mann 102

Thursday, September 21, 2023 | 5pm | B73 Warren Hall

  • The case of mental health and wellness for farmers: David Rose, Fulbright Visiting Professor
  • Increasing access to federal payments for ecosystem services for native ranchersSammi Lin, Undergraduate Student in Global Development
  • Developing Rural Cities as a futuristic experimentOjok Okello Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow in Global Development

Wednesday October 18, 2023 | 5pm | 102 Mann Library

  • Good Habits Reshape Our LivesAijun Yang, Humphrey Fellow in Global Development
  • Agrarian Change, Populism, and a New Farmers' Movement in the 21st Century Pakistani PunjabMuhammad Yahya Aftab, MPS student in Global Development

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 | 5pm | B73 Warren Hall

Unpacking Uneven Findings on Environmental Inequity: Unequal Exposures Research Team led by Professor John Zinda

Social scientists have done extensive work to understand patterns of distributional environmental injustice—the unequal exposure of different human groups to environmental hazards. Yet the extent and nature of these inequalities differ across studies. Observed environmental inequities may differ across localities with different histories; hazards with different biophysical dynamics; and studies using different methods. These variations matter for environmental justice movements: understanding where and when disparities have been more or less severe may reveal opportunities for action. We have gathered over 400 studies of unequal environmental exposures and will share initial findings from ongoing work, highlighting uneven coverage of different hazards and dimensions of social inequality over time.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 | 5pm | 102 Mann Library 

  • Impact Investment in Aquaculture: Kristen Ikle, Undergraduate Student
  • Food Waste and Losses in Turkey and Raising Awareness ProjectsRuhsan Ozdemir Cifci, Humphrey Fellow (Turkey)
  • Engineers Without Borders: Community Engagement in Building Irrigation Systems in Tanzania: Janeth Manyalla, Undergraduate Student

Thursday, February 16 @ Warren Hall B73 | 5-6pm 

  • Izzy Xavier '24 (IARD): Research on Weta Ecology during Study Abroad in New Zealand 
  • Eli Newell '24 (IARD): Connecting Sanitation and Agriculture: Augmenting fertilizer supply while reducing nutrient pollution

Thursday, March 9 @ Warren Hall 150 | 4:30-6pm

  • Speakers include a panel of Humphrey Fellows and undergraduate students in Global Development on their joint research projects through the inaugural Humphrey Fellow P.A.C.T. Research Assistant Program (Practicioner-Assistant-Collaborative-Training)

Thursday March 30 @ Mann Library 102 | 5-6pm

  • Jean Marie Nizigiyimana (Humphrey Fellow): Plastic Recycling and Circular Economy
  • Laura Miranda ‘23: Social Transformation and Large-Scale Mining in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea
  • Fanuel Joseph Massawe (Humphrey Fellow): Tree Diversity and Quality Tree Seed for Livelihoods, Climate and Nature

Thursday April 20 @ Mann Library 102 | 5-6pm 

Thursday May 4 @ Mann Library 102 | 5-6pm 

  • Julia Pienkowska ’23: Red Hook Farms: Urban Ag and Food Justice in Brooklyn
  • Maria DiGiovanni ’23: Documenting the Perspectives of the Undocumented: Increasing Farmworker Representation in Discussion of the Farm Workforce Modernization Act
  • Nodira Kurbanbaeva (Humphrey Fellow): Factors Influencing Youth Employment in Agriculture and Horticulture in Uzbekistan


  • Kristen Ikle '24 (International Agriculture and Rural Development major): "Summer Internship: The Harvest Fund"
  • Kate McHale, '24 (Development Sociology major): "The Importance of 4-H and Positive Youth Development in Achieving Nutrition Security"
  • Dongpyo Hong (Humphrey Fellow, Korea): "Legislative Reform for Korea Coast Guard's Gas Emissions for Electric Patrol Ship


  • Jackson Hart, MPS '22: "Digital Agroecology for Smallholder Farmers in LMICs"
  • Chindavone Sanlath (Humphrey Fellow, Laos): "Lao PDR Circular Economy: A contribution to the national GHG mitigation opportunities"
  • Lydia Ngonzi (Humphrey Fellow, Uganda) "Planning Water Security at the Metropolitan Scale: The Scenario Planning Tool and Water Security Investment Model, highlighting data from Uganda"


Presentations by undergraduate research interns from Zamarano Pan-American Agricultural University, Honduras include: 

  • Andres Mayorga: Climate Emergency: Current State of Fishing Communities in the Gulf of Fonesca, Honduras
  • Simon Trujillo: Eutrophication and Approaches for Health in Water Bodies
  • Susan Garcia: The Necessity of Water Treatment in Vulnerable Communities


  • John B. Babadara (Humphrey Fellow, Nigeria) "Tomatrix Nigeria - a Thriving Community amidst Opportunities & Challenges"
  • Carlos Morais (Humphrey Fellow, Brazil) "Dry Lands in Latin America: New perspectives to face hunger and climate change impacts"
  • Maria DiGiovanni ’23 (International Agriculture and Rural Development major): "Pasture and Perseverance: Maintaining sustainable livelihoods on North Carolina niche meat farms"