120 countries, 450+ alumni. 

Our extensive network of Humphrey Fellowship alumni, who have spent time at Cornell over the past 45 years, comprises leaders applying the lessons learned during the Fellowship to drive tangible impacts in the agricultural, rural development, and natural resource management sectors, both in their home countries and beyond.

Alumni spotlights

Women participate in dialogue group

Social Development Advisor on Gender and Climate, Pathfinder International

Husnain Afzal stands next to a hydro water plant

Executive Civil Engineer, Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority

Man gives a presentation

Director General, Department of Water Resources and Irrigation in Nepal

Carlos Morais headshot

Coordinator, Agroecological Development Center

Woman collects plastic bottles

Waste management educator and social entrepreneur, Siel Environmental Services Limited

Manoj Kaphle stands in a greenhouse

Senior Credit Officer, Agricultural Development Bank of Nepal

Headshot of Larisa

Fulbright Visiting Scholar Fellow, Cornell University

A headshot of Artak Khachatryan

Director of Agricultural Technology Input and Service Department, Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD) Agroservice

Pratin Roy Headshot

Founder and Director, Keystone Foundation

Eugenia Saini stands in front of a poster at an event

Executive Secretary, Regional Fund for Agricultural Technology (FONTAGRO)

Headshot of Emanuel Ajani

Deputy Director, National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure (NASENI)