
An internship is one of the best possible ways to prepare for a career. Many of our graduates have said that their internships were one of the most valuable learning experiences during their time at Cornell. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity.

There are a variety of internships available!  Whichever internship you choose, you will want that experience to be under the mentorship of a communication professional.

Students are responsible for arranging their own internships. The Career Development Office in 140 Roberts Hall is a great place to get your resume in order and plan your internship search. To view internship postings forwarded to the Department of Communication visit the Communication Virtual Job Board, or look out for emails from Ashlee Cherry! 

For assistance with financing a summer internship, check out our Undergraduate Summer Grant program!

Please read carefully

Requirements to earn credit for an internship:

  • Internship must be a communication-related field.
  • Internships can be paid or non-paid to receive credit.
  • All internships for credit must be approved by filling out the Learning Contract BEFORE you can start the internship.
  • The internship is offered for 1-credit and will count toward your overall graduation credits. Students can repeat the credit once but only for a different internship. (This course does not count towards the Communication minor or major)
  • Students will enroll in the internship course for the appropriate semester prior to the add/drop period.
  • Students must complete a minimum of 60 hours of on-the-job work; the number of work hours beyond 60 is left to the discretion of the intern and their supervisor.
  • An academic component of an e-portfolio or Pecha Kucha is required. This will ensure that students can link the communication theory they learn in the classroom to the practical work experience that is gained through the internship.
  • The Supervisor Evaluation is due at the completion of the internship.
  • Internships are graded on an S/U basis only.
  • Communication internships are only open to Communication Majors and declared Communication Minors.
  • Internships will not be added after the normal CALS add deadline.

Enrollment Process for the Communication Internship (COMM 4960)

COMM 4960 is NOT added through Student Center. If your internship is approved for academic credit, you will enroll in the 1 credit course during the appropriate semester via the form in DUST.


  • Step 1: Complete The Learning Contract prior to the beginning of the internship.
  • Step 2: Complete internship.
  • Step 3: Send your internship supervisor the link to the Supervisor Evaluation Form and have them complete and submit the form by the deadline below.
  • Step 4: Complete and submit your Academic Component (E-portfolio or Pecha Kucha) by the end of the semester in which you are enrolled in COMM 4960.

Academic Component to the Communication Internship (COMM 4960)

If your internship is during...

  • Fall semester
    • You will enroll in COMM 4960 during the fall
  • Spring semester
    • You will enroll in COMM 4960 during the spring
  • Winter
    • You will enroll in COMM 4960 during the spring
  • Summer
    • You will enroll in COMM 4960 during the fall



Select and complete one option from below:


Create an e-portfolio, which serves as evidence of what you learned in your internship and may be helpful to you when applying for jobs. The e-portfolio is a creative process (you do not have to limit yourself to words but may include audio, video, photos, and diagrams) that reflects your accomplishments and convinces your readers/viewers that you have learned new ideas and skills. The format for the portfolio is flexible but must meet the following requirements.

  • It should be between 8 & 10 slides/pages.
  • Describe your responsibilities as an intern. Use “verbs” as these are most effective in interviews and on resumes. EG: I “contacted” potential clients; I “designed”; I “organized.”
  • Discuss/Describe/Illustrate a project or projects you worked on, including the outcome(s).
  • Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses in carrying out your responsibilities.


  • Create a 3 minute audio narrated-visual presentation (12 images X 15 seconds)
  • While the original Pecha Kucha is 20 slides for 20 seconds each, our Pecha Kucha will be 12 slides/images for 15 seconds each.
  • The topic of the Pecha Kucha is your internship. You will need to shape a narration about the overall experience or a particular project you worked on, including the outcomes.
  • If you choose this option, please read about what a Pecha Kucha is.
  • SAMPLE PECHA-KUCHAS (though not about internships)
    Couch surfing pecha kucha and Photography pecha kucha