Science, Health, Risk, and Environment

Researchers in this area are concerned with the role of communication in the areas of science, health, risk, and environmental sustainability. Our research leads to both new theoretical insights and more robust communication practice across the areas of science, health, risk, and environmental sustainability. It enables the development of strategic campaigns/messaging to promote healthy behavior and health policy, environmental sustainability action, public understanding of science, health interventions, and similar topics.

Some topics that our research addresses include:

  • The communication of scientific uncertainty
  • Public engagement and decision-making
  • Public opinion dynamics and processes
  • Media coverage of science, health, risk and the environment
  • Prevalence, spread and impacts of misinformation
  • Social networks and social support
  • Patient-provider interaction
  • Literacy, inequalities and communication
  • The role of technology
  • Theory and design of effective communication campaigns

Associated Faculty

Headshot of Dominic Balog-Way
Dominic Balog-Way

Research Associate

Department of Communication

Dominic Balog-Way
  • db729 [at]
Headshot of Bruce Lewenstein
Bruce Lewenstein


Department of Communication

Bruce Lewenstein
Lewis headshot
Neil Lewis, Jr.

Associate Professor

Department of Communication

Neil Lewis, Jr.
  • nlewisjr [at]
woman standing and smiling
Katherine McComas

Vice Provost for Engagement and Land-Grant Affairs

Office of the Provost


Department of Communication

Katherine McComas
  • kam19 [at]
Jeff Niederdeppe smiling
Jeff Niederdeppe

Senior Associate Dean of Faculty Development, Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy

Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor

Department of Communication

Jeff Niederdeppe
  • jdn56 [at]
Headshot of Norman Porticella
Norman Porticella

Research Associate

Department of Communication

Norman Porticella
a bald man with a blue jacket and shirt stands in front of a window
Jonathon Schuldt


Department of Communication

Jonathon Schuldt
Andrea Stevenson Won assistant professor.
Andrea Stevenson Won

Associate Professor

Department of Communication

Andrea Stevenson Won
Connie Yuan headshot
Y. Connie Yuan


Department of Communication


Department of Global Development

Y. Connie Yuan
Organizational communication
Intercultural communication
Knowledge management