International Opportunities
Study Abroad Opportunities
Each year some 200 CALS undergraduates spend a semester or year studying abroad. CALS recognizes that students study abroad for a variety of reasons, and as a result, offers a great deal of choice. Students may want to study abroad to broaden their world view, boost employment prospects, learn a new language, gain independence, discover a new educational system, or all of the above. As soon as a student determines their interest in studying abroad during their time at Cornell, they should speak with their Faculty Advisor or the Undergraduate Program Coordinator to develop a complete graduation plan. It is never too early to start planning.
Find out more how to get started on the CALS International Opportunities page.
Academic Year or Semester Long Opportunities
There are two approved avenues for studying abroad during the Fall, Spring, or the full Academic Year: The CALS Exchange Program or Cornell's Office of Global Learning
Search here for all on- and off-campus global opportunities. Be sure to filter your search by “Agriculture and Life Sciences” to see all CALS-approved programs! You will also find opportunities for career development, community-engaged learning and service, fellowships and funding, research, and other special interest programs.
Learn more about study abroad policies and credit transfer by attending a Study Abroad 101 session or by reading the information online.
Special Programs and Opportunities
You are not interested in leaving the Cornell campus for a full semester but you still want to internationalize your degree? Besides the study abroad and exchange opportunities, you can also consider doing an international summer internship via the CALS Global Fellows Program or participating in a faculty-led program.