Groups, Organizations, and Networks

Researchers in this area are concerned with decision-making processes, social processes, and the exchange of information within and between groups, organizations, and networks. We study ways that communication processes and systems influence social structures and behaviors in a variety of settings, including multinational/multicultural groups, technologically-mediated teams, computer-supported cooperative work, online forums, networks, and communities. We also examine how the use of tools, affordances, and platforms affect communication, collaboration, participation, and performance in groups, organizations, and networks.

Some examples of recent research include:

  • Use of physical and digital objects among colleagues in global work
  • Cultural differences in cognition, decision making, and communication styles in groups
  • Identities and interaction in intergroup communication
  • Social influence and behavior change in online groups and networks
  • Group and community norms for sharing and interpreting misinformation
  • Encouraging bystander interventions and other prosocial behaviors in online social networks
  • Understanding the effectiveness of support-seeking behaviors and crowd-sourced support in online networks
  • Knowledge and information sharing in groups and organizations
  • The formation, maintenance and functioning of social networks
  • “Citizen science” and public engagement with science and technology

Associated Faculty

Headshot of Natalie Barazova
Natalie Bazarova

Associate Vice Provost, Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation

Office of the Provost


Department of Communication

Natalie Bazarova
Headshot of Susan Fussell
Susan Fussell


Department of Communication


Department of Information Science

Susan Fussell
Collaborative Work
Computer-Mediated Communication
Sarah Gilbert
Sarah Gilbert

Research Director, CAT Lab


Research Associate


Sarah Gilbert
  • sag284 [at]
Lewis headshot
Neil Lewis, Jr.

Associate Professor

Department of Communication

Neil Lewis, Jr.
  • nlewisjr [at]
Headshot of Drew Margolin
Drew Margolin

Associate Professor

Department of Communication

Drew Margolin
  • dm658 [at]
Headshot of J. Nathan Matias
J. Nathan Matias

Assistant Professor

Department of Communication

J. Nathan Matias
  • nathan.matias [at]
Head shot of Poppy McLeod
Poppy McLeod


Department of Communication

Poppy McLeod
Communication Theories
Computer-Mediated Group Work
Group Communication
Headshot of Norman Porticella
Norman Porticella

Research Associate

Department of Communication

Norman Porticella
Headshot of Dawn Schrader
Dawn Schrader

Associate Professor

Department of Communication

Dawn Schrader
Katherine Sender
Katherine Sender

Professor and Director of Graduate Studies

Department of Communication

Katherine Sender
Andrea Stevenson Won assistant professor.
Andrea Stevenson Won

Associate Professor

Department of Communication

Andrea Stevenson Won
Connie Yuan headshot
Y. Connie Yuan


Department of Communication


Department of Global Development

Y. Connie Yuan
Organizational communication
Intercultural communication
Knowledge management