Welcome to the CALS Chemical Inventory for chemicals and cylinders stored in CALS Facilities.
Inventories are supported by the CALS Occupational and Environmental Health Program. The Department of Homeland Security requirements as well as City and State Fire Codes require these inventories. Inventories are kept current with direct support to laboratories and the engagement of the research community.
The Vertere Chemical Inventory Management System is the platform used. Researchers have access through a group login with their Principal Investigator (PI) as the "Chemist" in Vertere.
- Inventories are electronic, current and downloadable
- Labs can search for chemicals for repurposing/sharing with other research groups
- Chemical classifications and Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are available for the majority of the chemicals in the system
- Maximum Allowable Quantity Reports (MAQ) can be generated.
Bradfield Hall
Cornell Biological Field Station (CBFS)
Cornell Lake Erie Research and Extension Laboratory (CLEREL)
Comstock Hall
Cornell AgriTech
Emerson Hall
Hudson Valley Research Laboratory (HVRL)
Kenneth Post Laboratories (KPL)
Love Lab
Long Island Horticultural Research & Extension Center (LIHREC)
Little Moose
Mann Library
Morrison Hall
Plant Sciences
Resource Ecology & Management Building (REM)
Stocking Hall
Wing Hall
Arnot Forest
Contact CALS OEH
416 Kennedy Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
- cals-chemicals [at] cornell.edu (cals-chemicals[at]cornell[dot]edu)