Section 7 - Trail Class
Must be correct for the seat being ridden. Refer to the personal attire and appointments list for the appropriate division.
Must be correct for the seat being ridden. Refer to the tack and equipment list for the appropriate division.
The Trail equine will be tested for manners and obedience over and through a series of obstacles that insofar as possible are limited to those that might be encountered in normal riding. The equine should handle each obstacle quietly and willingly, but not without showing some curiosity about the obstacle. A good trail equine should be relied upon to investigate obstacles to determine the safety of proceeding over or through them. The equine should not forge ahead without inspecting the obstacle.
A. Class Routine
1. Contestants may be asked to ride an elimination course from which finalists may be selected.
2. Finalists will be required to work through another series of obstacles and may in addition be asked to work on the rail.
3. The class may be judged by combining scores of a series of independent judges.
4. Obstacles used may include but will not be limited to:
a) Gate
b) Logs or ground poles
c) Bridge
d) Back-up with at least a 30 degree turn
e) Obstacle to be walked over or jumped, at least 14" high but not more than 24" high
f) Slicker to be picked up and put back, while mounted
g) Carrying a bucket or pail
h) Side passing over L- or T-shaped rails demonstrating ability in both directions. Rails may be elevated up to 12" to 18".
i) Mailbox to be opened and closed
j) Dragging a log or sack with a rope k) Passing tractor, truck or motorcycle
l) Water hazards
*Please Note: Youth will not be asked to mount or dismount. See General Equine Show Rules - "Procedures".
5. It is strongly recommended that obstacles used other than those mentioned should be similar to those that would actually be found while trail riding. Bizarre obstacles such as fresh animal skins, flares, fires, car horns, etc. should be avoided.
6.If an entry fails to completely negotiate an obstacle in one minute, only partial points will be awarded. Failure to begin to negotiate an obstacle with 30 seconds of arrival at that obstacle, or three refusals, regardless of the length of time, will result in a zero at that obstacle. Failure to follow the prescribed order of obstacles will result in disqualification. Failure to score at any three obstacles will result in elimination. No obstacle may be passed without permission of the judge.
B. Scoring
1. Emphasis will be placed on the equine's suitability as a safe, dependable trail equine. Scoring will be based entirely on scores given at each obstacle.
2. A trail class will be composed of up to 8 obstacles. A score of 0 to 10 will be given for each obstacle. A score of 5 would indicate that an average job was done at that obstacle. A score less than 5 would indicate grades of a poor job. A score higher than a 5 would indicate grades of a good job. Any score between 0 and 10 can be assigned, no 1/2 points.
3. a) Trail Class cannot be ridden using two hands. The only exceptions would be:
- riding a junior equine with two hands
- riding in Hunt Seat or Saddle Seat Division Trail Classes
b) It is permissible to change hands to work an obstacle.
4. Ties may be broken on the basis of performance at one or more predetermined obstacle(s) or on appointments, 30%; conformation, 40%; and suitability of mount to rider, 30%.
Trail Obstacle Scores:
+1 1/2 – Excellent, +1 – Very
Good, +1/2 – Good, 0 – Correct, -1/2 – Poor, -1 – Very Poor, -1 1/2 – Extremely Poor
Penalty 1/2: Each tick of log, pole, cone or obstacles.
Penalty 1: Hit or step on; Incorrect gait at walk or jog 2 strides or less; Both feet in space; Skip space; Split pole, failure to meet the correct strides on trot over & lope over log, incorrect number of strides, if specified.
Penalty 3: Break gait at walk or jog over 2 strides; Out of lead or break of gait at lope; knockdown: Step out or jump off with 1 foot.
Penalty 5: Drop object; 1st refusal or evade: 2nd refusal; Loss of control at gate, use of either hand to instill fear or praise; Step out or jump off obstacle with more than 1 foot: Blatant disobedience; Failure to complete obstacle, holding saddle.
Penalty Score 0: Failure to follow the correct line of travel within or between obstacles; Use of more than 1 finger between reins; Use of 2 hands; Use of romal other than outlined; Performing obstacles incorrectly or other than specified order; No attempt to perform obstacle; Equipment failure; Excessively or repeatedly touching the horse on the neck to lower the head; Fall to ground; Failure to enter, exit or work obstacle from correct side or direction, including overturns of more than 1/4 turn; Failure to work an obstacle other than how it is described; Outside boundary marker of arena or course area; 3rd refusal; Failure to demonstrate correct lead or gait; On line of demonstrate correct lead or gait; On line of travel, head consistently carried too low or over flexed, except in Novice classes.
SHW461. AQHA Trail
SHW463. Scoring. Scoring will be on the basis of 0-infinity, with 70 denoting an average performance. Each obstacle will receive an obstacle score that should be added or subtracted from 70 and is subject to a penalty that should be subtracted. Each obstacle will be scored on the following basis, ranging from plus 1 1/2 to minus 1 1/2: -1 1/2 extremely poor, -1 very poor, -1/2 poor, 0 correct, +1/2 good, +1 very good, +1 1/2 excellent. Obstacle scores are to be determined and assessed independently of penalty points.
SHW464. Penalties should be assessed, per occurrence, as follows:
SHW464.1 One-half (1/2) point each tick or contact of log, pole, cone, plant, or any component of an obstacle.
SHW464.2 One (1) point each hit, bite, or stepping on a log, cone, plant or any component of the obstacle incorrect or break of gait at walk or jog for two strides or less both front or hind feet in a single-strided slot or space at a walk or jog skipping over or failing to step into required space split pole in lope-over incorrect number of strides, if specified
SHW464.3 Three (3) points incorrect or break of gait at walk or jog for more than two strides out of lead or break of gait at lope (except when correcting an incorrect lead) knocking down an elevated pole, cone, barrel, plant, obstacle, or severely disturbing an obstacle falling or jumping off or out of a bridge or a water box with one foot once the horse has got onto or into that obstacle stepping outside of the confines of an obstacle with designated boundaries (i.e. back through, 360-degree box, side pass) with one foot once the horse has entered the obstacle missing or evading a pole that is a part of a series of an obstacle with one foot
SHW464.4 Five (5) points dropping slicker or object required to be carried on course first or second cumulative refusal, balk, or evading an obstacle by shying or backing letting go of gate or dropping rope gate use of either hand to instill fear or praise falling or jumping off or out of a bridge or a water box with more than one foot once The horse has got onto or into that obstacle stepping outside of the confines of an obstacle with designated boundaries (i.e. back through, 360-degree box, side pass) with more than one foot once the horse has entered the obstacle, missing or evading a pole that is a part of a series of an obstacle with more than one-foot blatant disobedience (including kicking out, bucking, rearing, striking) holding saddle with either hand
SHW464.5 Disqualified O - Score use of two hands (except in snaffle bit or hackamore classes designated for two hands) or changing hands on reins; except for junior horses shown with hackamore or snaffle bit, only one hand may be used on the reins, except that it is permissible to change hands to work an obstacle as outlined in WESTERN EQUIPMENT, or to straighten reins when stopped, use of romal other than as outlined in WESTERN EQUIPMENT performing the obstacle incorrectly or other than in specified order no attempt to perform an obstacle equipment failure that delays completion of pattern excessively or repeatedly touching the horse on the neck to lower the head entering or exiting an obstacle from the incorrect side or direction working obstacle the incorrect direction; including overturns of more than 1/4 turn riding outside designated boundary marker of the arena or course area third cumulative refusal, balk, or evading an obstacle by shying or backing failure to ever demonstrate correct lead and/or gait as designated failure to follow the correct line of travel between obstacles excessive schooling, pulling, turning, stepping or backing anywhere on course
failure to open and shut gate or failure to complete gate (except for level 1 or rookie classes where they place below all who complete course correctly)
SHW464.7 Faults which will be cause for disqualification that occur on the line of travel between obstacles, except in Rookie/Level 1amateur or Rookie/Level 1 youth classes which shall be faults scored according to severity, include (1) head carried too low (tip of ear below the withers consistently); (2) over flexing or straining neck in head carriage so the nose is carried behind the vertical consistently.