Section 13 Saddle Seat Division
- Approved protective helmet
- Saddle suit of conservative colors or Kentucky jodhpurs with matching jacket (informal attire)
- Day coats allowed in any class except equitation & showmanship at halter
- Jodhpurs boots with a distinguishable heel
- Tie
- Shirt
- Gloves
- Blunt rowelled or unrowelled spurs – must have strap
- Whips
- Chaps
- Rowelled spurs
- Clip-on spurs
- Flat English type saddle
- Full bridle or pelham, including cavesson, browband, throatlatch and appropriate curb chain
- Triple fold leather, shaped leather or white web girth
- Saddle pad
- Whips
- Chin straps or curb chains less than 1/2" in width
- Forward seat English saddle
- Western saddle
- Breastplate
- Dropped noseband
- Kimberwicke
- Martingale
- Tie down
- Protective boots
- Draw reins, side reins, chambon, nose reins, gogue and other similar training devices. (This includes use for practice or warm-up.)
- Bit converter
- Allowed in practice ring or warm-up
- Running/working martingales/training forks
- Leg wraps, splint boots
- Bell boots
Any equine (registered or grade) is eligible to compete in this division as long as all other 4-H requirements are met. Breed type is not a factor in judging.
Saddle Seat Equitation - In equitation classes only the rider is being judged, therefore any equine that is suitable for this type of riding and which is capable of performing the required class routine is acceptable. It should be remembered that the equine's performance is directly influenced by the rider and the rider's ability to effectively communicate commands to the equine.
- Judges should note that the required Equitation Seat should in no way be exaggerated but be thoroughly efficient and most comfortable for riding the type of equine called for at any gait and for any length of time.
- In Saddle Seat Equitation classes, riders should convey impression of effective and easy control. To show a equine well, he should show himself to the best advantage. Ring generalship must be taken into consideration by the judges. A complete picture of the whole is of major importance.
- Basic Position - To obtain proper position, rider should place himself comfortably in the saddle and should find his center of gravity by sitting with a slight bend at the knees but without use of irons. While in this position adjust leathers to fit. Irons should be placed under ball of foot (not toe nor "home") with even pressure on entire width of sole and center of iron. Foot position should be natural (neither extremely in nor out).
- Hands - Hands should be held in an easy position, neither perpendicular nor horizontal to the saddle and should show sympathy, adaptability and control. The height the hands are held above the equine's withers is a matter of how and where the equine carries his head. The method of holding the reins is optional however both hands must be used and all reins must be picked up at one time. Bight of rein should be on the off side.
- Position in Motion:
- Walk - slight motion in saddle.
- Trot - slight elevation in saddle posting; hips under body not mechanical up-and-down nor swinging forward and backward.
- Intermediate Gait - a four beat lateral gait, including but not limited to the following gaits: running walk, fox trot, single foot, and the gaits of the Paso Fino.
- Canter - close seat, going with equine.
- Slow Gait - steady in saddle, no slap nor twist; legs straight down, intermittent sawing.
- Rack - seat smooth in saddle; legs down and slightly back, not thrust forward; hands low in motion with gait, not sawing but placement optional to individual rider and equine.
- Basic Position - To obtain proper position, rider should place himself comfortably in the saddle and should find his center of gravity by sitting with a slight bend at the knees but without use of irons. While in this position adjust leathers to fit. Irons should be placed under ball of foot (not toe nor "home") with even pressure on entire width of sole and center of iron. Foot position should be natural (neither extremely in nor out).
- Class Routines - Class to enter the ring, turning right and proceeding in a counterclockwise direction. Class shall proceed at least once around ring at each gait and on command, reverse and repeat. The order to reverse may be executed by turning toward or away from the rail. The gaits which will be used are walk, trot and canter. The class will be called to line up for close inspection and each rider may be asked to back his equine at least 3 steps in a straight line and/or execute any appropriate tests as follows:
- Pick up reins
- Back for not more than 8 steps
- Doing the figure 8 at the trot, demonstrating a change of diagonals
- Doing a figure 8 at a canter, demonstrating a simple change of leads
- Riding without stirrups for a brief period of time, no more than one minute at the trot
- Execute serpentine at a trot and/or canter on correct lead, demonstrating simple change of lead
English Pleasure Saddle Seat - Equines are to be shown at the walk, trot and canter, both ways of the ring. The pleasure equine should be easy to handle, obedient and consistent. Light contact with the equine's mouth must be maintained. It is recommended that equines be brought to a flat-footed walk before changing gaits. Pulling, tossing of the head, going sideways and other indications of poor manners will be penalized. Equines may be shown with either a full or roached mane, long or short tail. Tails must be carried naturally. Manners and suitability as a pleasure mount are paramount. May cross enter in any other class, including Park or Classic Country Pleasure.
- Class Routine
- Gaits
- Walk - true and flat-footed.
- Trot - brisk, smart, cadenced and balanced, without loss of form; smoothness more essential than extreme speed. An extended trot may be called for at the judge's option.
- Intermediate Gait - a four beat lateral gait, including but not limited to the following gaits: running walk, fox trot, single foot, and the gaits of the Paso Fino.
- Canter - smooth, collected and straight on both leads.
- All equines will enter the ring in a counterclockwise direction at the trot until they are otherwise directed by the judge. They should go at least once around the entire ring at each of the three gaits: walk, trot and canter. All equines will be asked to reverse and work in a similar manner in that direction. The reverse may be done by turning towards or away from the rail.
- After all entries have been worked as specified above, the judge may then excuse contestants not to be further considered in the class.
- The judge may ask for additional work from any of the remaining entries. Equines may be asked to back.
- Gaits
Park Saddle - Equines are to be shown at a walk, trot and canter, both ways of the ring. The park equine should display brilliance, collection and animation in the performance, along with proficiency in executing the required gaits. Equines should stand quietly and back readily. Equines may be shown with a full or roached mane, long or short tail. Tails must be carried naturally. May cross enter in any other class, except Classic Country Pleasure.
- Class Routine
- Gaits
- Walk - a true, cadenced, four-beat walk, with equine collected
- Trot - animated, natural and cadenced, with impulsion and power from behind; the front light and airy
- Intermediate Gait – a four beat lateral gait, including but not limited to the following gaits: running walk, fox trot, single foot, and the gaits of the Paso Fino.
- Canter - true, collected, animated and unhurried, the movement light and airy, with more elevation than in pleasure classes. The equine is to be balanced, supple and mobile; to be straight on both leads.
- All equines will enter the ring in a counterclockwise direction at the trot until otherwise directed by the judge. They will go at least once around the entire ring at each of the three gaits, walk, trot and canter. All equines will be reversed and worked in that direction as already described. The reverse must be done by turning toward the rail.
- All equines shall be brought to a flat-footed walk before changing gait.
- After all equines have been worked as specified above, the judge may excuse contestants not to be further considered in the class.
- The judge may ask for additional work from any of the remaining entries. Equines may be asked to back.
- Gaits
Road Hack - To be judged on performance, manners and suitability for road hack equines. Equines are to be shown at a walk, trot, extended trot, canter and hand gallop. The road hack should be obedient, consistent and easy to handle. The equine should back readily if asked to. At any time during the class the judge may ask equines to halt and walk off on a loose rein.
- Scoring - Emphasis in this class will be placed on both the performance and the conformation of the equine. The scoring of the equine's performance will be based on the smoothness of the overall performance and especially on the ability to extend the trot by actually lengthening the stride rather than just moving on with more speed. Conformation will take into account soundness, quality and substance.
- Class Routine
- Gaits
- Walk - flat-footed, rapid, elastic
- Trot - square, collected and balanced
- Extended trot - balanced, ground covering; ability to extend the fore legs rather than merely increase speed
- Intermediate Gait - a four beat lateral gait, including but not limited to the following gaits: running walk, fox trot, single foot, and the gaits of the Paso Fino.
- Canter - smooth, collected and straight on both leads
- Hand - gallop - excessive speed to be penalized.
- All contestants will enter the ring at a posting trot in a counterclockwise direction until they are otherwise directed by the judge. They shall then go at least once around the entire ring at each of the three gaits - walk, trot and canter. All equines shall also be asked to extend the trot. They shall all then be asked to reverse and work in a similar manner in that direction. The reverse must be done by turning toward the rail.
- After all equines have been worked as specified in (B) above, the judge may dismiss any equines not to be considered further in the class.
- All equines being considered for an award shall be asked to back a minimum of 3 steps in a straight line, and hand gallop one way of the ring, with no more than 1/2 of the class to hand gallop at one time.
- Gaits
Versatility - Class is designed to test the versatility of equine and rider. Equines are to be shown at the walk, trot and canter in saddle seat attire. Riders will be asked to dismount. Tack and attire is then changed, in the ring, to western and equine is shown at walk, jog, intermediate gait and lope. Two grooms or attendants may assist with unsaddling, but shall not enter the ring until directed to do so. Equipment may be removed from ring as soon as unsaddling is completed.
- Scoring - Scoring is determined 50% saddle seat pleasure and 50% western pleasure. Class is judged on performance, manners, way of going and suitability.
Classic Country Pleasure - Equines are to be shown at a walk, normal trot, strong trot and canter. The Country Pleasure equine should give the distinct appearance of being a pleasure to ride. A quiet, responsive mouth is paramount. All gaits must be performed with willingness and obvious ease, cadence, balance, and smoothness. Transition from one gait to another should be smooth and effortless. Extreme knee motion and speed are to be penalized. Equines will be asked to halt on the rail, stand quietly, back and walk off on a loose rein at least one direction of the ring. May cross enter in any other class, except Park Saddle Class.
- Class Routine
- Gaits
- Walk - a true, flat-footed, ground covering four-beat gait. Special emphasis will be placed on the walk for this class.
- Normal Trot - an overall balanced, relaxed, easy-going two-beat gait with elasticity and freedom of movement. High action must be penalized.
- Strong Trot - a faster two-beat gait with lengthened stride, maintaining balance, ease and freedom of movement. High action must be penalized.
- Intermediate Gait - a four beat lateral gait, including but not limited to the following gaits: running walk, fox trot, single foot, and the gaits of the Paso Fino.
- Canter - a smooth, unhurried three-beat gait, which is to be straight and correct on both leads.
- All equines will enter the ring in a counterclockwise direction at the trot until otherwise directed by the judge.
- After all equines have been worked as specified above, the judge may excuse contestants not to be further considered in the class.
- The judge may ask for additional work from any of the remaining entries.
- Gaits
Command - This is to be a fun class where the equine and rider can demonstrate their skills and obedience. Any rider not executing the judge's exact command promptly and correctly is eliminated. Assistants may be stationed at various points of the ring to aid in the observing and eliminating of contestants who fail to follow commands. Placings are made in the reverse order of elimination. Safety is to be kept in mind and legal saddle seat division tack and equipment must be used.
- Commands may include but are not limited to:
- Walk
- Trot
- Intermediate gait
- Canter
- Halt
- Reverse at any gait or at the halt
- Go from a gait to any other gait
- Counter canter
- Back up into a straight line or into a reverse