Cleaning, Sanitizing, Hygienic Design
Sanitation Workshops will Return!
We have completed offering workshops in 2022. However, the IFS@CU and UVM Extension Ag Engineering in collaboration with Cornell Cooperative Extension teams across New York State hope to host additional workshops on Cleaning and Sanitizing on Produce Farms and in Packing Facilities in 2023.
We will post announcements for future workshops here. Join our mailing list to stay updated.
Cleaning, Sanitizing, Hygienic Design Video Series
Color Coding Cleaning Tools
Watch this short video from our Cleaning, Sanitizing and Hygienic Design series, which addresses five general rules on how to establish a color coding system in your pack house or food facility.
Cleaning – Part 1
Assessing your Operation
This is a 2-part short video series on Cleaning. In Part 1, cleaning is defined within the context of establishing a sanitation program for a farm or packinghouse. It also covers considerations as an effective cleaning plan is established, including the importance of communication, identifying surfaces that need cleaned and their attributes, assessing infrastructure and tools, training priorities, and finally, recordkeeping.
Cleaning – Part 2
Wet and Dry Cleaning
In Part 2, both wet and dry cleaning are described as well as considerations regarding water management and assessing if surfaces have been effectively cleaned.
Cleaning vs. Sanitizing Fact Sheet
Follow this step-by-step guide for cleaning and sanitizing.
Based on the curriculum presented in the Produce Safety Alliance’s Grower Training Curriculum, this fact sheet explains the difference between cleaning and sanitizing, and then details the four steps to cleaning and sanitizing. Remember, “You cannot sanitize a dirty surface!” You must clean a surface first and then sanitize it.
Sample Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Update this sanitation SOP to use in your facility.
This sanitation SOP (also known as an SSOP) provides an example of the step-by-step instructions you should follow to clean and sanitize the surfaces, tools and equipment in your operation. The sample provides an outline of what should be included in a sanitation SOP, including the purpose, scope, responsibility, materials and procedures. Most importantly, this sanitation SOP needs to be updated for use within your facility!
- Download the template as a Word document to edit and create a sanitation SOP for your operation.
Cleaning and Sanitizing Record Template
Use this template to keep a record of cleaning and sanitizing tools or equipment on your farm.
Your operation can use this Cleaning and Sanitizing Record Template (developed by the Produce Safety Alliance, IFS@CU, and UVM Extension Ag Engineering) to keep a record of when and how you clean and/or sanitize tools or equipment on your farm. The first page of the template provides an example of how you would complete the record. The second page is a blank template that you can print and use.
Cleaning and Sanitizing Operational Assessment
Use this template to assess practices and resources on your farm.
Your operation can use this Cleaning and Sanitizing Operational Assessment (developed by the Produce Safety Alliance) to assess practices and resources on fruit and vegetable farms to help develop an effective sanitation program. Sanitation includes cleaning, sanitizing, and drying food contact surfaces as appropriate.
Selecting a Sanitary Design Consultant
Use this document as an aid when considering a sanitary design consultant for your facility.
As your sanitation program is developed and refined, you may need the guidance and assistance of an experienced consultant who can bring technical knowledge and expertise to evaluate elements of sanitary design in your facility. They can assist with assessments to identify sanitation needs, equipment selection, training goals, and even design for new construction. This document discusses how to select a consultant and how to get the most out of the relationship.
Do Not Mix Chemicals Sign
Facility signage
Post this sign as a reminder of the DOs and DON’Ts for using detergents, sanitizers, disinfectants and acids in your operation.
NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation Bureau of Pesticides Management
Information portal
Provides pesticide product information and allows you to search a database of products. It also provides information about restrictions for use of products in New York State.
Hygienic Design for Produce Farms
Evaluate the hygienic design of the equipment in your operation with this guide and checklist.
The University of Vermont’s Extension AG Engineering website has resources available on the hygienic design for produce farms. On their website, you can download a guide that outlines the five key principles of hygienic design of equipment found on produce farms. You can also download an On-Farm Hygienic Design Checklist and instructions that can be used to evaluate the equipment in your produce operation and help you to determine a plan of action to improve areas of design in your operation and to identify preventive or reactive maintenance.
ATP Testing Fact Sheet
Learn how ATP testing can verify if your cleaning program is effective.
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) test kits can help you measure the effectiveness of your sanitation procedures. Visual inspections to monitor the cleanliness of your facility are subjective. ATP monitoring provides an objective procedure to determine if your sanitation procedures are effectively cleaning the surfaces in your facility.
Additional Resources by Program
UVM Extension Ag Engineering
- Guide to Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Sanitizing
- Postharvest and wash/pack planning (recorded webinar here)
- Wash/Pack case studies (everything from a dairy barn conversion to a brand new building)
- Dosing calculator for sanitizers
- Sanitizer dispensing options
- AZS Rinse Conveyor User’s Guide and video. We have a user’s group that connects yearly about the machine and include the manufacturer in the conversation.
Produce Safety Alliance (PSA)
PSA in Spanish
- Sanitizer Fact Sheet
- Sanitizer Tutorial
- Sanitizer Tool
- FSMA Produce Safety Rule Required Records (All records in word format for easy editing on PSA resources page)
- Short videos for worker training
National GAPs Program
- 15 minute food safety training videos (Fruits, Vegetables, and Food Safety; Health and Hygiene on the Farm) in English, Spanish, Hmong, and Haitian Creole
- Collection of template SOPs and Recordkeeping sheets
- Worker training posters (handwashing, toilet paper disposal), magnets, photonovellas, and other training materials
This work is supported by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, Specialty Crop Block Grant, Agreement # C00198GG, Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Sanitary Design: Helping Specialty Crop Growers Develop Effective Sanitation Programs. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed on this website are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets.