Exemptions and Exclusions
Land Use Issues
On-Farm Readiness Review (OFRR)
- Records Required by the FSMA Produce Safety Rule (Version 3 updated 1/21/2025 to include revisions to agricultural water-related records requirements)
- Template Records in Word format (Version 3 updated 1/21/2025)
- Introduction to Selecting an EPA-Labeled Sanitizer (URLs updated 10/13/22)
- Produce Safety Alliance EPA-Labeled Sanitizers for Produce - Web Tool
- United Fresh—Guidance on Environmental Monitoring and Control of Listeria for the Fresh Produce Industry
- Cleaning vs. Sanitizing (URLs updated 10/13/22)
COVID 19 Sanitation Information
The EPA N list was created specifically to help the public find products that can be used to disinfect or sanitize surfaces that are contaminated with the novel coronavirus, which causes COVID-19. The EPA has stated that each of those products is appropriate for that purpose. Straightforward information on the development of the EPA N list, and how it can be used to cross-reference products, can be found in the N list FAQs document.
Soil Amendments
- FSMA Produce Safety Rule: Documentation Requirements for Commercial Soil Amendment Suppliers (URLs updated 10/13/22)
- Produce Safety Factors to Consider when Using Biological Soil Amendments of Animal Origin (BSAAO) (URLs updated 10/13/22)
Revised Pre-Harvest Agricultural Water Requirements
The FDA published amendments to the FSMA Produce Safety Rule on May 6, 2024, with an effective date of July 05, 2024. Compliance dates for the pre-harvest agricultural water provisions are listed in this chart (resource coming soon). PSA is working to address the revisions by updating many of the General Resources listed for water. In the meantime, the resources remain available because they still contain useful information. Updated versions will be uploaded as soon as possible. Refer to revision dates to know which resources have been updated to reflect the revised pre-harvest water requirements: versions with revisions dates after May 2024 will contain updated information.
The FSMA PSR requirements related to agricultural water used for sprouts, and agricultural water used during harvest and postharvest activities, have not changed and are currently being enforced.
- Video presentation of Revised Module 5-1
This video presentation of Revised Module 5-1 (Version 1.2a) will update the pre-harvest agricultural water requirements presented during the PSA Grower Training (GT) Course using a previous version of the curriculum (Versions 1.0-1.2). This recording delivers Revised Module 5-1 in its entirety. If you attended the PSA GT Course before June 2024, it is likely that you were presented the old version of Revised Module 5-1. After successfully viewing this full video, you will be eligible for a Certificate of Completion.
Related Resources:
• Please download the Revised Module 5-1 handout to follow along and take notes.
• A list of resources discussed during the recorded presentation. - Resources Related to Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule Requirements for Agricultural Water Used During Harvest and Postharvest (21 CFR 112 Subpart E)
- FSMA Produce Safety Rule Water Requirements: Insights to Get You Organized! Focus on Harvest and Postharvest Uses (Version 2, November 2023)
- FSMA Produce Safety Rule: Agricultural Water System Inspection is Different from the Proposed Agricultural Water Assessment (new May 2023)
- The Water Analysis Method Requirement in the FSMA Produce Safety Rule (Updated April 2019 to reflect recent FDA announcements, URLs update 10/13/22)
- FSMA Produce Safety Rule: Documentation Requirements for Water Laboratory Analysis Results (September 2023)
- Agricultural Water Tools and Calculators
- Water Summit Summary
Wall, G. L., Clements, D. P., Fisk, C. L., Stoeckel, D. M., Woods, K. L. and Bihn, E. A. (2019), Meeting Report: Key Outcomes from a Collaborative Summit on Agricultural Water Standards for Fresh Produce. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. doi:10.1111/1541-4337.12434
Worker Training
- Fruit and Vegetable Food Safety Training Video for Field Employees
(Available in English, Spanish, Creole, Hmong)
United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
- Foodborne Illness & Contaminants
- Recalls, Outbreaks, & Emergencies
- Food Defense
- FDA Food Guidance Documents