Our faculty, staff and students are making a difference in the lives of people throughout the world.

As one of the premier food science programs in the nation, we apply the principles of science and engineering to ensure the nutritional value, safety and quality of foods in the United States and around the globe. Our program integrates the disciplines of chemistry, biology, nutrition, physiology, biotechnology and engineering to ensure that all people have access to healthy, affordable food.

Our faculty, staff and students are at the forefront of:

  • Identifying and limiting outbreaks of foodborne illnesses.
  • Developing new food sources and preservation methods to expand the available food supply for a growing world population.
  • Improving the quality and consumer appeal of products on store shelves.
  • Developing foods that may someday travel to other planets with astronauts.

The demand for food scientists is increasing as our world becomes more focused on the vital role that food plays in the well-being of individuals, communities and nations. Currently, more job opportunities exist than we have graduates to fill positions. Our faculty, students and graduates work with government regulatory agencies, the food industry and researchers across the world.

Our mission

Our mission is to educate and develop undergraduate and graduate students for leadership roles in the food industry, academia and government; conduct research that will expand our understanding of the biological/microbiological, chemical, physical, sensory, nutritional and engineering properties of foods and beverages to enhance the health-promoting properties, palatability and availability of consumables and to add value to raw agricultural products, with a particular emphasis on New York state products; and transfer research-based information and technology to the food systems of New York state, the nation and the world.

Department of Food Science by the numbers


Food science majors


graduate students


faculty members